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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. I say satin finish, but clear over the binding!
  2. What’s the weight on this, please?
  3. I’m feeling inspired- but going to do a similar finish on a bass cab (for now...)
  4. Nice! How does it balance? Also, could that finish be applied to a neck? I’d love one with a matching neck.
  5. Pea Turgh


    It’s a picture of a bass... In a snowstorm.
  6. Pea Turgh


    I really like that first one. Mmm, Jag styling....
  7. ^^ This! Love it! The F hole just sets it off too. This will look really great.
  8. ^^ This! Love it! The F hole just sets it off too. This will look really great.
  9. ^^ This! Love it! The F hole just sets it off too. This will look really great.
  10. This reminds me of my first bass from 1993 or so! Unfortunately, it was a dog - heavier than a Trace Elliot amp, with what appeared to be a ply-like neck! It was a 1969 Kay. Terrible. Yours looks great though! I’m getting all sentimental now - might go looking for a looky likey...
  11. If the head is simply removed and re-housed, the rest of the cab can go back on the shelf. I might do the same with my old Peterson combo!
  12. I like the pace and number of your threads, @Jimothey! When I read your posts, for some reason in my head you have a Westcountry accent, but you are based in N. Wales - do you have a Westcountry accent?
  13. Avoid it because it’s fugly!
  14. Is it the cab construction that makes them so heavy? Wondering if it would be worth building a lightweight braced shell to house the combo gubbins. I tried a 300w 2x10 combo a couple of years ago as a last minute stand in - glorious sound, but picking it up to put it on a flight case was a stupid move.
  15. This is the one I was thinking of...
  16. Bit of weird suggestion, but would taking the body to a tanning salon (with the appropriate bits masked off) and whopping it on a sunbed for 30 minutes yellow the paint? *Disclaimer - I’ve never been to one so I don’t have a clue what happens. It might just catch fire.
  17. There has been a recent thread on this very forum! Probably more than one. Also companies that will do it for you.
  18. Two gigs this weekend, one outdoors (through at least 6 18” subs to assist my sole One10!). My JV never fails to keep tune - I only have a tuner as a security blanket type thing - my trusty P always plays great. Either that or I’m a lumbering sausage fingered oaf!
  19. See, this just makes me want to buy a bass from you one day even more!
  20. A popular option these days seems to be re-housing the head independently to pair with a lightweight cab. That’s what i’d do with that bad boy.
  21. Left my ‘new’ 2x10 at the rehearsal space and couldn’t be bothered to pick it up, so took the old girl out with my remaining One10 as an extension cab. Lifting the Peterson reminded me of how nice the 2 x One10’s had been! But as so often is the case, needed cash so sold the first One10, second (pictured) on eBay. I should put it on the marketplace here really! This venue (The Hyst in Swansea) was great - super helpful staff, perfect acoustics- love it!
  22. I think some boffins wrote a program to buy anything under 50 squid. They chuck em on eBay then, not mentioning origin and charging full whack. Naughty people. I only ever managed to get one - bought it as I was so shocked it hadn’t sold already. Sold it two days later to a mate (for the same price, with full disclosure of course!)
  23. I’d be tempted to remove the big bit of black plastic with Hughes & Kettner so you could have just one big square of grey/silvery grill cloth. It’d look pretty 50’s I reckon!
  24. If a modification is reversible, and you like everything else about the bass, I’d swap pups.
  25. TWO nice bottles of wine!
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