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Everything posted by orangefriday

  1. I'd be happy to pop along to this too
  2. Great day for a mix'n'match meet up once the clouds parted. It's always interesting to see all the kit variations that work for each of us and get some ideas for what to try next. A good insight into another world from Ian King along with some enjoyable demos. Thanks to all those who did the work behind the scenes and here's a few pics for the peeps that didn't make it today.
  3. Yes, great day, thanks to Nik & Colin and others for sorting it out. Interesting listening to Pete's experiences and how they helped shaped his own builds ☺️
  4. Updated Attendance & Gear List: 01. Silverfoxnik - BC Rich Eagle, Ander van der End JB5, RBV5, Ampeg V4BH head and matching cabs. 02. Hamster - Tea, Coffee, Pastries, the Wife - might bring a bass! 03. @Frank Blank's Acoustic Corner - Rob Allen Mouse, Godin A4, FRFR setup (QSC K12.2 and Fishman preamp). 04. RodFunnell - '78 Stingray, Assorted Warwicks, Vanderkley Spartan, Mesa Prodigy 4:88, Barefaced Big Twin T and it's still a few months away so maybe more! 05. obbm - Sadowsky Metros, Handbox WB100, Bergantino cabs. 06. Cetera - Spector NS2, Spector Euro LT, Hamer Impact, Hagstrom Super Swede, Italia Imola GP, Fender FSR PJ, GK800RB, GenzBenz Neox 2x12 07. @NancyJohnson Lull JAXT4 & Lull JAX/NRT5, Darkglass A/O Head (will probably be old hat by then), 2xAguilar SL112s. 08. Rumblefish - Rumblefish bass,Wal Bass, MB Mpulse 600,Berg CN212 09. Steve Browning - SVL & Fender Precisions, Mesa Walkabout 15 10. @Stingray5 - MM and Tune basses, Trace Elliot or Eden combos, Boss GT-6B. 11. ChunkyMunky - Builds of mine (P5, J5 etc), SWR SM900, a Greenboy/Fearful build or two and some other assorted goodies. 12. samcrabtree00 - Warwick Streamer Stage II, USA MM Sub, Genzler Magallen 800, Barefaced BB2, Various effects 13. TrevorR - Wal Custom and Pro, Aria SB700, MarkBass LMII & Traveler 2x10 14. @Graemeross 4 Ps, 3 Js, 2 Aria SBs , Darkglass MT900, 2x Barefaced BB2, HX Effects with Line 6 G75 wireless. 15. prowla - Rics, Warwicks, Statii (whatever I chuck in the car!), Markbass EVO 1 & 1x12. Maybe a Minitaur & 12-step (if I've got 'round to figuring out the 12-step by then). 16. OrangeFriday - Third build - J bass - may contain LEDs...
  5. Yes it was a good first bash for me. Good to meet up and chat to a few people and see how and why they end up with the set up they do. It's interesting that everyone has a slightly different 'holy grail' sound and part of the gear journey is trying to track it down. I don't know where the time went - I need to catch more of the talks next year. Thanks to all who made it happen!
  6. I'm hoping to get there for my first 'bash'. I'll throw some stuff in the car and see if there's any space left in the hall for a couple of home-built specials!
  7. Hi PawelG Welcome from Waterlooville! Ray
  8. Wow, that's a tidy example of the breed. Does it still have metal just under the fretboard with the carbon neck? I can see that they have softened a few edges, but it's instantly recognisable. Love the carbon fibre headstock too!
  9. Aha - there's a different button Here's a few pics of the Vigier - this one is before he thought about graphite at all! You can see the truss rod cover in one pic, and presumably the date of manufacture under the neck pickup. I picked it up ten years ago and it has obviously been used a fair bit - slight chip off the headstock near the D tuner, crack in the walnut near the lower cutaway and some buckle rash on the back. According to the price list from September 1981, it cost around 7200 Francs! The pickups have an amazing blend of rich and solid combined with crystal clear treble. There's virtually no fret wear though and my only real gripe is that the position dot markers on the side of the fret board look like they are brass inserts. Over the years the lacquer has gone and they have tarnished leaving them very indistinct. But it's still my favourite! [attachment=231093:va1.jpg] [attachment=231094:va2.jpg] [attachment=231095:va3.jpg] [attachment=231096:va4.jpg] [attachment=231098:va5.jpg] [attachment=231101:va6.jpg] [attachment=231111:va7.jpg] It would be interesting to see how it compares to your examples, to see the course of development over time.
  10. Hi Paulgm1! Good to hear from someone on the doorstep. We did an open mic or two at the Colonial Bar some time ago but it closed down. I'm not sure if the two are linked... Sorry ped - I'd love to post a few pics of the Arpege, but I haven't worked out how to get pictures uploaded yet. Are there any idiot guides you could refer me too?
  11. Nevada moved out of North End a few years back and is now in Farlington. It has recently changed its name (or been acquired?) and is known as PMT(!) I'm not sure if that was a good step or not, but it may get more search engine hits! Good to hear you and Melvyn are still having fun.
  12. It sounds like you've already visited No, I just bought the book. I found it very good - pitched at the right level for me and full of practical advice. The rest was sweat & sawdust. I'll attach a few pics of the toys when I work that bit out later...
  13. Hi there I first owned a bass 30 years ago when I was 17 to give me a break from all the techy subjects in college. It was made by Hondo and I'd pick it up, play both notes from "You Really Got Me" by The Kinks and then put it back in the corner again, satisfied that the world of rock'n'roll had benefited from my contribution. Years passed and I progressed to a Hohner P-bass copy, playing "Peter Gunn", built a new amp and reconditioned an old Wharfedale speaker cabinet. Two mates and myself formed an unlikely band from two bass players and a lead guitarist, so I acquired a drumkit and we became "Head Cleaner", a front-room jamming outfit that could never play the same thing twice. It was still just a bit of fun when it was raining. Fast-forward the usual quota of years to around 2003. The drumkit had long departed, but the bass was always there. I started doing some multi-track stuff with the PC and was finding out a bit more about how notes fit together and basic structures. I chanced upon a 6-string Gibson copy that looked a bit like a Zak Wylde bullseye, but was finished in purple. I named it Kim Around that time I had to visit an Osteopath, and it turned out that he had a drumkit. Him and a couple of mates were looking to find a bass player to complete their band. Everyone was at the same newbie level so we met up and then spent two hours nailing "Teenage Kicks". To be honest, that was the first time I had played on a track with a start, middle and end without meandering off into nothing or relying on cut'n'paste to make it palatable. We built on that success and added a few more numbers before the scary step of tackling an open-mic night. It was a great buzz to someone with a low excitement threshold and "The Bloques" as we are now known, were born. With new found enthusiasm I ebayed my way through a Hohner B2A cricket-bat bass, a Peavey Cirrus BXP and a Fender Jazz before settling on a very early Vigier Arpege V4E. It has a truly glorious sound and is (mechanically) built like a tank. Being French the active controls are showing their age, but fortunately I prefer passive. After years of stripping down and rebuilding all the previous guitars, in 2008 I fancied building one. MoonBassAlpha took around 10 months (an evening here and there) and is still going today. I wanted it to look like a spaceship. It doesn't, but it has pacman lights Next I built a small (40W) valve practice amp and then in 2011 I felt the urge to produce another bass. SecondBass looks like a balloon animal, is awkward, heavy and unbalanced, but it is orange and slightly impossible so all is well. I recently finished a class-D amplifier (more than 40W) and cornered silverfoxnik at a pub gig in West Sussex. He recommended I join basschat as it is full of like-minded people who would understand... On a mildly serious note, for the ones out there attempting a build, I have also stumbled down that well trodden path (with lots of thanks to Melvyn Hiscock), and am happy to assist if I can. On the other hand if you regularly use a mixophrygian scale then I congratulate you on your choice and don't forget to convert it back to metric when you're done.
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