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Everything posted by Soliloquy

  1. Bump. I may be interested in part trades for a cheap keyboard, only up to about £200 though. I have that amount to spend on a keyboard anyway.
  2. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1131982' date='Feb 18 2011, 11:00 AM']I have an M-Audio Prokeys 88 which has the usual piano, organ, clavinet, rhodes, strings etc sounds. Affordable, 88 note weighted keys, headphones etc. I use it as a learning thing (voicings etc) and midi controller but can't really play it but I would suspect it is exactly the kind of thing you want for a price that is in your range. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=m+audio+prokeys&hl=en&cid=3664383651184041090&ei=21BeTdfTMNGx-Qb9qtGWCQ&sa=title&ved=0CAwQ8wIwATgA#p"]M Audio Prokeys 88 stage piano[/url][/quote] That looks perfect, thanks !
  3. [quote name='markstuk' post='1131960' date='Feb 18 2011, 10:50 AM']Define "too expensive" so it gives me a chance :-)[/quote] Well they're talking in the upper hundreds, lower thousands. I'm talking about spending two maybe three hundred . It seems that keys players are very much 'gear snobs'.
  4. I played keyboards as a second instrument at college. I'd like to get back into it, I should be able to pick up quite a few extra gigs from it. Can anyone recommendation a good, reasonably priced keyboard ? I'm thinking piano and organ sounds mostly. Most of the keyboard players I play with lug in huge great trunks of gear, I just want something smallish and easy to carry, and not expensive. I've asked a few of the guys I know and they've recommended stuff that's just too expensive. Thanks !
  5. When you read the posts by 'Agedhorse' and the other guy over on Talkbass, you get the impression that it's a small privately owned business. I'm quite amazed that it's owned by Fender.
  6. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='1129342' date='Feb 16 2011, 10:36 AM']I really want one of [url="http://www.merryfair.com/merryfair/default_print.asp?id=48"]these.[/url] Compact, tough, stable but allows movement, easy to store, and probably better for posture. Can I find a UK distributor? Can I bllx! [/quote] I think Ikea sell something similar looking to that.
  7. [quote name='LemonCello' post='1130580' date='Feb 17 2011, 08:33 AM']That's bottom clenchingly gorgeous! Beautiful bass and a piece of art too! Good luck with the sale, LC[/quote] It looked great at Christmas, all covered in tinsel and baubles .
  8. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1131044' date='Feb 17 2011, 02:13 PM']I remember there was a thread about PAT testing a few years ago on here, the general consensus being that you might as well just buy the little sticker that says your gear has passed a PAT test for like 50p or something.[/quote] To be honest, that's exactly what I've always done in the past. I was told though (I don't know if this is correct, but it does make sense), that if someone was injured, electrocuted by my equipment, or it caused a fire. and they discovered that I'd just stuck some labels on the gear. Then it would be my fault, and any insurance claim would be thrown out. I have public liability insurance through the MU. I gigged with a band a couple of weeks ago, the lead supply their desk was damaged by being shut in the trunk the previous gig. Things like that can happen ten minutes after having your gear tested, but who honestly checks their stuff properly ? Certainly not me, I'm considered dangerous with a screwdriver .
  9. I'm thinking specifically bands, or maybe if enough people in an area want their gear testing to make it worthwhile. My cousins husband (as of today, they get married this afternoon ), has his own company doing PAT testing, and other electrical testing too. He actually has a contract for doing a couple of large chain stores. He recently did my gear, and that belonging to one of the bands I play for. He's an ex musician and is very reasonable with his prices, and will give a discount if you mention basschat. He charged the band £50 for doing a load of gear including amps, PA, lighting, lasers etc. He's based in Birmingham, but will travel around the Midlands area. His name's James, and his number is 07599 356864.
  10. Photo showing the nice, shiny blue LED's. Apologies for the photo, I should have leant against something I guess, to cut down on movement , they are very bright.
  11. Janek Gwizdala demonstrated this superbly at a masterclass I attended last year.
  12. I weighed it on my bathroom scales, not I have to say the most accurate scales around, but according to them it's about 9lbs.
  13. [quote name='BassBod' post='1128685' date='Feb 15 2011, 06:21 PM']Sorry to hear about the circumstances - family and good health are more important than nice basses. Now please tell me its a very, very heavy bass that I don't need...and will give me a dodgy back for years to come, even when played sitting down! Otherwise I may do something stupid with my hard earned debts.[/quote] Hi Duncan, It's a strange bass, it feels quite heavy when you pick up, but it balances very, very well, so it doesn't weigh much when it's worn. I practice for 6 or 7 hours a day, most days, and I've done that with this bass strapped on with no discomfort. I'll weigh it later, just out of curiosity.
  14. I do find it a bit bewildering why people want to change from a 4 to a 5 in between songs. Just do everything on a 5, it's a lot easier. I remember being at a bass weekend organised by the Basscentre. It'd be something like 1986 I think, I was about 14 at the time. A lot of the guys there, especially the session guys were using 5 string basses. There was one guy who had an Overwater C bass. The electric bass is 60 years old this year, the Fender P bass was released in 1951. So the 5 string bass has been here for very nearly half of the electric bass's existence. I wander why is there still all of this hostility towards it ? Kind of like an inverted snobbery. I have read in similar threads on Talkbass, statements such as "well Jaco only needed 4 strings". Well so what, who cares how many strings Jaco had. The 5 string electric bass has been here for at least a quarter of a century. It's not going to go away, it's here to stay. Just accept that and carry on playing whatever you want, and whatever gets the job done for YOU. And please, please stop starting stupid threads like this, they're so pointless.
  15. [quote name='Stag' post='1127285' date='Feb 14 2011, 04:55 PM']Wow, thats extremely cool. I actually prefer it in white! sorry you have to sell tho [/quote] Yeah, I'm really sorry too, I waited over a year and a half for this to be finished. It's all the fault of the NHS and an insurance company. My brother's a karate instructor, he injured himself training last year, someone side kicked him (whatever that is). He's been going backwards and forwards to the hospital seeing various so called specialists. He's finally gone and seen a private sports injury specialist who diagnosed his problem in 30 minutes. He's now going to need an operation to fix it. The NHS waiting list is months, he's already been limping around for a year. So he's going to have the operation done privately. This is his livelihood, but his insurance (that's not cheap) is refusing to pay out. I look at it like this though. I really don't play the bass out, and I can always order another at a later date. PLus I'm helping my brother out.
  16. I really hate doing this, but a family member has a health issue and I need to raise some cash. Anyway, a bit of history. This beautiful bass is 24 years old. It was originally built for a guy in Scotland, who I believe now has another Starchild bass. It was originally 'Pearl Pink' in colour, and had what John calls 'snow drift' inlays. The original owner had it re spayed white at some stage. When I bought it two years ago the white had yellowed quite badly, and there were various bumps and marks on the body. It didn't however have any major problems, everything was merely cosmetic. I think a testament to John's superb luthiery skills. John Diggins had the bass for about 18 months, I got it back from him just before Christmas. During the refurbishment he totally stripped the bass back to the bare wood, and re finished it in white. It's had a new modern truss rod fitted to it, meaning the neck is as stable as any other bass that I own, it just doesn't move. He's also fitted a new fretboard, and spent hours and hours doing the 'Starchild' inlays. The neck and headstock are bound in white. It laso has blue side LED's, the LED in the on/off/pick up selector is also blue. It has shiny new gold bridge pieces, and knobs. The machines are original, John just gave them a polish. The electronics were changed to a new modern board to allow space for the extra battery required for the LED's. It is an amazing looking bass. I have used it out of the house on two occasions only, and both times I had people complimenting me on the bass. Don't believe what people say about them being 'one trick ponies', that just isn't the case. People who say that quite simply don't know what they're talking about. I used it live on two occasions, once with a jazz trio, and once with a beautiful lady singer called Judy Duff, doing jazz standard songs songs. The preamp is extremely versatile, just roll off the treble, and boost the bass for a rich and deep sound. Boost the treble and bass, cut the mids and you're into Mark King territory. It comes with a custom size Hiscox hard case. I will be commissioning a new bass from John when finances allow. The bass is totally mint, it has no marks what so ever anywhere on it. There is currently an 18 month wait for a Jaydee bass, possibly longer for one like this. Taking into account all of the extras, binding, custom inlays, LED's etc, the current new price for this bass is somewhere about £2,500. I want £1,500 plus shipping, though I would rather the buyer collects it. I could also meet half way somewhere. Absolutely no trades though.
  17. I got a Shuttle 6.0 in a trade a couple of weeks ago. I found the stock Ruby valve to be very 'gritty' sounding. So I experimented with a few different valves. This sounded very, very nice in it, but I've now traded the Shuttle for an LM2. It's 'new old stock', dated 1983 on the box. £25 posted.
  18. I have a JAN PHILIPS 5751 for sale if anyone is interested. I got a Shuttle 6.0 in a trade a week or so ago, and experimented with a couple of different valves. The stock Ruby was very gritty sounding. I've now traded the Shuttle for an LM2, it's going fitted with a JJ Electronics 12AX7.
  19. I love vinyl, good on you for considering it. I went off vinyl in the 80's, mainly because I believed the hype about CD's sounding better etc. They don't sound better at all. I bought a cheapish turntable before Christmas, a Rega RP1. I've listed to a track on CD, then switched to vinyl, there's loads more detail in the vinyl.
  20. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1125367' date='Feb 12 2011, 08:09 PM']until such times i would see a 5'er being needed then im happy sticking with my 4's. If you cant do it with 4 strings,,,,then just try harder! or get your guitarist to do it hahahaha.[/quote] I really, really hate these stupid threads. I just don't see the point in them. Excuse me, but a guitar is tuned higher than a bass. How could a guitarist cover what you'd play on a standard 5 string bass ? I generally play low E at the 5th fret on the B string. I don't like moving down the neck to play F, F#,G,G# etc, so I play them at the 6th fret and upwards, it saves moving about. A 5 string bass is brilliant if you're reading a chart on a gig, you haven't got to move about so much, so you can play pretty much in one position and follow the chart. In other words I play across the neck, rather than up and down it. One band that I dep for plays a lot of songs where the bass line was originally played on keys, Chaka Khan's 'Aint nobody' for example, try playing that on a 4 string bass without a lot of messing about. It wouldn't work played up an octave either !
  21. Withdrawn briefly, but I'm still not 100% happy with it. I've changed the valve to a better quality JJ Electronics one. It had quite a 'gritty' sound before, now it's a lot smoother sounding. Still open for trades for Markbass heads, possibly EBS too.
  22. I've never had a problem with DR's, except for some blackbeauties once, all the black came off within about 2 hours. Status Hotwires are pretty good, cheap and long lasting. I'm using Overwater strings at the moment which seem pretty good, and again they're quite cheap. I noticed the other day that Stringsdirect hardly had any DR strings in stock.
  23. I think these are based on the Fender Bassman amp, and similar to the Alembic F1-X. How good are they ? They're a ridiculous price really. Anyone compared them top an F1-X with a power amp. I'd love an F1-X, but I'm put off with the hastle of a rack set-up. How noisy are the fans ?
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