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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. Keep the P - the Streamer is your sort of jazz? I’m not that familiar with Warwicks though, so happy to be corrected.
  2. Probably a warehouse picker thought they just had a new colour pack. it works the other way too - I ordered one cymbal stand online, but what arrived was one... box of six cymbal stands!
  3. Quite tempted to sell one of my One10s to free up some cash then get this! Just don’t think I’ll be able to organize myself quick enough, especially since you added postage!
  4. I really should have checked the for sale section before buying a whole new set up - I’d have had change for a few PB-50’s! Glwts.
  5. I like microphones as well as basses. The value of practically anything old that was originally a professional tool (rather than domestic, but then some of them go for stupid money too) has been rocketing for years. AkgD19 for example - used to be cheap as chips in the 90’s, but now it’s “the Beatles” mic and sells for 300 squids. Daft. Most home recording marketing depts are selling with the nostalgia theme. I agree that people priced out of the 60’s era basses are now going for 70’s, whereas 20 years ago, 70’s instruments were considered sub-par. ”They don’t make them like they used to!” (it’s still a lovely bass though)
  6. ZOD bass DI - Gearslutz people rave about them; https://www.gearslutz.com/board/high-end/1106476-incredible-zod-bass-di-saves-mix-day.html
  7. That looks the business- I want one now! I am a big fan of gold anodized plates, too.
  8. Found this in our rehearsal space this weekend, so plugged in (it’d be rude not to). Nice width to the sound, but lacked the definition of my One10’s, so plugged the GK in to my two instead.
  9. Cool! Wattage? Is that just for monitoring or does it do the room too?
  10. I swapped a bass at the sw bash for @yorks5stringer‘s blue one - a nice thumpy tone, but didn’t really cut it at full tilt til I changed to a set of DR (in neon green, also got at the bash!). The drummer thought it sounded like a Stingray then! Whilst I wouldn’t go that far, the DRs certainly changed the nature of the beast!
  11. F##k me!!! £22k!!!
  12. Is this still available, Mike? Every time I get close to the right funds, something boring and “necessary” thwarts my plans to acquire a Jack. This one felt so nicely balanced when I tried it at the SW Bash!
  13. Nope! I never got the point of an effects loop - will give it a shot next time. Cheers!
  14. “compensate for our incompetence”
  15. I say leave this one as-is - looks good! Save the new neck for a new project! Ever onwards!
  16. My mate has a Rickenbacker which he’s very proud of. I played it once - felt like a cheap 70’s starter bass. I just didn’t “get” it. So many do though. Strange. I don’t like marmite either.
  17. Off topic - when someone needs to borrow your jack lead...
  18. So I’m at practice the other night (for the gig I’m just about to play), mucking about with my OC3 octaver. When I played really hard, the head cut out completely, showing the warning light, then coming back in for the tail end of the note. Anyone else experiences this lack of tolerance in a PF350 or any class D head? Needless to say the octaver is off the cards this eve!
  19. Can’t remember the brand, but I didn’t like clip-ons. i like the convenience of my pitchblack to mute when required.
  20. Ooh, that neck. Flamed and roasted!
  21. Cool! Been thinking about doing this just for sh#ts and giggles! What do you plan to cover it with?
  22. Version 2 - mini! I concluded having all my pedals on one board was daft, so this one will take just four pedals. Measured, cut, sanded, assembled, treated and fitted last night after work - boom!
  23. That’ll look lovely with a new scratch plate! Well done!
  24. Pictures or it didn’t happen!
  25. It looks like a partially chewed/sucked stealth-sweet. Still, I know what you mean about having a “beater” bass - leave it in the car without worrying about getting nicked, or using it as a weapon at a gig gone wrong!
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