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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. Looks nice as-is! Maybe pop a machine head off - if the colour is the same underneath it’s a tint, if it looks like tan lines it could be original?
  2. I bet @KiOgon could wire it to make tea. I have no idea though. Sounds plausible (maybe not the tea bit though).
  3. Stack knob/s?
  4. Corrr!!!!
  5. At first I thought you adjusted the pickup holes on the scratch plate with your teeth, but then I realised it’s just the protective film!!!
  6. I wonder how many more they would have sold if they put the effects labelling on the other way around so the player can see what the chuck all the damn buttons do?
  7. Kids and A&E -ouch. Hope she’s ok dude.
  8. And drives 30 miles for £50 gig. I think I read a similar mathematical joke on Gearslutz. Makes me chuckle (If I didn’t laugh I’d cry).
  9. Could be diy - lop a bit off the top of a fender headstock and you’re there.
  10. I love this so much. I’ll take it if my numbers come up tonight!
  11. Ooh, dat niiice! Looks like a Joker themed bass with the green of the case!
  12. Maybe they ran out of paint. That’d be pretty if the translucent blue was all over.
  13. Love the neck though!
  14. Why not, eh?
  15. Totes - otherwise the sub will influence the overall signal and pull down everything, making it even more uneven sounding! Unless it’s a multi and comp, but still - best feed it a good signal to start with. I think I’ve just convinced myself to get the thumpinator.
  16. Maybe the amplifier/speaker working more efficiently alters the tone, like it’s more honest with the sub muck removed? I tend to use processing when mixing songs that removes stuff below 20hz - makes a huge difference to the look of a waveform. Certainly makes compression work betterer.
  17. That works for me! 👍
  18. Bloody great! Put it on my no.2 bass...
  19. Hiya! This was off eBay, but the strings went over the fretboard: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232975836740
  20. Tasty! A great blend between different & subtle. Well done!
  21. I’ve had two from there now, neither of which I really wanted, I was just so excited to see one actually available! Had me a Thunderbird and jazz rip offs. Both were absolutely fine. You gotta be damn patient though!
  22. Return! Damn thing shouldn’t flex! It was probably dropped in transit.
  23. Any sites in particular you could recommend? I understand if you do not wish to reveal your sources!
  24. Literally just about to type the same thing! So, that Brexit delay is good for getting Japanese guitars to us in the UK then!
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