For sale this lovely JV Squier. Fantastic sound, classic Jazz. I just can't seem to get along with the thin frets on it. While my JV Precision has the same frets and they feel great, on the Jazz I think I prefer the jumbo ones.
Here's the original thread: [url=""][/url]
Since I got it, I have cleaned the fretboard and oiled it. Basically, brought it to life. I have also installed a KiOgon wiring loom and gave it a nice setup. It now has a standard V/V/T controls with Bourns pots. Black knobs with white lines. The neck has the best aged yellow color I've seen. It's almost orange. There are couple of imperfections on the neck. I can't notice them when I play. The scratches on the body are all pictured. The one at the back is the worst. Don't know how that happened. Plays really nice and I did not think I'd be selling it. But here we go.
Could be interested in a trade for nice P Bass with maple fret board. Japanese preferably.