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Everything posted by lucky

  1. Fair point. Do we think that hitting that spot where something is so universal is a win or does it annoy Mr Hoover when I'm Hoovering with a Dyson?
  2. When someone says pbass I think of the shape and the pickup (with an optional J in the bridge). But when I think about playing one I always think that playing a pbass pup with the screws on the side gives my thumb a nice perch so I play it a little differently to a mustang style split pickup, therefore it sounds and feels more like a pbass but that is likely just in my head 😗 And "Precision" has to be a Fender/Squier for me otherwise every boxy estate car would be a Volvo
  3. Yep, maple for everyone! For fender types at least. lovely guitar
  4. Never ask never get... but also asking 9k too much probably never gets either. Free postage though, that makes it a steal
  5. What a beauty!
  6. Devil Makes Three. American sort've country, acoustic bluegrass rockabilly but without feeling too deliverancey... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fut6zeXtyN0
  7. Great for a gig up s*** creek, I suppose
  8. [quote name='Shabbs' timestamp='1488229739' post='3247102'] I've got this up for sale at present, [color=#3C3241]only 42 ever available in the UK, created by custom shop assembled in Mexico, these were £982 on release. Last one I saw sold on Reverb for £780.[/color] [url="https://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/fender-fsr-72-telecaster-custom-p90/1218682925"]https://www.gumtree....-p90/1218682925[/url] [/quote] Not the kind of thing I'm oggling but it is lovely with the white binding! GLWTS
  9. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1488229467' post='3247099'] that said, Ive had no problem doing business on this forum in a way I wouldn't elsewhere! [/quote] Yeah it's a great community on here, never had a bad transaction. And there's not many places that one person you've never met taking your money to go to the other person you've not mets house to buy something you've not seen would be considered a more secure transaction!
  10. Had an reply from the seller, friendly polite email saying that we could use paypal, but that'd provide more security sending the money than recieving the amp, right? Also offered to facetime while he quickly demo's the amp which I thought was a nice gesture and would make me feel a little better that it works but still no guarantee it'd be sent. Would this change anyones mind?
  11. I've emailed the seller to ask if there's another way to do it, or if he happens to be travelling in my direction anytime soon. Guess I'll have to wait and see if and what they reply. Thanks for the offer Painy! I'll see what happens and let you know but could be great just to know the seller has a face and a functional amp!
  12. So there's an amp I want on gumtree but it's in Norwich and I can't sort out a roadtrip to fetch it for at least 2 weeks. Seller offers delivery for £15 but that'd mean sending the money for an untested item to an unknown person with little guarantee. I could ask to pay via paypal but even with that I've still read a few horror stories on here about transactions going sideways It's not also listed on ebay as some sometimes are, probably because of the fees. And if I'm averse to sending money online then I can't expect the seller to pull the ad while they wait for me to fetch it. Any suggestions appreciated Apologies if this is a duplicate question, I did a quick forum search and could see anything but if there's an existing thread someone could direct me to i'd appreciate that too
  13. Yeah you're probably right. Still means I need to save up more for tele GAS... I'm always a little surprised that RichTone can keep going versus the online market and the guitar guitar empire
  14. Yeah I totally agree with you there. I suppose that just adds to my confusion, that if something costs the same new but is less versatile why is everyone paying more for them so consistently? Just whenever i see a tele for sale I'm thinking "for that price I could buy the equivalent strat and a reasonable little amp to play it through..." And good call, RichTone have some cracking stock for a local music shop haha thanks! I used to love that show. might switch it to Chang if I feel crazy...
  15. Strat's are great (if you like that sort've thing), but I just wondered if there was a reason that telecasters are so consistently more expensive second hand than their strat equivalents when they're pretty comparable new. Hell, a Highway one tele is worth what it cost when it was new! Is it simply that there's more strats around, and the rarer commodity of teles naturally brings a higher price or am I missing something?
  16. I bought a guitar from their website last year since it was what I wanted at a surprisingly reasonable price. But I wasn't sure about the colour since the shade looked a little off, and I had the same slightly negative view of CC as most do, so I emailed about it, The woman who replied from the shop was very helpful, sent more pics and answered my questions, provided the serial number (which all checked out with fender and no google hits saying it had been stolen) and told me how it would be shipped. I bought it and 2 days later there was a courier at the door with a perfectly lovely guitar in a practically new gator hardcase (which the ad had mentioned) Also bought a Warwick from there a few years back but that was all in store- needed a clean and new strings and after playing it discovered that the active circuit was buggered but I don't use active 'lectrics so wasn't an issue for me. They had a gigbag in the shop so just popped it in that and included it with the price I think the quality of what you get depends far more on whoever took it into the shop than CC themselves, guitars are just like any other piece of stock to them. And how well wrapped/shipped depends one the individual in the shop and if they have a guitar case/carry bag lying around they can send it in (maybe worth an ask?) but overall nothing to complain about in my experience
  17. Is this a realistic price for this? I bought one of these ten years back for around £400, lovely bass but I wasn't under the impression that they would ever appreciate in value [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-JP90-Bass-made-in-America-/172532117023?hash=item282bb72e1f:g:w4wAAOSwdGFYo5wI"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-JP90-Bass-made-in-America-/172532117023?hash=item282bb72e1f:g:w4wAAOSwdGFYo5wI[/url] They were never a premium bass so not many of them were exported, so it's not often I see a price in £. I suppose I'm wondering if the vintage American fender draw has spread as far as the 90's or if it's just a case of the price starting high and it'll be £100 less in a few weeks?
  18. I guess that all makes sense, but I still don't love them for it.. And i never knew Ford had Volvo
  19. I'm confused- so if they didn't have new tech for fender and fender didn't want to keep selling under the SWR name then why did they buy it? (I suppose the same question could be asked of several makes and several conglomerate overlords but y'know..?)
  20. lucky

    Hello All

    Welcome, and that's the best use for a spare room!
  21. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1428861956' post='2745402'] Good evening, (Un..?) Lucky... [/quote] .. I believe that an "best offer" was made and apparently accepted, although I'd have thought that would read as "item sold" rather than withdrawn? unless the seller was contacted directly by their phone number and it was sold sans-eBay? And following the detective suggestions I've had a look but I can't see any feedback that reflects this transaction so maybe it was sold elsewhere I contacted the seller since to see if anything could be done, but I've particularly not asked for the buyers direct details from the seller as were the roles reversed I wouldn't want my contact information handed out so easily. I suggested asking the successful buyer if they'd consider a reduced price on one of the sellers similar guitars for sale at my expense but it had apparently already gone. I've asked if said seller had any other blondes up for sale soon but no joy, and if they'd consider passing my email address on to the guitars new owner so they could send me their appropriately inflated selling price. I've no idea if the seller has/will do so as there's nothing directly in it for them. So it looks as though the only option is to regret it, and haunt eBay in the hope that the new owner hates it? Cheers, Un..lucky
  22. So last week I was oggling an old Hofner archtop on a buy it now on the Bay, and while I was umming and ahhing someone else bought it, at which point I obviously realised that I'd never wanted anything more... This left me with a very particular bee in my bonnet which so far isn't keen on any of the surprisingly high number of similar vintage archtops available So, my question is can I contact the successful buyer and offer to buy it from them for a higher amount than they paid (be it through eBay or privately)? Original listing: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221731568638?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url] Cheers
  23. Has anyone heard or tried or have any experience at all with Palmer amps? I'm really GASsing for a new little valve amp and I've been oggling these for a while.. There's the little combo which is all valve down the rectifier (I've never used an amp with a valve rectifier so I'd be interested to know if it makes much difference?) with 3 different power options to allow the valves to be pushed at without waking the neighbours and it's a one hand carry combo which makes it very portable without a car [url="http://www.palmer-germany.com/mi/en/FAB-5-5W-All-Tube-Guitar-Combo-PFAB5.htm"]http://www.palmer-ge...Combo-PFAB5.htm[/url] Or there's the little 1w Eins head which would need a cab to go with it (Palmer offer a huge range of speakers in their cabs), but which has a choice of outputs so it could be DI'd or used a pedal etc etc whereas the FAB5 would have to be mic'd if I ever wanted to use it as more than a glorified practice amp [url="http://www.palmer-germany.com/mi/en/EINS-1-watt-all-tube-guitar-amplifier-PEINS.htm"]http://www.palmer-ge...ifier-PEINS.htm[/url] The majority of use will be home use and jamming sessions with a double bassist and another guitarist in a bluesy band, and I've got a couple of bigger amps should I need volume. So does one of them make sense or should I stop being silly and just haunt ebay for an old cornford or similar small (ish) valve amps for the same money? I know Blackstars are very popular but I'm not a huge fan, other than that all suggestions welcome
  24. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1411810631' post='2562951'] those pickups just look wrong on a gibbo [/quote] +1 i'd like to see a return of the studios
  25. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1411666457' post='2561756'] Why don't you just sell it? Is there anything about it that you like?! Truckstop [/quote] haha there is. It's one of the most comfortable guitars that I've ever played but i think that the old cheap electronics are letting it down so i'd like to see if i can have something that sounds as nicely as it plays before i move it on and regret it. It's not particularly valuable so i doubt selling it would get me anywhere near being able to afford a custom build to replicate the aspects of the body and neck that i like. So it seems as though I might as well try to take those parts that i know i like and see if i can beef up the sound a little with replacement electronics. [quote name='iiipopes' timestamp='1411665301' post='2561739'] Before you irreversibly chop the body, consider something like the new EMG passive Geezer Butler P/J set. It has both a P and a split-coil humbucking J, and it comes with easy-fit connectors. Only one solder joint is needed: the bridge plate grounding wire. Big tone. It has great reviews both here and on TalkBass. [/quote] I have to admit i'd not even considered emg's as it's got to be passive but they do look good like a good set. Ahhhh And now i have even more tempting choices to consider..
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