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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. I love the look of that!
  2. Could be good for modding. Maybe just fit a bbot bridge? Oh, and got any pics?!
  3. Hmmm. I like pedals, up until now for mostly mucking about with in the house, with my guitar and pianet as well as bass. I always have a muting tuner on stage though, like a comfort blanket. Recently though, I’ve been thinking a fairly light touch compressor would help on stage. Also something I could DI to front of house so the sound guy doesn’t trash “my” sound. I’ve also been reading the HPF thread and thinking that would definitely be a good idea to get the best out of my rig. There are some songs I play that require a boost (Sweet Child Of Mine beginning bit, Do You Love Me vocal “dohs” played as a short bass solo, etc). Seems a pedal board might be a bit costly with dedicated units, but these B3n’s seem to cover my needs (I think). Maybe I should hold out for one of those Helix Stomps though. I know joe public wouldn’t notice the difference between the two, but if there is one, I would. Hmmm indeed. All musings great fully mulled.
  4. Get two and have a stonking pair of hifi speakers too!
  5. I joined basschat all dem years ago to discuss and gain knowledge of speakers, and these threads in particular were great. Due to work/life balance issues, I ended up getting a Barefaced cab rather than building my own. I always keep coming back to this thread though. I feel with the amount of effort the gurus have put in to making these cabs so good, and also now so accessible to a shmuck like me, I feel compelled to build one. It’d be rude not to!
  6. I’d assume old wood would be more stable? You know what they say about assumptions though! @Dom in Somerset - I recognise that decking - have you had a few self built basses up on eBay ever?
  7. Great idea! Lots of pianos are at the end of their lives - esp the wooden framed ones. Good bit of recycling and keeping the musical intention!
  8. Gutted I missed this at the bash. I love speakers!
  9. Woof!
  10. Ha! Love autocorrect! Lens - for cameras wot make telly. Similar to this one from memory.... https://cvp.com/product/canon_cn7x17_p1
  11. Well, he’s a bass player, with a bass channel on YouTube, and is a member. Just current affairs I guess. Plus there was that other thread.... ps - much respect to the man and the playing!
  12. I’m in Swansea, and probably have relatives coming down from Manchester soonish. Don’t know if that’s of any use?
  13. A fair few years ago a courier company lost a broadcast lender we’d sent. £20k gone. Daft thing is whoever nicked it would have such a tiny possibility of moving it on, it probably ended up in a skip or a river.
  14. Crikey, 4x12! No wonder your back is crying! I’ll go first - Fender Rumble 500. 2x10 and light. I probably should have bought one when I was looking a while ago.
  15. I’ll take the last one, please! Is it one of the newer ones with the roastie neck?
  16. I bought a demo one for £50 delivered. Loved the sound, but the weight would make it a sitting down/home/studio bass rather than a gigger. Sold it to my mate who bought it for his studio - sorted!
  17. I love flamed maple!!!
  18. The plan is to make a good job of it, @fleabag - I’ll try not to eff it up! The front face is almost down to wood. I’m planning to round off the edges of the headstock, inspired by @Jabba_the_gut‘s builds. Such a obvious thing to do when you think about it, but I’ve not seen it anywhere else.
  19. Sooo, now the garden studio has stalled for a few months (budget hijacked by other responsibilities), back to the ssslllooooowwww jag build. @Andyjr1515 very kindly gave me a neck to practice on, but if I make an ok job of it, maybe it will stay on the jag! Its jazz width but, and currently painted white, but the pearl square bits (what are they called?!) look rather fetching. I also picked up a bridge from @Chownybass at the bash, and I have a set of cheapie tuners from the neck I bought for by bitsa last year. So, will crack on with the neck refinishing and think about the body blank. I’d like to recycle something, so I’ll keep an eye out for something odd but salvageable. Maybe driftwood scaffold planks?! I did make a nice tea & coffee shelf out of a chunk I found on the beach once....
  20. I got two @KiOgon looms this week - my p sounds better, but my Hohner Jack is phenomenal now! Well happy.
  21. Just bought a couple of really nice microphones from Frank at the SW bass bash. Great to meet you in person, Frank! I recorded some (dodgy) Spanish guitar with them last night - they sound ace! Thank you!
  22. I would very much like to purchase one of @Jabba_the_gut‘s tiny travel basses - such fun, and so nicely put together! Loved the food - you could easily charge twice what you do @scrumpymike. Loved having the opportunity to buy bits from @Chownybass too - got me a bridge for my incredibly slow build. Also won a pedal in the raffle. - I love pedals! And thank you to @Andyjr1515 for the donation of a neck for my slow build and knobs for my Hohner Jack. Bought some mics from @Frank Blank a chuffed with those too. I like mics nearly as much as I like basses! Basschat is a great community.
  23. Can’t wait to see this tomorrow!
  24. Just got new looms for my bitsa and my Hohner Jack this morning - came with wiring diagrams and a little screwdriver! Did the Jack first - wow. I had no idea the stock active circuit was choking the sound so much!!! Looking forward to getting the P done after dinner! Definately a worthy upgrade. Chuffed!
  25. Saw this and thought it would make an ace neck plate. 2.5 x 3.5 inches - perhaps a little big for a 4, but maybe someone is building a bonkers 5 or 6 string?! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F163629830920
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