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Posts posted by bnt

  1. [quote name='BassBod' post='93205' date='Nov 23 2007, 10:10 AM']Looks like a version of the Alembic system - using a "dummy" pickup as a noise canceller? Can't imagine that was ever standard on a Kramer?[/quote]
    That's what I was thinking of - it's just that the placement is weird. Alembic at least put them in front, in the same plane as the strings. It's the middle "pickup" in this picture:

    mmmm... Alembic... (drool)

  2. Do you mean the drum machine? It's a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_CR-78"]Roland CR-78[/url], which you can find samples of, e.g. [url="http://rolandclan.info/en/samples/cr-78/"]here[/url]. Don't know where you can find the In The Air Tonight part, but it's currently being used in a TV commercial. If you wanted the part where the loud drums come in, that section is in a sample on the song's Wikipedia page. (In Ogg Vorbis format, which [url="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/"]Audacity[/url] can handle if you have nothing else.)

  3. [quote name='BigRedX' post='89252' date='Nov 16 2007, 10:01 AM']You won't be wanting to go to the Bass centre anytime soon then. When I was there a couple of weeks ago there was half a wall full of newly arrived tune basses including one very similar to the hollow body that you posted. It was a good thing that they were short staffed that morning and couldn't let me try any out otherwise I might have done some serious damage to the CC...[/quote]
    Their website's all wrong, though - only one Tune listed, with the wrong model name. I have a TWB43-BB: there is no TWB41, but if there was, it wouldn't be that style. That's the [url="http://tuneguitars.com/store/wizmart.php?code=000701&lv=2"]TBJ41[/url] in the picture.

    Note that these new sub-£1000 Tunes are made in Korea by a [url="http://www.tuneguitars.com/"]different company[/url], not the [url="http://www.cc.rim.or.jp/~tune/"]original factory[/url] in Japan. I'll get one of those if I ever go pro, but I'll have to make do with the knockoff till then. :)

  4. According to the Bass Player [url="http://www.bassplayer.com/article/chris-wolstenholme/sep-06/23332"]interview[/url] last year, Chris also has a EH BassBalls bass synth in there - not sure where it's used, though. Next time I'm in London, I need to go effects shopping, I think.

  5. It sounds like something you can do on a synth - I think he's using the pedal to open up a low-pass filter slowly. With extra resonance, so it goes a bit OTT when wide open. Maybe a bit of LFO on the filter too. I don't know exactly what FX Chris uses, but I don't think it's analog FX.

  6. [quote name='Stickman' post='88609' date='Nov 14 2007, 07:46 PM']It's worth keeping an eye on the For Sale section on [url="http://www.stickist.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=PNphpBB2&file=index"]Stickist.com[/url].[/quote]Whoa! I didn't know there was such a high demand. Even allowing for the high £/$ exchange rate, those are some serious prices. :)

  7. I have one, which I'm considering selling. It's a 10-string Ironwood model from 1979. I bought it in London in 2000, and probably shouldn't have, but I wasn't sure how long it would stay in the shop. If you've played standard bass for years (as I kinda have), and think you can pick one up and sound like Tony Levin (as I kinda did), you might be disappointed. Still, I think it would reward a real commitment and plenty of time. It's not a toy!

    It's currently here in Dublin, but I may be taking a short trip to England in January. I wouldn't recommend shipping it from here - expensive.

  8. Have a look at the location: "nashille/murfreesboro, tn"? The account has no completed listings in the last 12 months, but a rating of 146 based on feedback from years ago.

    The contact details look like they've been copied from an existing bass retailer, but so far it looks like someone in the Nashville area who can't spell Nashville, and a bass seller who can't spell "frets". if I was interested I'd contact that retailer directly to see if it was for real. :)

  9. re Geddy - if you don't like what he's doing on the 70s stuff... get some newer stuff, such as [i]Presto[/i] (Wall-to-Wall Wal) or [i]Snakes & Arrows[/i] (dense & melodic). He doesn't stick to the same style for too long. I think he's a bit overdue for a change of bass, though, I never liked that Jazz into SansAmp sound (too muddy).

    I'm having difficulty coming up with even one name, because I tend to take the "progressive" view - musicians will inevitably change over time, and usually for the better. But:
    - Mark King: technically amazing, but technique does not make a song, and things were never the same after the Gould Bros. left Level 42.
    - Doug Wimbish: gave me an earful in the 90s with Tackhead and his other Adrian Sherwood / Keith LeBlanc collaborations, and Living Colour's [i]Stain[/i], but seemed to go "off the boil" a bit.

  10. Tony Levin's [i]Beyond The Bass Clef[/i] is excellent - funny and wise, the only theory-type stuff is a speech he gave on note placement against the beat. My copy is currently on loan to another BassChatter - no, I haven't forgotten! - so once he's finished it, it can do the rounds by post. Send me a PM, if you fancy a read.

  11. Eek! Be sure to take your camera on your next trip to the local guitar shop: to catch the looks on their faces when you ask for a 9-string set. "Um... so you want a 4-string set and a 5-string set, then?" :)

  12. I like Manring a lot too, though a lot of his stuff requires the Hyperbass, such as my favourite piece of his, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ehhptz7RyU"]The Enormous Room[/url]. On his 1989 album [i]Toward The Center Of The Night[/i] he plays a PRS fretless on most tracks, including solo pieces [i]Blue Orleans[/i] (soulful) and [i]Geometry[/i] (tapping).

    Or, you could try doing bass versions of songs, and singing... :)

  13. [quote name='lushuk' post='83374' date='Nov 4 2007, 01:28 AM'][/quote]There's already been a band named [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lush_%28band%29"]Lush[/url], actually. Now they're a chain of shops selling soaps & bath bombs. :)

    The Coffin Dodgers, meanwhile, is in use by another group, [url="http://fp.jculf.plus.com/shuffle/theband.htm"]here[/url].

  14. [quote name='Jono' post='82936' date='Nov 2 2007, 08:58 PM']Bass collection or Tune basses are also pretty thin.[/quote]
    The Tune that I have ([url="http://www.tuneguitars.com/store/wizmart.php?code=000101&lv=2"]TWB43[/url]) is thin, but not extremely so - probably comparable to a Fender Jazz. However, I agree with other posters, that you may want to consider a shorter scale as part of the solution.

  15. There was a documentary about the making of [i]Aja[/i] a few years ago, with interviews with all involved, including Chuck. The story of how he had to conceal his slapped part on [i]Peg[/i] from Donald is now part of bass folklore. Hey, the bassist knows what's best for the bass! :)

  16. Caution - EW didn't make it to Dublin, it was only announced at the start of the set. I didn't quite catch the name of the sub - Ivan Valyev is the closest I can get - but he did an excellent job on Warwick Thumb 5 (electric). Not the greatest jazz gig I've been at, due to other factors : I'm just back from Miroslav Vitous, at the Cork Jazz Festival, which was Bizarre in the best sense of the word. 8)

  17. A few tricks I had:
    - "one drop" - leave out the first note in a 4/4 bar. Instant reggae, mon!
    - decide if a song is major or minor: throw in intervals on "off notes", when you're not playing the root with the bass drum. Examples are min/maj 3 (3/4 frets up), min/maj 6 (8/9 semitones up)or their inbersions . Sad songs are generally minor key. :)

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