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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. Might just be a bit of internet Petrol on an internet fire, but there’s been a bit of a buzz around 80’s Peavey guitar amps with the blue knob and saturation control, thanks to QOTSA. There are a few in the range with the same circuit, so might be a good find? https://www.guitarworld.com/news/josh-homme-secret-weapon
  2. Lovely bass. I have a soft spot for Tobias basses. Unfortunately not the wallet 😂
  3. Great result! And a good read 😂
  4. I must have posted this before, but the surroundings looked so nice, here it is again. Ampeg PF350 & Barefaced Two10. Job done. Gig with a new drummist and a stand-in guitarist. Kept us all on our toes, I tell thee.
  5. Bought these for me and my lad to go to gigs; ACS Pacato 19 Reusable High Fidelity Hearing Protectors Earplugs Ear Plugs https://amzn.eu/d/21it9eD They work. So long as you get attenuating plugs that reduce all frequencies uniformly, you’ll be good.
  6. How much did it cost? Love the look, btw.
  7. Doing my usual looking at old hifi speakers on the bay, happened upon this monstrosity. 2” thick cabinet, front baffle made of slate?!?! 120kg apparently!!! I wonder if it’s any good for metal? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275784592188?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=YFdoDhyEQD-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=tEgOCJh6Qn2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. Just posted on Instagram - looks like an amp to me. Hope it’s class A and fits neatly on top of a portrait-oriented Two10…
  9. I’ve got some jars of tone air if anyone is in the market. My favourite is “charity shop” air - so much character.
  10. They look great! Stick them on your living room hifi too!!
  11. Hell of a turnaround there - looked so plain but now looks expensive! Nice.
  12. The headstock is something I like 😂. I saw it on Instagram the other day (just a shot of the rear of the headstock) and thought “that’s nice”. Not in to the bendy metal thing though - I could see me bending it out of shape accidentally.
  13. Combo or bass? Assuming combo. I put a Beyma in mine - sounds lovely!
  14. Can you tell me more about the power pack please? Freeing up another plug (and maybe ditching the amp/cab) sounds quite appealing. Almost as little to set up as the brass section!
  15. I’ve been instructed by SWMBO to purchase a tumble dryer, so there goes my projects fund for a while!
  16. Damn - didn’t think of that! The service manual appears to confirm 4 ohms 🤦🏻
  17. I love a good mod. I remember reading about people swapping out drivers on the Rumble 100 combos for more chutzpah. Does the port tuning need any amendment though?
  18. Hello @MungoBass. I don’t need another project, but this is Basschat after all. £30 has me interested 😂 Do you know the ohm rating?
  19. Here’s an opportunity! No connection to the seller (I just spend too much time on Basschat) pull out the amp and you have a cheap matching extension cab!
  20. Also, I got by for a number of years with a 100w 12” combo. Sometimes I struggled, but who cares. Maybe try it out full tilt with your band and see if you need to upgrade at all?
  21. I like this post. Know your people. It’s all about the people.
  22. GK used to do combos with what appeared to be powered slave cabs. Might be compatible with your model? That would give you the same sound but more of it. edit: here it is… https://www.gallien-krueger.com/112-mbp-specs
  23. If they did a Mustang in this colour, I’d be on it.
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