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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. Ah, man! I’m so gutted I’m missing this! The kids are ill now too, so I’m definitely not coming 😢 Good job I got a new bass to cheer me up though!
  2. Well, it’s certainly getting a lot of attention right now! Would like to try one with JMJ nut width at some point, but yeah - it’s definitely a keeper!
  3. Yeah, it’s lined up perfectly for playing. Made me think of Stingray bridges (or what I’ve read and of Stingray bridges on here 😂)
  4. I So there goes my “I only need two basses” ethos! Bought this from @jezzaboy (who was awesome to deal with BTW), who was I’m guessing the 2nd owner. It looks unused! Proper shiny and no marks on it. There are a couple of manufacturing issues though - the bridge looks marginally off-center, but looking at Google Images, they all look it, so maybe it’s just my eyes! There’s also a finishing flaw where it rests on you knee - no biggy really, but it’s there. I’ve already ordered an aged mint guard from Earlpilanz on eBay. I will probably also pop a @KiOgonloom in at some point. Also need to get it to my excellent local tech Ed Purcell (Instagram @edsintheshed) to get the action nice & low. Its doing what I wanted it to do though - making it easy for me to pick up & noodle during the day! The neck is finished well and is comfortable to play, and the whole thing is tiny! I don’t know what I was expecting, but it’s definitely smaller than I thought it would be 😂 UPDATED PIC WITH NEW SCRATCH PLATE - oh my…
  5. Wowzers - super fast delivery, excellent communication/notification throughout, best packing I’ve ever witnessed! Loving the CV Mustang - thank you @jezzaboy👍👍👍
  6. FFS. Mrs Turgh has symptoms and just booked in for a test tomorrow 😡 If her big girl test comes back clear, would people feel comfortable if I just did a leteral flow test on my self beforehand? Probably not. Damn. Keep the ticket money though, Mike, otherwise you’ll be way out of pocket!
  7. Reduced to £250 GAS/marital balance forces sale! Originally a Squire Affinity with a bendy neck, this is my “Trigger’s broom” bass with only the body, neckplate & bridge being original! Hipshot Ultralight lollipop tuners (chrome ears, satin shafts) Beautifully figured maple neck with bound rosewood fretboard D’Addario chrome flats 40/60/80/100 Tone Rider pickups Ki0gon solderless loom (CTS pots,etc) Cool knobs Black scratch plate The “PeaTurgh” transfer isn’t sealed in, so will come off easily. Original white scratch plate included. Will ship in a Jazz-shaped hard case (still fits though). Postage will be extra! ***Edit - additional info*** OMG where are my manners!??! Weight: 3.635kg on the old kitchen scales Nut width: 42mm Is it good for metal?: Yes
  8. I want to see the cabs. Probably these ones…
  9. I’m going to say it’s a combination of a bass playing hobby, with a day job as operator of the world’s largest fog horn. For spaceships.
  10. If you widened the plate around the jack, then took it further out in a narrower shape at the opposite end, you could mimic a stingray style plate. Always bugged me the way a P plate doesn’t follow the shape of the body at the jack extremity!
  11. Looks like an early attempt at a torzoidal neck 😂😂😂
  12. Oh, my. Boring that is not. I think I’m loving this Kay as much, if not more, than the last one you did!
  13. Doesn’t look like oak to me. Out of the two choices I’d say ash. Looks familiar, anyway. Great find, and great restoration, btw - looks lovely!
  14. Just run off to check my two, but one is bound, the other one piece!
  15. Just pictures would suffice! Or bring to the SW Bash?
  16. Definitely keep the Kiogon loom, and don’t route!! Looking forward to seeing it done!
  17. There’s got to be an online shop where you can order a bit of metal cut to your design? It would be a shame to “make do” on such a visible part. Everything else looks quality, so a nice little custom Musicman style plate is deserved!
  18. So the 1x10 first set, and a new, as yet unannounced super speaker for 2nd set? @stevie- tell us more!
  19. Pop a doobie encased in resin there.
  20. Wow. That is nice.
  21. A damn good clean, a new scratch plate & strings. Done.
  22. Top one!
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