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Everything posted by TheDarkReaver

  1. Korpiklaani - Kipakka
  2. Billy Talent - Sympathy
  3. Celtic Frost - Dans Macabre (What a f***ing scary tune)
  4. Fall Out Boy - The Pros ans Cons of Breathing
  5. Sounds like pull-offs to me.
  6. Wow, the black looks cool. I'd like to try one of those in 5-string. Bet it will dive faster than a greasy swimmer though.
  7. [quote name='Jase' post='369715' date='Jan 4 2009, 01:49 AM']Just heard about this...myspace bulletin: Jeff Berlin on Talkbass on Jan. 10 at 11 am EST[/quote] Is he coming to sort out all those people that hate him or something?
  8. I didn't realise OLP were run buy the same people as B.C Rich.
  9. [quote name='Jambo63' post='368226' date='Jan 2 2009, 08:55 AM']...absolutely love Sex on Fire, the bassline is so good.[/quote] So do I:
  10. Today I've been playing a bit of the theme tune for the '90s X-men cartoon. I want my band to use it as our new intro piece.
  11. [quote name='Rowbee' post='367749' date='Jan 1 2009, 02:18 PM']Big surprise for me was Sam Sparro whose Black and Gold single I hate yet with Jools' band sounded amazing.[/quote] I agree, I was suprised how good it sounded. Shows what you can do with a good arrangement.
  12. [quote name='BassManKev' post='367770' date='Jan 1 2009, 02:38 PM']i am, but i dont ever go on there, cannot stand the place, i tried to like it but i got an official warning for saying 'bloody' in a post, kinda finished any interest i had[/quote] Really? I've never had one for using the word 'bloody'. I am a bit confuddled about 'wtf' being automatically asterixed though.
  13. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='367566' date='Jan 1 2009, 10:11 AM']Watched it drunk when I got back in.[/quote] Same, blacked out half way through though, so I'll watch the rest later. I liked Jool's drummer and the ting tings. Looking forward to Lily.
  14. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='367148' date='Dec 31 2008, 03:26 PM']got that for my grandson for xmas... he loves it... I am the coolest granddad of them all... also got my granddaughter a Hannah Montana acoustic guitar... yeah well, it's a phase she's going through, but if it gets her playing I'm all for it...[/quote] I wish you were my grandad
  15. A thought of awesome no less.
  16. Someone I knew had a Stingray copy of theres, and I used it for a gig once. Wasn't too bad if I remember. Does anybody else want one of [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/spongebob.html"]these[/url]? Just for sh*ts and giggles.
  17. [quote name='ARGH' post='366754' date='Dec 31 2008, 12:07 AM']I sat and watched these about a year ago..... Shame his spiritual beliefs are questionable,even hurtful.[/quote] Yeah but many geniuses are complete nutter butters.
  18. So what was the costing of this compared to buying the real deal?
  19. [quote name='M4L666' post='365766' date='Dec 29 2008, 08:55 PM']I use my drummer's house but then my band is quite economically small. And they probably wouldn't take us seriously. And I can't afford £8/hr let alone £9 or £10...[/quote] A lot of practice spaces round Newcastle are 18+ too.
  20. Actually yeah, soundslive sell the legend customs for around 500 these days. Are you sure it wasn't one of those?
  21. Yeah, £500 for a euro is effing fantastic.
  22. Spectors arn't to bad for a bit of the old slapping.
  23. ARGH, you sounds like you want doooooooom. I don't think you need that dark doomy sound in all metal though. Sometimes you want something with a bit of growl, like Pantera.
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