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Everything posted by weepaul

  1. My Spector euro fell out of my gig bag and onto the road I felt sick, checked the bass out, seems fine, apart from some deep chips in the laquer(down to the wood) and some hair line cracks in the laquer. Any ideas or suggestions to fix er up ? Could these chips and cracks lead to other problems ?
  2. I've got around a £1000 saved for a new scrapheap (car). So checking out Gumtree etc, nothing grabbing me. On Sunday the better half goes "Do you really need a car ? would you not prefer another bass ?" I have 3 already, and she would be giving up lifts etc....is this normal ? :wacko:
  3. weepaul


    Is it easy to get at everything in the Boss pedals ? Its not to cluttered in these things is it ?
  4. When playing, a bit of conviction and belief in what your doing(and maybe a beer or 2) I think helps. Get up, give it the heap. If the crowd think your a prat for enjoying yourself playing music..... their problem.
  5. weepaul


    The bro's pretty handy with this type of thing (installed EMG's and sorted the E.Q.), but he could punch me in the nuts for asking him to wire these in I'll ask him see if he's up for the challenge. Just incase anyone from Belfast etc handy with this type of thing ? There could be a pint and a pack of peanuts in it for ya :brow:
  6. weepaul


    HELLo, I see a guy on Ebay (Pedalhacker) selling pedal mod kits for Boss pedals, and theres one for the ODB3 pedal. I mailed about em, and theres 10-15 parts to be soldered in. Has anybody tried them ? Do they change the sound by much ? Are they easy enough to fit ? Don't worry, I think the '?' button on my computer is now worn out. Cheers, Paul.
  7. Check here for the full line up :- www.thedistortionproject.com :brow: ROCK ON !
  8. HELL-o, Belfast,Saturday 8th May@ The Spring & airbrake, Katy Dalys and The Limelight. Primordial, Orange Goblin, plus a load of other great bands. 3 venues plus 20+ bands. Doors 2pm-1am. I'm in Honey For Christ, so if your in the area call in for a wee bit of METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & a beer. Cheers, Paul.
  9. Hi, Been playing Heavy Metal with these goons for years now. www.honeyforchrist.com There you'll find links to myspace, facebook etc, great idea for a thread by the way. Hope you like it. Cheers, Paul.
  10. Yes mate, its stereo. I think the 2 volumes are to do with output volume and for Bi-amping etc...
  11. Thanks to everyone, the amp goes under the soldering iron tomorrow. Got the fan off Ebay for under £10 all in. Was wondering if there is anyway I can check if the new fan is working o.k. afterwards ? My cabs are in the practice place, and I heard if you turn on an amp not connected up it can do some serious damage. There is a mute switch on the front and 2 volume controls on the back of the amp, if these are turned down would any damage be done ? Its just to check everythings fine. Cheers.
  12. I've had a quick look inside and it still has a Trace valve in it. Works, just thought while I replace the fan may aswell do the valve. I've got a Electro-Harmonix for it,any good ? So its just astraight swap with the valve ? I've never changed one before. Any tips ?
  13. Greetings, I've got a Trace AH 600smx and the fan sounds well knackered, sounds like the bearings have gone. The fan is made by a company called Papst and I think the part no. is 4318. Has anyone had any similar probs ? Plus, is it a straight swap when replacing a preamp valve ? or does anything need done ? tweaked ? Many,many thanks. Paul.
  14. HELL-o, Trouble, the Chicago doom legends are hitting Belfast for a bit of HEEVEY RAYAK. They play the Spring & Airbrake on Thursday the 15th October. Support comes from the very metal Honey for Christ & the excellent Howlin Widow. Hope to see you there for a beer or 10. Cheers, Paul.
  15. Cheers, I think I owe alot of beer out .
  16. HELL-o, Anyone know where to get replacement UV bulbs for the old Trace amps ? Just to have em handy. Cheers, Paul.
  17. [attachment=22163:020.JPG][attachment=22164:021.JPG][attachment=22165:023.JPG] Had this as a back up and only used a few times. Nice amp,anyone interested there is reviews at www.harmonycentral.com along with more info. £300 and £30 to cover DHL to anywhere in the U.K.,any questions I'll do my best to answer them. Cheers, Paul. p.s. ITS ONLY THE AMP FOR SALE. The case is not included(the weight of it all would push the postage sky high) :mellow:00
  18. Yeah same cab, I use good thick speaker cable. This amp has 2 switch's on the back. MONO/STEREO and FULL RANGE/BI-AMP. I wire it up MONO and FULL RANGE into a 1048h cab which is then linked to a 1 x 15 Trace cab( the wee 200 watt 1). Could this be causing any problems ?
  19. Hello and help, I remember when i first got this amp (a few years a go ) that I didn't really need to crank it to get a good level. Now, it seems I really have to turn the gain and output knobs to get a good level. Any ideas ? The amp was built in 1990,and I clean the connections,pots,sliders on a regular basis. Could the output transistors be playing up or something else ? Anyone had a similar problem ? Cheers, Paul.
  20. [attachment=19105:023.JPG][attachment=19105:023.JPG][attachment=19106:021.JPG][attachment=19107:023. JPG] Sorry bout the quality of the pics,but we practice in a dungeon ,heres some info:- 500 watts. 2 channels. LVR control(replicates different speakers) like an extra tone control. Valve preamp(theres a wee window to see it glowing). D.I.,effects loop,ground lift,voltage selecter. Did someone post about a 12 band SMX rackmount Trace ? get in touch, I'm interested. Cheers, Paul.
  21. Bought this amp a while back for a back up off Ebay,used the odd time in practice and gigged once. I believe these were built by Markbass in the mid/late 90's. Good amp,just prefer my Trace so was just wondering if there was any interest ? I could put pics up if anyones interested. Mite trade for another Trace, so ,what do you think ? Oh,yeah, theres reviews at Harmony Central. Cheers, Paul.
  22. Got this amp of ebay for £250 a while back, needed a bit of work, but its up and running. Cracking amp, just need the footswitch,anybody got one I believe its the first version (footswitch input on front of amp). If you have one let me know and we can work something out. Cheers, Paul.
  23. Nice bass mate,bit out of my price range,but if I get a lottery win I'll be in touch. Take care and good luck with the sale. Paul.
  24. Hello, I mite be bothering you all from time to time . But feel free to bother me back . You can check out my band at www.honeyforchrist.com. Thanks, Paul.
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