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Everything posted by weepaul

  1. Cheers Numpty, just downloaded guitar rig 5. Haven't had a chance to muck about with it yet,easy enough to use ?
  2. I have one of these gizmo's knocking about and was wondering if it can be used for bass ? If yes.........what software do I need ? Cheers, Paul.
  3. Well we done our first acoustic show,went pretty well.........here's a clip with the Aria 5 string in action. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl1XGKNwjyw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl1XGKNwjyw[/url]
  4. Thanks troops,so i take it the plastic bridge comes out and I should file the bottom of it ? Cheers,this is all new to me so sorry if I sound daft
  5. The neck looks straight. The rest of the necks great, real nice to play. But,up and past the 12th real strain. I think a wee bit of filing may be needed,the bridge is untouched. Any tips ?
  6. The rest of the neck is great,just once you get past the 12th its really uncomfortable........,there are no grooves in the bridge (previous owner must have left it alone) so would filing a little groove help ? Also, can these plastic bridges be replaced ?(I see Ibanez supply there bass's with spars bridge pieces).
  7. Got this bass,nice. But the action is really high past,say, the 12th fret. The truss rod is located in the sound hole, would a slight tweak of the truss help lower the action ? Sorry, no real experience with acoustics. [sharedmedia=core:attachments:118665]
  8. Well, I got the Aria,nice bass,though they forgot the gigbag . Anyhoo,the actions a little high after the 12th fret, any suggestions on how to lower it a touch ? Also, I hear the machine heads are a bit naff(Gotoh style tuners) would these be suitable replacements ?
  9. Well Aria purchased,just have to wait for delivery. From what I'm hearing they're decent enough bass's,only problems being the machine heads wearing out. Just out of interest,can you upgrade the electronics in these things ? [sharedmedia=core:attachments:118665]
  10. Well,we have an acoustic gig coming up and I've toyed with the idea for a while. We're also talking about recording some acoustic stuff. Anyhoo, heres a wee vid of interest....... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzTC1uR-Wvw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzTC1uR-Wvw[/url]
  11. Help,need some advice, I've been offered 3 acoustic basses and don't which to go for. Crafter BA550 4string. Aria acoustic AMB50 5string Ibanez acoustic EWB20wne 4string So in your opinion which is the best option. I'm buying online so any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
  12. [attachment=118665:56c4721.jpg]
  13. Anybody played/owned an Aria AMB50 ? Found one online in my price range. Anygood ? Or hold on to my hard earned ?
  14. Looks great. How's does she sound ? Play allright ?
  15. The Crafter looks great. How does she play ? nice B string ?
  16. Yeah the Ibanez ones look sweet,may have a look on ebay and see if I score one.
  17. I've thought about getting one for a wee bit of a change, and don't wanna spend mega money on it. Anybody any experience with the likes of Ibanez,Dean,Aria....etc ? Whats decent and whats to be avoided ? Cheers.
  18. Heres another one for yah. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4bRZc13-Xk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4bRZc13-Xk[/url]
  19. Bad news,the tours been pulled(Katatonia were lined up to play Sonisphere). Ah well......... HONEY FOR CHRIST [url="http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.co.uk/"][color="#0f72da"]http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.co.uk/[/color][/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/honeyforchrist"][color="#0f72da"]https://www.facebook.../honeyforchrist[/color][/url]
  20. weepaul

    Siege of Limerick VII

    Great line up, recognise some of those names(played with Hello Jackie at a Christ Agony gig in Belfast). Wouldn't mind playing this some time. HONEY FOR CHRIST [url="http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.co.uk/"][color="#0f72da"]http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.co.uk/[/color][/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/honeyforchrist"][color="#0f72da"]https://www.facebook.../honeyforchrist[/color][/url]
  21. Well,sometimes its fine,but when it goes wrong its horrible(an EVIL Nintendo as one guy described it). From Left to right-Boss octaver,Boss distortion,Boss synth,Boss chorus,Dunlop wah. All going into the effects loop on my Trace. Any tips on how to make it behave ? Theres nothing worse as when I go to use it and next thing its ''bbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwooooooooopppppppppddddeeeeeeeewwwwwwww''.
  22. Well so far I think one bands been signed up,but I guess they check who's getting the most interest/feedback. They compile charts etc.....but theres bands/scouts from all over the world so you may get a few new fans out of it if nothing else.
  23. Not to sure if anyone has done a post about this site,but no harm in doing another.........Heres a link to our one:- [url="http://signmeto.roadrunnerrecords.com/artists/honey-for-christ"]http://signmeto.roadrunnerrecords.com/artists/honey-for-christ[/url] Yeah, I know Roadrunners had some dodgey bands,but hopefully this could help get your music heard by some new ears and get your name out there. [url="http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.co.uk/"]http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.co.uk/[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/honeyforchrist"]https://www.facebook.com/honeyforchrist[/url]
  24. The Distortion Project Presents KATATONIA http://www.katatonia.com/ MOURNING BELOVETH http://www.mourningbeloveth.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mourning-Beloveth/113101218776373 HONEY FOR CHRIST http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/honeyforchrist The Limelight, Belfast Wednesday 4th July Doors 8.00pm So hope to see you there,we're on first,so get down early. ROCK ON......
  25. This is up my line of work, BUT, I'm miles away.... Good luck with it squire,look forward to hearing some tooooons. Stop by and say hello:- [url="http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.com/"]http://honeyforchrist.blogspot.com/[/url]
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