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Everything posted by Tokalo

  1. Source Audio After Shock distortion /fuzz /overdrive pedal. Includes original power supply, phone connector lead and box. Source Audio’s Neuro app that gives a load of additional options and controls is free: you connect your phone to the pedal using the supplied lead. Excellent condition. £125 posted (UK mainland)
  2. My Sandberg Electra VS4 is light (3.5kg) and a delight to play. And now I’ve put a Kent Armstrong pickup in, it has a beautiful vintage sound too. I previously had a G&L Tribute SB-2; it was a tad heavier at 4.0kg, but was very easy to play/hard to put down. The pickup has a great classic tone at about 8/10. When you go up to full volume, it reaches a whole new level of woah!
  3. Ah, the good old days when you got a proper education at school! (I'm only jealous - I left school the year they brought the first BBC PCs into a classroom).
  4. I nearly got scammed by my bank just now. I went to pay in cash the band had given me for practice room hire last night and the bank machine said I’d used a fake tenner. When I asked the teller to check for me, he came back saying actually the note was ok/must have been folded funny. If I was in more of a hurry, I might easily have taken the bank’s word for it, and then fallen out with the drummer. Anyway, I’ve just updated my BC password to something unique to this site.
  5. Would that be using the “tilt” control on the Digbeth between bass and treble? It seemed like a possible bonus feature of the pedal when I bought mine, but I’ve never had a chance to test it with guitar in a live situation. Would be interesting to hear how you get on.
  6. I put some Wilkinson tuners on a CV Squier Jaguar, and they were a definite upgrade. However, I read somewhere that Harley Benton had to stop using Wilkinson on their above-basic instruments because their factories in Asia kept receiving counterfeit/sub-standard parts. Hence the move to Roswell pickups.
  7. I think so - I’m going to try the octave suggestions at next rehearsal. I play this song with pick, so I might try playing open A and A at 7th on D string palm-muted as a sort of power chord. I remember seeing Ian Gillan singing New Orleans on TOTP in the early 80s. His bassist played all three notes the song required with his fingers pointing down. I still can’t decide if that was disrespectful or actually a way of making a simple part more challenging.
  8. My rock covers band have decided we’re doing Hell Ain’t a Bad Place to Be. Apart from two 8-bar choruses, the bass part throughout the whole song appears to be only quavers on A. So. While playing one note for 4 minutes, do you: a) play open A string, making it obvious this requires next-to-no skill (e.g. your left hand goes nowhere near the neck); b) fret the E string, and at least try to look interested, even if there’s not much scope for adding expression to the bass part?
  9. A few months ago I bought a used Spector Coda 4 Pro - their jazz copy. (It was supposed to be my backup/church band bass, but despite my best efforts I like it a bit too much for that - the previous owner had the neck Plekked, which is no doubt a factor). I decided to replace the Tonepump Jr - not that I didn’t like it, but because I wanted a passive option and I find a balance control necessary in church (too much risk of forgetting to turn both vols down during prayers). So I’ve put in a Glock 2-band, which sounds great: noiseless and clear. I had some problems settling the cables in the cavity, and even being really careful I’m concerned about shorting the pickup wiring. The pickups are EMG HZ passive jazz pickups with 5 leads: Red. Green. Uncovered. Black. White. The black and white leads were already taped together, so I have left them. The Green and Uncovered were combined previously for each pickup, so I have kept them together. But the Uncovered leads seem like they could easily short on the back of the balance pot. I assume I should use insulating tape to prevent shorting, but I’m curious why EMG would leave them uncovered- is there a good reason for this?
  10. Not wishing to be facetious, but can I take it The Deaf Institute is a genuine venue??
  11. My experience with The Gallery is similar to Paolo’s - you need to be prepared to be in regular contact with the store: to remind them to put the bass on sale; to ask why it’s no longer on the website (sold, apparently); to find out how to be paid; to have the money sent. They do seem to be very busy, but are apologetic and treat you like a human. My bass sold quickly, and the transaction wasn’t a chore: I got the train from Hertfordshire to Town with a mate, dropped off the bass and then spent the rest of the day in a bold quest to down a pint in London’s oldest pub (there are several claimants to this title, which made it all rather enjoyable)
  12. Any idea how anyone in UK can buy an Audere preamp? Their website makes it clear they won’t post outside the US, and I can’t find any UK dealers/retailers. Thanks
  13. Before singling out the GBP fx rate for special treatment, it’s probably worth checking what has happened to EUR over the past couple of years. Post-covid, it fell to below parity with USD - the weakness isn’t related to the UK’s membership of their union. I believe it’s more to do with US fuel independence (fracking and all that) and the US raising interest rates earlier in the inflation cycle. I imagine global Bass prices are linked to USD, so all Europeans will see inflation, regardless of their home currency.
  14. I tested my new Comfort Strapp last night. I have boney shoulders - muscle doesn’t naturally grow where I need it to, and there’s a nerve which gets trapped between the pressure point of a bass strap and bone. I was playing a Sandberg Electra VS4, so a relatively light bass (3.5kg). But - even with the neoprene padding - after an hour, my nerve was impacted and the pain (and pins & needles in my little finger) gradually increased for the rest of the session. Today is the worst I’ve known it, and that’s after I used a decent strap. I’m seriously considering getting one of those rugby undershirts with padded shoulder protection.
  15. Is this the bit where we can openly talk about Barclay James Harvest? Les Holroyd was my hero when I was 14.
  16. The guitarist in my church band has the 6-string version of the Westone: we’ve been joking about me getting one of these so we match. It’s at the price where that would work, but sadly it’s too far away (and I can’t sell my SB-2 so no more basses for me anyway!)
  17. I’ve only been playing for 7 years and have agreed to a 3-bass limit, so this is probably inexcusable: Stagg Spector Ibanez 5 Ibanez 4 Squier G&L Tribute* Sire Fender MIM J Sandberg Electra* Bass Collection Spector (again)* * = keeps
  18. I had that problem with TI flats last summer. Coated rounds were better (I found BlackSmith AOTs were ok). Cobalt flats are better too.
  19. It’s for sale elsewhere, and - as you say - it’s the right price, especially considering it’s significantly better than the MIM Standard/Player Series basses I’ve played: smoother neck; faultless finish; better hardware and much classier pickups.
  20. I’ve just bought a used Coda 4 Pro. I wanted a Spector and I was also looking for a jazz-style bass (so this means I can keep below the max number of basses allowed in the house!) I want to change from two volume controls to a volume + balance. My options seem to be: Get a 4-pot preamp replacement; Get a 4-pot passive loom (eg from KiOgon). My question is whether going passive will necessitate new pickups - are EMH HZs powerful enough without a preamp? (And is going passive a huge No No for a Spector?!)
  21. I’m working on an old Bass Collection jazz bass (2013) with noisy electrics. I put in a new loom last week (series/parallel type) but the noise was still there, so I’ve got a shielding problem. I’m guessing it’s caused by the unshielded wires - hence my question above. I appear to have just solved the noise issue by wrapping copper foil around the wires all the way from the pickup to about an inch short of the pots. I also had to link the wrapped wires to the control plate, but it seems the noise has gone. For me, this is easier than coating the entire cavities with foil because the spaces are quite small.
  22. Is it possible that a pickup has unshielded wires running to the pots (two thin wires, rather than one thicker one with inner core/outer wrap)? If so, could you simply shield these cables by wrapping the tape around them, without needing to line all the cavities?
  23. I’m happy to deliver for free in Hertfordshire!
  24. Basically a passive p-bass with a jazz neck. It’s gorgeous, with a hot p pickup and excellent build quality. Weight: 4.1kg / 9.0lb Collect from Welwyn Garden, or I’m happy to meet up at a reasonable distance. Insured courier would cost £30.
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