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Posts posted by mikel

  1. Worst gig? First gig with a new band back in 1980. Lunchtime slot supporting the King Crabs, Jimmy Nails band, at a CIU club in Newcastle. Having to use there kit and backline, the drummer spends the whole set whacking the back of his left hand as the Crabs drummer has his hi-hat set low for R and B. Huge swollen bruise on hand. Guitarist spilts his finger open on string end and finishes our set with blood all over the neck of his guitar. Vocalist panics and forgets most of the original songs lyrics. We come off stage to have a consolation drink with wives and girlfriends and.............on comes the stripper. At lunchtime?????????

  2. A spare bass, in case your no1 packs up. A spare amp, you can never bee too careful. Lots of strings, leads, plecs and pedals, plus gaffa tape and a tool kit. Book a hire car just in case yours breaks down on the day. Have a mate who is first aid trained ready to give CPR just in case the stress gets to you with pre gig nerves. Check the fire safety certificate is up to date on the venue, you cant be too careful where wiring is concerned, and make sure you know where the fire exits are. Lastly, whatever you do, do not go anywhere near a can of Heinz Baked Beans in the 48 hours before the gig, unless you want to be hospitalised by one of those delinquent cans..

    That should do it, and good luck.

  3. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1480003009' post='3180940']
    +1. A very under rated bassist.

    For anyone new to blues bass, all you need to do is listen to his contribution on the John Mayall "Beano" album (John Mayall & Eric Clapton).

    +1 Listen to the very early Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac. Some of the best white man blues on record.

  4. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1479915011' post='3180259']
    Good idea. I have often answered adverts for a "blues" band. When I get their set list, it is often a LOT different to my interpretation of blues.

    FWIW my interpretation of blues and some artists bands to check out on You Tube would be :

    John Mayall's Bluesbreakers...Buddy Guy...BB, Albert & Freddy King..John Lee Hooker...early Fleetwood Mac (with Peter Greene)....Johnny Winter...Chicken Shack...

    As already mentioned...a good blues bass book I would recommend is :


    Quite. A lot of so called Blues bands are 12 bar bands. Often the same format though.

  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1479849632' post='3179813']
    You don't gig in a band, then?

    Of course, but thats making music with other musicians, and that equals more than the sum of its parts. Its not sitting in a room by myself with a video recorder running showing other bassists how cute I am and how well I can play. But each to there own, just my point of view. There again if you simply want everyone to agree, a forum would be a boring place, would it not?

  6. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1479843368' post='3179754']
    all the people in the video are better than me and fair play to them I love the music but am not bothered that people are better than me

    Does that not tell you something then? How many beginners or average players post vids of themselves on here?

    Its probably just me being old and British but I have an aversion to showing off. They are all better than me also but frankly who cares what someone looks like playing something? Its music, its what it sounds like that counts. Bah humbug....Nurse, my medication.

  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1479748985' post='3178952']
    That's exactly what I'm talking about.

    You took the time to think and realized you don't have the time to be in a band.

    Some guys will just join a band when they don't have the time and waste others time.

    [b]I quit my job/career because life is too short and working with and playing in a band was where my head and heart was at[/b].

    By design, I'm not in any type of life relationship that would interfere with gigging.


    Yea but thats a whole different ball game. Most of us do this for fun, we might make a few quid by accident but its rarely the motivation. Anyone looking for the perfect band is looking to be disappointed. If you are looking to make a living at it you have to take pretty much what you get.

  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1479246718' post='3175102']
    That's 60s urban legend, outside of Keith Moon I don't think many bands behaved that way.

    Plus The Stones probably own the hotel.


    Wrong. In the 60s and 70s it was the way to behave. Now? probably not. The Stones , the Who, Led Zep etc trashed hotels for fun back in the day.

  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1478883376' post='3172451']
    I've never heard that saying.

    Absolutely not.

    Joinabanditis means joining any band with no thought put into it or no questions asked. Just join a band so you can say your in a band.

    And it's certainly is not valid for those looking for more than fun.
    [b]Joining a band without a plan or an[/b]
    [b]understanding of what you want or what the band has to offer does not lead to fun, it leads to disappointment and a negative band experience.[/b]

    Your "don't take it so heavy" approach is actually why many younger musicians develop a dislike of bands and playing in bands.


    Why should that be a default setting? I have joined quite a few bands with no clear plan as I enjoy playing with others. Often it has led to a new and interesting musical experience. Also, its music, its an art form, you should try and step outside your comfort zone sometimes. Sometimes it wont work but so what? nothing ventured etc. No one gets hurt.

  10. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1479583487' post='3177686']
    £300, thanks. Not gonna pay for promo/new PA/gear/petrol with the warm feelings from a good gig.

    Don't get me wrong, the crowd make or break a gig. But, ultimately, I'm in my main band or depping for the money.
    If we have a quiet one, then forget it and move on to the next. Unfortunately, it's not too common here and pubs are usually busy.

    When I played originals then the opposite applied and the money wasn't really a factor.

    What I was getting at is that playing to an empty room for 300 quid will soon be a thing of the past, cos venue owners cant keep doing it. Economics. And, as I dont play to make a living, I would always chose the full house.

  11. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1479391581' post='3176187']
    Does "different" = "cool"?? If so, then they're cool - anything which distinguishes you from the crowd...

    Possibly, but does being a complete gimp not also distinguish one from the crowd?

    I have known a few f***wits and they were anything but cool.

  12. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1479398865' post='3176261']
    Have to take gentle issue around 'average filler stuff' ! They were doing material with quirky arrangements, haunting vocals and meaningful lyrics at a time when it was not fashionable, the British Steely Dan?
    Just looking for my copy of one of their CDs.[b] I believe they were signed to the Kitchenware label initally and based in the NE.[/b]

    Hot dog, jumpin frog, Albuquerque!

    They are from Co Durham, hence the "Langley Park to Memphis" Album title.

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