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Posts posted by mikel

  1. That whole "Remastered" thing is a big no no for me. I have been replacing some of my vinyl and the new pressings of some of the 60s and 70s stuff is re mastered, or in Stereo? I want to replace the original albums so I have trawled the vinyl stores and come up with some of the originals in great condition. Just because the technology exists to re master something or make it faux stereo is no excuse. Put old recordings onto the modern playback mediums by all means, but dont mess with the original performance/recording, its a bit of musical history.

  2. What still gets me, even now, is the vocals on the original mono recordings. They jump out of the speaker/s. For want of a better word they have huge amounts of heft. The sheer jump up and down excitement of "She Loves You" blasting out in mono is still a joy.

    I saw the film and it simply proved they were an awesome live band, even though they could not even hear what they were playing as individuals never mind as a band. The audience could also hear bugger all with all the screaming, so its no surprise they packed in live gigs.

    Could you imagine even a semi pro band now playing "Blind" as it were, without any monitoring or being able to hear the vocals? How far through the first song would they get before it all fell to bits?

  3. The big difference between an open mic and a jam, to me anyway, is....at an open mic its usually playing a song with people you dont know, but you all have some idea about the song you agree to play, an old classic probably. At a , real to me, jam, someone comes up with a bass line or a chord progression and the rest follow, add there interpretation, and it expands, ebbs and flows to suit the musicians.

  4. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1491246178' post='3271568']
    This thread is interesting reading. Possibly not what I expect but never mind :P

    I don't think I want to give up music - which is were I was getting to - but I think I need to take a break, take the pressure off myself, and find out what I really want to do that I will enjoy. Not just anything that comes along.

    You've all helped a lot. Really!!

    Anything that you feel is "Pressuring" you, be it music or whatever, you should stop doing if you can. We usually do stuff like music because it gives us pleasure, not pressure.

  5. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1491157674' post='3270913']
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, you cannot insult this guy. Many have tried in posts before this and he has remained dignified, calm and stood by his point of view regardless of what was thrown his way. He is as constant as the North Star. Well more of a western pub group celeb but you know what I mean. :D

    You mean he wont listen to what anyone else says, about anything????

  6. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1491151760' post='3270833']
    "Their logic ties me up and rapes me"
    Well you cant argue with that! :D

    Exactly , sir, but it was the bit about Elephants just prior to that line that gets me. I love animals, especially grey ones.

  7. Clapton is only 71, its nowt. He was only laid up through bronchitis, perhaps he will give up the fags now. As Billy Connolly said "Every fag you smoke takes an hour off your life, and gives it to Keith Richards." I think Keith beat Eric to the Crossroads, that's the only reason he is still hear.

  8. If you tutor as a business there is no reason at all why you should not be asking your "customers" If they are getting what they want from the lessons. And you should be reviewing there progress, If its not where you think it should be you can always ask why? Is it you, the tutor at fault, or are they struggling to find time to put in the practice needed to move on to the next lesson? It never hurts to ask, and it shows you are interested in more than just taking the money.

  9. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1491052527' post='3270186']
    another 15 years all the care homes will be stuffed full of old Punks, I'll have a whole new career :)

    Yep. In 5 years time they will be full of old Hippies wanting Rock and Prog. 10 years after that the Punks can kick out all the old fart music and demand a new wave.

  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1490905723' post='3269012']
    The thing I find amazing is that people still want to keep doing loads of stuff when they get old. I couldn't wait to get old so I'd have an excuse to stop doing stuff.

    Being old is a mindset. I have played, and had epic bike rides, with people in there 70s and felt like I was with 25 year old's. Conversely I have spent time with 25 year old's and thought "Bloody hell, you think and sound like an old man".

    You don't stop doing things because you get old, you get old because you stop doing things..

  11. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1490822299' post='3268401']
    You do need to 'shop around', and find the right tutor. This may depend on what it is that you want to learn, and improve on.

    I had the one guy from when I was about 15. I used to travel to London once a month with my parents, and have a 2 hour lesson with him. He then became the programme leader on my degree course, and I continued having private lessons from him. He's still a very good friend of mine.

    When I started to get more into soloing and more advanced styles, and 6 string playing, then I sought out another tutor, this was Steve Lawson, the guy who ended up having a major influence on my playing.

    After 50+ years of playing I think I would have given it up by now If I was not entirely happy with my ability to play what I want, under my own steam. Still getting interested in new genres and picking up bits and bobs from music that interests me. I learn what I feel I can use and ignore what holds no interest for me personally.

  12. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490793651' post='3268049']
    At 62 years old, I learned exactly the same way as yourself. This did not stop me going for lessons later in life. I regard the time and money spent on lessons as a major benefit. I too am still playing...only better...since I took lessons. ;)

    Good, I am glad it helped with the issues you had. I enjoy what I play and I am perfectly happy. I still learn new stuff, recently got into Fusion, I just prefer to do it my way, not the way someone else thinks is right. Each to there own. ;)

  13. Never had a tutor. Back in the day there was no such thing, not that I was aware of anyway. It was rock and roll and it was being made up on the spot. Learned to play bass the same way I learned the drums, by listening and practice. Going to a tutor would have made it too much like school, something I had to do, rather than breaking the rules and doing something that was "Ours" not the establishments. Never deliberately played a scale or felt the need to learn to read music. Still playing and loving it after 50 years.

  14. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1490716455' post='3267340']
    Currently on our 5th drummer, all the other members of the band have remained the same. Each drummer has always come with their own list of issues, current one is a great drummer, great voice,[b] but no transport which is normally a must for a drummer![/b] The drum kit is spread out among the rest of the band to transport to gigs!

    I bought my last 4 vehicles based on the fact I had to get my drum kit in the back. A drummer with no transport? He wont last.

  15. Never had a problem with drummers. Vocalists? now they are a breed apart. We had/tried 7 different vocalists in the first 18 months of my last covers band.None of them had any PA at all, not even something they could use as a monitor, most didnt even own a mic, and some had no idea with regard to timing, when to come in, when to shut up. Three who were pretty good said they were in, then drifted away after about three or 4 rehearsals. One woman, who was amazing was all for it and full of enthusiasm, impressed so much we changed the set to suit her voice and style. Then she left claiming ill health. Perhaps it was the drummer put her off.

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