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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. Where did that lovely silver Musicman go?!
  2. That looks really lovely. Walnut is my new favourite wood.
  3. Not sure where you are in the world, but Newtone strings in the UK will make a custom set for you. Might be worth a look when you next need a new set for the 38” beast!
  4. Very cool! That scratch plate though- looks a bit newer. Are you thinking of changing it?
  5. Very cool! That scratch plate though- looks a bit newer. Are you thinking of changing it?
  6. Hands down the best blue burst I’ve ever seen 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
  7. The only jazz version I had was ash bodied, and was heavy as hell (sounded awesome though). Had a PB50 that @yorks5stringerhad sprayed LPB nitro and that was ace (just decided single coil Ps weren’t for me). I would summise that the weight is all in the body, but also some of the sound might be, too?
  8. Different folks, different strokes 😂
  9. They are the ones people upgrade with a better driver unit, ain’t they? Quite fancy one as I like the format of a combo with a 12” driver.
  10. I surprised myself with how easy it was to make a scratch plate. Bought a blank from eBay, made a paper template, cut out with a jigsaw, finessed the shape with a bit of sand paper, edges beveled by dragging a blade over them at a 45% angle.
  11. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Burns-Sonic-Model-Bass-1960-62-/185260230375?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Says Burns Sonic, but looks modded to me. Bloody lovely.
  12. I’ll take Natsu, please! (And also Hang 10… sshhh…)
  13. Is the JMJ wider at the nut?
  14. Could get 4 individual saddles, then pop the cover back on to hide the desecration?
  15. I ain’t sayin muffin
  16. They look like the ones I just took off my Toby in favour of flats. Might be DAddarios? @AndyTravis-do you remember what the strings were?
  17. You certainly have a talent for making less desirable basses more desirable! This one looks great so far! Hope your wife gets better soon.
  18. I have two scratch plates not selling on the market place - b/w/b and a white single ply that’s going a bit creamy. You are welcome to either.
  19. I love a P-bass build! There’s a neck in the classifieds that might work…
  20. I’m trying not to buy anything else until I finish the room to put them in! Half way through building a garden studio- need to save my pennies for all the wood etc. Thanks for thinking of me though!
  21. I have also sold my Mustang, and also regret doing so! I thought “not enough frets for an armchair noodler, neck too skinny for my daddy-long-legs fingers”. Dozy sod 🤦🏻
  22. Oddly (and I am odd), I think the splatterpaint job looked alright! However, that blue looks awesome! Spray can job? Is the neck painted too?
  23. “The Squier isn’t out til next month, so I’ll get a CS instead”. Hell of leap, there!
  24. I’d love to find one of these old things in a boot sale/charity shop/skip. It’s be a fun project just to make it useable without spending any money. And if it showed some sort of usefulness, sting tension could probably be sorted with the right sort of strings from Newtone.
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