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Everything posted by MGB

  1. Couldn't agree more. Come to think of it, for me Steely Dan is probably the only band that managed to make three (or maybe even four) albums in a row that haven't got a weak moment on it. Katy Lied, The Royal Scam, Aja and Gaucho. And the ones before that aren't too shabby either😁.
  2. This
  3. We played a at a very small theatre with The Billy Joel Experience, people were sitting so close that they could touch the pianoplayer/singer. Due to the size of this venue we (and especially the drummer and he really did an excellent job) had to play very soft. This had a positive side effect, more space and dynamics and therefore more room to make music instead of just cranking out the songs. I had a very enjoyable evening.
  4. I just did it 🤔, google it I mean.
  5. Played three songs at a local radio station with The Billy Joel Experience. Yes you guessed it right, we play Billy Joel songs. Pretty happy with the sound. If the link doesn't start at the right spot, we start playing at 1.06.36
  6. He won't be able to respond, he's spending another year dead for tax reasons.
  7. Oh wow, I wish I had the funds to buy this one right now. Great basses, good luck with the sale.
  8. Thank you KiOgon, saves me from googling what 1.93 is in feet. Pretty tall for a Dutch Italian and quite handy for playing bass but I have a pretty short pinky and that's a shame.
  9. This is just such a great musical album with all players being in topform but for me as a bassplayer Jeff Berlin stood out even more.
  10. This makes me so angry, people should keep their hands off other peoples possesions. I hope you'll get both basses back unharmed.
  11. Ah sorry, with English not being my native language I misunderstood. It sounded like you stumbled upon- and where surprised about the message and didn't know if you would be involved in future plans.
  12. Do I understand correctly that you are in this band and you knew nothing about this on forehand?
  13. Yes floating platform, but the boats that went by didn't give us too much bother
  14. All was secured very well so no problems. We invited the audience to come and dance up close but somehow they weren't up to it. Indeed 😁
  15. Sunday afternoon gig, it was a two hour drive to get there so quite an early start for a sunday. We played outdoor with The Billy Joel Experience, yes we only play Billy Joel songs. We played well and it was a nice responsive crowd but it felt a bit strange because we where separated by water.
  16. That at gigs I still sometimes can panic and screw up when having to play a song I don't know yet by ear. Knowing that if I would be comfy at home it wouldn't be a problem at all to play it faultless the first time round.
  17. Many many years ago I was playing with a drummer who had been on tour with Chaka Kahn. He told me "you keep great time and play with a nice feel, you're accurate and to the point". I'll never forget that.
  18. I had one for a few weeks to try out. Great bass, lots of sounds available thanks to the Sims pickups (enjoyed them a lot) but also always retained the Spector signature sound (also a good thing I find). But........... had to send it back because of the reach, it was just way too much and not comfortable for me at all. I wish they would put the bridge at the edge of the body and make a deeper cutaway on the lower horn. That would make a fantastic bass.
  19. Played our last gig tonight with our band. Inside and with old fashioned lighting, no led lights so on top of it already being very hot the lights almost killed us. Was a good gig nevertheless, all that remains now are sweet memories.
  20. Like this. Was a double bill, we played first (Billy Joel Tribute band) and then a Bruce Springsteen Tribute. Lovely night, nice weather, great audience. Only downside was that we couldn't do much with the lighting because it wasn't dark yet when we played. VID-20190622-WA0006.mp4
  21. Shouldn't he just play it the way it's supposed to be instead of you trying to lock in on a mistake he makes?
  22. Ok, thank you very much.
  23. Hi Ead, do you by any chance remember the weight of this bass?
  24. Since a few months I am the happy owner of a Sandberg TM5 with Delano pickups. I too have my doubts about them and to be honest in the past when trying out basses with Delano's I never got exited. This bass came with these pickups and I thought I would swap them for something different later on but I think they are growing on me a little now. Played alone without any other instruments they are kinda clean sounding and not that exiting, but within a band setting they somehow don't seem to lack character anymore. At least that's what I'm thinking now. And the Glockenklang preamp is rather good I would say, it has a lot of finesse and you can dial in (and out) lots of nuances. Maybe even too much, I tend to find a great setting sometimes and then later I'm unable to reproduce that exact setting. So maybe not the easiest eq for lots of changes when playing live but indeed a rather good one. In the end it all comes down to personal preferences so maybe this can help some of you to decide if Delano's are right for you. We have done a monthly live streaming with our band (since january) and this is our latest, it's about 45 minutes long and there is some talking but if you scroll a bit you'll get to the next song quickly enough. I hope this gives you an impression of how a Sandberg with Delano's behaves in a band, in the end that's what it is made for.
  25. Saw them yesterday in Utrecht. Great concert.
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