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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. I can’t wait for my Two10 to arrive!!!
  2. DI out is supposed to be at mic level (which is lower than line level), but confusingly sometimes manufacturers make them line level. Maybe your soundie is used to line level DI’s but your amp is mic level?
  3. Every time I went in that shop I left disappointed. No wonder they closed.
  4. As a teenager I wanted a drum kit, but ended up with a bass! Have done a couple of gigs on drums - I just like making noise, really.
  5. Alas, my beautiful wife has already put in my early 40th order with Alex & co for a Two10. Sneaky and swift - ‘‘tis why I married her! GLWTS!!!
  6. Is this still going? I was after a Two, but a Four would be fun!
  7. I had a stingray copy that a local luthier made a neck for, and my dad shaped the body. The neck had mis-drilled holes for the tuner screws and a plug where he’d also mis-drilled a damn tuner shaft! You could also feel where the truss rod route was quite close to the back of the neck. I was a 15 yr old introvert when the neck was made - obvs would just bop him on the noggin for trying to charge for such a pigs diner these days! Broken for parts and forgotten about.
  8. This one here caught my eye: Quite tempted myself but I’m fixed on going BF Two10.
  9. You bought it like that, so presumably you are happy with the combo? Plus putting a maple neck on still wouldn’t make it original, so I’d just enjoy playing it!
  10. @mhoss32 How are you getting on with this, dude?!
  11. Aye!
  12. The way the neck swooshes in to the body, and the demarcation veneer, looks bloody marvellous! Its a pity it won’t make it to the next SW Bass Bash!
  13. Thanks! This one has a 12” driver (will add that above).
  14. ***** WITHDRAWN!! I guess fate decided it should stay with me. I like fate. ***** With a heavy heart I feel the time has come to move this beauty on. I’ve had it for 9 years now. It had a service a couple of years ago when some caps or something gave up, but all sorted now by Music Services Wales. I thought I had a couple of issues since, but turned out to be dodgy leads (doh). Gigged it a few times recently, also used a BF One10 as an extension cab - now that was nice! Mahogany cabinet (road-worn), I have the corner caps but I think it looks nicer with them off. I fitted some tall rubber feet to the bottom. The full 150 Watts sounds lovely with an extension cab is plugged in. This is the 12” EV version. Based in sunny Swansea, I don’t want to post this - it’s too heavy! Did I say I’m open to offers?
  15. Time for this fella to find a new home! Since I constructed my bitsa, this one is on the bench too much. Also need funds for a BF Two10... Originally modded by yorks5stringer, there’s a blow-by-blow account of the process here somewhere (damned if I can find it now!!). Located in sunny Swansea, I’m happy to post (when I can lay my hands on suitable packaging) for whatever it should cost (will have a look in to it).
  16. Cool - get another Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder at the bridge then you’ll be rockin.
  17. I saw that ad, but after re-reading it me likey. A big old head on top of that would be awesome!
  18. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great seller for a good cause. It was just the title tickled me. I would be watching said item if I were closer to it.
  19. I just saw one of these on Instagram - anyone tried one in anger?
  20. Made I chuckle... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F382677437862
  21. 50lbs/22.6kg I think. Definitely not as heavy as my Peterson combo though- that’s borderline Trace weight!
  22. That does look like it should taste nice. I’d probably try to lick it.
  23. FYI - this sounds really good - I quite often play against 2 Marshall half stacks and you can still hear me. I just keep hurting my back and want to go back to Barefaced. A real man should have no trouble lugging this about!
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