Hello, that’ll be me! I had intended to try selling it, but I arrived too late and I wasn’t really committed to letting it go!
I should pop it in the for sale section here, but haven’t a clue how much for!
Just to echo what everyone else said - cheers @scrumpymike and gang. Oh and I wish I had the dough for your headless Hohner Jack - it fit like a glove! Hopefully it’ll still be available at the end of the month.
Thanks to @yorks5stringer for the swap - I’m very happy with my new bass! A mate popped over this evening and used it to work out a couple of riffs/incidental pieces for some short he’s working on - very cool.
Brilliant to talk to the all the builders, too. I still can’t believe my wife was encouraging me to buy one of @Jabba_the_gut‘s marvelous creations (ignoring the lack of funds element). She’s after something, that one...
Love the look of that bass. What neck is on it?
I’m guessing the tape is to stop string/pole piece contact clicks noises? I did the same with a P bass til I got some completely enclosed covers.
Love that bass!
Whilst packing my bits for tomorrow, I got to thinking “maybe I should have bought my 2nd One10 to match the first”.
Anyone bringing a black One10 with silver grill cloth they fancy swapping for my tweedy?!
Just a thought.
Bass can be an derrière to get “right” sound-wise recording, but live performances in general lift a piece of music. Just try programming any well known highly repetitive song via midi only, and it just turns to poop.
It’s all about The performance.
I can’t answer your questions, but I can think people will as this;
If it goes well, would you do other people’s at a price?
If yes to the above, where are you based?
I quite like the partially obscured name on the headstock - I’d keep it as is!
I keep looking at the Deko section for one of these. I’m reluctant to pay full price for something I may well eff up.