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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. Oh I love a good cab build! Any thoughts on the finish? Natural wood? Tuffcab?
  2. First amp I recorded with was a GK, then n about 1997? Lovely thing.
  3. And reduce carbs! (Though I’m certainly no medic).
  4. Challenge accepted: How many pieces of pizza can you fit in a trombone?
  5. Bought the one @Jean-Luc Pickguard linked; https://amzn.to/423AdgY Redid a pedalboard last night - wow! It just works! Can’t believe I put up with the old one for so long!
  6. 😂 Not that I have spare cash (or a gigging band 🤡), but I can’t help being interested. Pics?
  7. Barefaced Two10 - 13 inches deep. Sorely miss mine. (sold it to fund fast women and loose cars).
  8. I like the look of it, but through my phone speaker I can only hear a lot of clank and string noise.
  9. Just buy a chorus & octave pedal and use any darn bass you fancy!
  10. Don’t leave the window open if the light is on.
  11. This looks delightful;
  12. I’ll post you my old one if you like! My new one arrives from Amazon this afternoon 🤞🏻
  13. Most pedals work with 9v dc centre negative, but some don’t (or require more milliamps). What are the pedals? What power supply are you using?
  14. Those horns make me think of balloon animals. Top one stretches to the 9th fret?! No neck dive there. Looks interesting, and ergonomic.
  15. Ooh! It’s got a temperature display!!!
  16. Somehow I’ve turned in to the bloke who fixes stuff amongst my circle of musicians friends. I have an old soldering iron that doesn’t seem to get hot enough for modern lead free stuff, so I need a new iron. Please let me know your cost-effective hobby-level bit alright soldering irons! Thank you in advance, Pete.
  17. Surely there’s a basschatter in your neck of the woods who can assist? If you were Dom in Dunvant I’d gladly assist. Which reminds me, I need to pop over my mates house to help him with his piano & Audacity!
  18. Even without the driver that’s a good deal - couldn’t buy the wood and hardware for that!
  19. Browsing the classifieds for my imaginary lottery win, I’m just spotting loads of deals for you!
  20. A little stretch of your budget and you could get this;
  21. Small but capable combo. Got to be a secondhand Fender Rumble 100 v3. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305995495048?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=NNXsQ2i9SeS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=tEgOCJh6Qn2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  22. Crikey there are some deals about. As an example; or old cab… … plus one of those discounted brand new TC heads people posted about the other day; Barely scratching the surface!
  23. I wouldn’t go any lower than sea level without specialist equipment.
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