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Everything posted by Soliloquy

  1. A present from my Mom, but it's really not my sort of thing. It's beautifully made in tan leather, with red suede fancy bits. It measures from 85cm to 95cm, so it's fairly short. Here's the website [url="http://www.hellforleather.tv/"]http://www.hellforleather.tv/[/url] It's identical to ones made for Guy Pratt. I'd like £30 for this beauty, I will include 1st class postage.
  2. [quote name='stevie' post='1198956' date='Apr 14 2011, 12:34 AM']If you don't mind my saying so, you're not helping. Try to stick to the issue in hand and don't get personal.[/quote] I don't think any of this is helping. How have I got personal ? I haven't and won't mention any names in what I've said, so there's absolutely nothing whatsover in the slightest personal in my comments. Sorry, you've gone and amended your post now
  3. [quote name='Geester' post='1198950' date='Apr 14 2011, 12:22 AM']...I didn't sell anyone a bass last year...[/quote] I didn't say that you did . The irony is in the fact that it was one of the people posting in the thread. For what it's worth, I hate threads like this, see my reply to the Bassdirect trial last night.
  4. I do find it slightly ironic that the main contributor to this thread sold a bass to a guy on here last year. The guy drove all the way to pick it up, a round trip I think of a few hundred miles. The bass had been advertised with certain pickups, I can't remember exactly what I was told. When he got there the seller said "Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I've swapped out the pickups on the bass". Well it was a bit late then wasn't it if he did mind. The guy had also put a mark on the front of the bass by not being too careful swapping the pickups over. Anyway, I subsequently bought the bass which is when I was told the story.
  5. A lot of people seem to dislike the MarkBass cabs. I find my little 1x12 to be very 'plug in and play'. I cut the high mids highs a little, and boost the bass on my F1.
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1197598' date='Apr 12 2011, 11:16 PM']I reckon this should be locked again, as we're not in possession of the true facts.[/quote] Which is why threads like this are totally wrong IMO. It is strictly between Mark and the buyer, and there's now someone else owning the bass.
  7. Shops can and do make mistakes. I remember another bass shop advertising a Toby Pro 6 string bass as being a genuine Tobias a couple of years ago. I almost paid well over £1000 for it, I did some research first and realised their mistake. Oh and Beedster, my thread about Stringsdirect and this are totally different. This is accusing someone of dishonesty, my thread was about a messed up order.
  8. Trial by Basschat again. This matter should be strictly between Mark and the buyer. It should not be on here open to everyone to add to and discuss. [b]If the buyer is unhappy then there are proper channels to go through. This isn't one of them.[/b] I have been a customer of Mark's since he started, when he was still trading out of a tarted up barn. I have spent thousands of pounds with him, and would not hesitate to buy from him again. A very good friend of mine suffered from a thread similar to this a couple of years ago, after selling some idiot a bass. The buyer had it for a whole month before announcing that there was something wrong with the electrics. The bass was fine before he had it, in fact it had been serviced by one of the UK's top luthiers immediately prior to the sale. My friend no longer comes on here.
  9. These are great amps, I love mine !!! And Dood is a great guy to deal with too.
  10. The Pitchblack is the only one I'd choose from that list. The Polytune is not very accurate and the display is hard to see.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1193868' date='Apr 9 2011, 04:11 PM']If your order confirmation says extra-long scale, send 'em back.[/quote] The slip that came with them just says ProSteel 6 string and the gauges. The email that I received confirming the order says ProSteel XL 6 string. I'm just a bit worried that they won't have 'em back because I've opened them, and tried to fit the B string.
  12. All sorted now . I got a great discount on some new strings.
  13. Those SKB bass safes are a good idea. Just make sure to wrap gaffa around the case, I have heard somewhere that they can pop open.
  14. Definitely Rotosound swing bass [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/616-rotosound_4_string_swing_bass_stainless_steel_bass_guitar_strings"]http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/61..._guitar_strings[/url] I had a fretless Fender jazz for a time last year, it really came to life when I put a set of these on it.
  15. Steve Lawson has flown thousands of miles with his bass in a gig bag, checked in every time. He only had a problem once, and then the bass was damaged outside of the case.
  16. [quote name='SteveK' post='1192406' date='Apr 7 2011, 11:16 PM']BA has a very clear policy. Quote:[b] "Small musical instruments may be carried as hand baggage if they are under 126cm (50in), as part of your free hand baggage allowance."[/b] Don't know about other carriers. BA is my airline of choice If in doubt check with the the airline.[/quote] I think most are the same. It is best to check first though.
  17. You can take it down to the gate, it's taken from you and placed in the hold. You then collect it the other side the same way. It doesn't actually go round the carousel or in with the other bags as such.
  18. I think most gig bags fit in the over heads. You see people taking baby pushchairs on board too, they're generally a lot bigger than most gig bags. Try and get on the plane first though. Budget airlines generally charge people for checking in bags, so they get taken on the plane. You may have a problem if the overheads are all full.
  19. If you have to check it in, get a proper case, no cheap nonsense. How would you get on if your bass was broken when you get there. I have a custom made case from Castle cases in Tamworth, it cost about £130 two years ago. It could easily take being run over by a tank ! It may be cheaper to buy your bass a seat. That's not as daft as it sounds, I did that two years ago flying to Spain, it worked out at about £50 return. I also managed to take my Zon on board with me both ways to Ireland last year in my Mono bag. Just don't take any other hand luggage, and be calm about it. Don't carry it over your shoulder, just have it by the handles of its bag by your side. That was with BMI by the way. A lot of airlines will let you take it on board, even if you have to hand it in to a stewardess so they can put it in their wardrobe thing. I'm in the MU, and checked with them first of all, and I made sure I was carrying my membership card with me. I think their stance is that you should be able to carry an instrument with you.
  20. [quote name='walbassist' post='1190647' date='Apr 6 2011, 04:26 PM']Whereas I'd say the Protec! The Mono edges it on weight, cool looks and funky materials, plus if your bass has an angled headstock it's much better. But, it's [i]twice[/i] the price of the Protect Contego, and to my mind the Protec is sturdier and your bass would be better protected from damage. YMMV, we agree to disagree etc.... [/quote] I totally agree, the Protec is fantastic. I try and travel by train a lot though, and find that the Mono is easier to carry. I think it all depends on what you are doing and how you travel. If the bass is going in the back of a truck or a van, then a proper case would be best. If it's in a car with other luggage then maybe the Protec. If you're going to be carrying it then the Mono. The Mono would certainly protect your bass from the average bump and bang on a train ride or tube journey. My basses have been hundreds of miles with me in the Mono, and don't have a mark on them. They are very expensive though.
  21. I'd say Mono, but only because of the weight. They also have more pockets than the others recommended so far. The Protec are excellent though, but I found them to be a tad heavy, but I'm a wimp.
  22. Hex core strings tend to be 'stiffer' than round cores. I use Overwater strings which are very nice, quite tight and very well priced. My basses are 35" scale though, so the strings are a bit tighter anyway, maybe I'm not the best person to advise you. If you use stainless steels I know that D'addario ProSteels are advertised as being stiffer than others.
  23. It's not too accurate. I had one and sold it after comparing it with a pitchblack and my Turbotuner. The Polytune said my bass was in tune, my Pitchblack and Turbo said it wasn't. There are quite a few threads on Talkbass about the inaccuracy of it. I don't think it'd be too noticeable though really. I also didn't like the size of the display.
  24. Long; 46" - 55" Way too long for me. Brand new, so £20 posted.
  25. I love them, I just don't think I'd actually play one. I'd love to buy one just to hang on the wall. I bought a strap from his store once, so I get emails from him now and again offering me stuff like this, that's how I got to see them .
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