I'm trying an alternative version of my small board, in anticipation of a possible gig in April.
I managed to repair the HB PowerPlant Tuner, after I managed to blow a capacitor by plugging in the 24V supply for my big board. It was a SMD electrolytic cap from which the magic smoke had obviously escaped, but there was sufficient space in the case for a conventional cap.
Orange Kongpressor: it's currently this or the TC SpectraDrive, both of which are quite large. It's "nice" but I have an eye on something smaller, such as a Joyo Scylla which I've heard good things about.
MXR Bass Octave Deluxe: got to have it, basically.
LY-ROCK Tone Monster: I've been trying to think of ways I could use this again, since it's an interesting alternative to the modelling route taken by the ToneX One. So I'm using its parallel channel facilities through an A/B switch:
Preamp FX Send: after the internal preamp (SVT type, they say), straight out to one side of the switch and back in again. I might squeeze another mini pedal in that loop.
Parallel FX Send: clean out to the ToneX One and back through the other side of the switch;
The switch output is back in the Preamp Return, so not through the LPF that the Parallel side has. That then goes through the Cab Sim to the outputs (XLR and headphone).
So I have set it up for A/B switching between (a) just the preamp and (b) everything the ToneX One can do. Which is a heck of a lot with the right Preset programming - there's whole 'nother thread on that. Currently, I can have two cab sims in a row, which I'm aware of. I'm leaning towards little or no cab sim on the preamp, and having that only on the ToneX One channel.
Addendum: I managed to squeeze another mini pedal in the Preamp circuit, the Mosky Silver Horse “Klone”, keeping that path all analogue. First tests are with the gain higher than I usually have it, and I’m getting more twang out of the Bass VI so far. I’ll have different settings if I use my standard bass with this board, TBC.
Last weekend I did some thinking and reading about compression, and trying the different types and settings in software (the compressor included with Apple Logic Pro is fully configurable). I don’t really know what I want beyond the basics, to be honest. My only complaint about the Kongpressor is its size, really. I’d have to spend a lot of money to improve on it significantly, so I’ll probably stick with it.