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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. I,ve never heard anybody say that an Orange Terror bass is short in the underpants department. I use a SP212 cab isobaric and it carries and slams no problem.
  2. Same here but sp 212 cab,head sounds great full stop and loud
  3. isobaric 4x12 there ye go. Or 4 12" speakers back to back so it looks like a 1x12 from the front and go superbaric.
  4. hi,TB 500 is very loud and sounds better the louder it goes
  5. Oh come on my bewtocks are getting cramp sitting here wondering if a BDI21 has done the trick
  6. Hiho ,might be as simple as get it off the floor
  7. Hi ,this is a bag of worms this one. A few kinda viewpoints or observations. I will agree that some venues with backlines should be ashamed of themselves with the equipment on site . .All backline should be pro/tour standard,that works as it should,another can of worms Good sound on stage gives great performances from the bands/solo/duo etc and importantly the audience with a great sound FOH as well. You wouldn,t go for a parachute jump with a bedsheet attached to bungees hooked onto your belt would you.
  8. Here,s one of the best kept secrets BDI21 in front of amp-any amp and doubles as a DI box,great tool for recording as well and cheap as chips s/h
  9. Hiho,Wizard thumper is a good choice but seeing that the Wizard has retired hot rod would be the way to go. If they are the same as the originals then they will be good. Andy at Wizard was making pick ups for bare knuckles at one time but that,s another story.
  10. Ironwood is best for metal ?
  11. Hi ,if it,s apex roof across the strings,top to bottom then it,s following the camber of the neck and that,s fine. If it,s tilted lengthwise up and down ,it,s wonky looking but shouldn,t affect the sound,just reset the screws as above.Plug the holes and redrill small pilot holes and screw in or stick a bit of mouse mat under the foam on the side that,s down and pack it out a bit.
  12. Hiho,I,ve been using Dunlop super bright steels for 6 months now and they still sound great Highly recommended if you like bright strings with good bottom end,lower tension and not as rough as normal stainless strings,feel almost like nickel rounds in fact I,ve had rougher,cheese grater nickles before. They suit me down to the ground.
  13. Hiho lovely piece of wood there. kinda off thread but onnit-why aren,t we using indigenous woods from UK like sycamore,it,s a maple,oak,birch,rowan,blackthorn I know some of these would need to be glued together as the boards would be narrow . I take inspiration from all the trees that are in our country,what,s wrong with Norfolk ash,it,s quiet swampy in places like the broads,willow makes cricket bats and they get a pounding,beech used for mallets cause it resists splitting. Just a thought
  14. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/260036-later-tonight-not-including-bass/page__st__30 Here,s how the BBC used do bass
  15. hiho,get off your finger tips and flatten your fingers across the board,1 finger per fret and thumb behind the neck pointing towards the head stock. Dont have to move arm up and down neck just swivel on your thumb you can cover a lot of ground without moving your arm-economy of movement.
  16. There are to many variables but to keep it brief If it sounds good and plays good,does it matter and a lot to be said for keep it simple when yer gigging. I,ve never had anybody say to me you should have had a twin pick up bass tonight or single coils would have sounded better than the humbuckers n stuff like that Anyway what,s best for metal ?
  17. It,s been said,awfully like nickel strings are the problem
  18. Hiho you could use as a boost or different sound or just fine tune one killer tone and hard to believe that,s all you need,the rest is fiddle the knobs on the bass and the rest is in your hands
  19. Wouldn,t leave home without one. most of them double as a DI box as well,covered
  20. I would lower the pick ups I get this at normal heights and have to drop them down on all my basses,it,s like the speakers are spitting at you. I,m a bit of a big hitter as well.
  21. Don,t run both cabs unless your amp can do 2 ohm as a 8 n 4 ohm cab gives you about 2.7 ohm or thereabouts
  22. So did I-that,s a cracker
  23. I use whatever I take to the gig and just twiddle the knobs and switches on the bass and use a pick but fingers and thumbs come out as well when needed.Most of it comes from both hands though through muting/damping,dynamics,where you pluck and that stuff,feeling where to place that note before you get to strings ,amps,cabs,type of wood and all that blah blah. Just get a bass that feels good in the hand and sounds good and roll with it
  24. Bass of the night and volume tone knobs,pick up selector if fitted no more no less
  25. I,ve never traded up to a full blown ray cause they dont sound or feel any different apart from the finish on the neck but it,s wearing away now after 12 years of playing. Bargain is the only word,enjoy your real musicman,they are the real deal. At the time musicman made these to get people into musicman and they would so impressed that they would trade up later to a ray but it kinda backfired cause some of us savvy ones didn,t see the need to splash the cash for cosmetics.Papa said making SUB basses was like putting a hundred dollar bill in every box there you go.Seeminly the preamp is the original circuit ala classic and the original ones. Enjoy and learn to use the tone knobs,sometimes turning them down is better than boosting everything and this took a few years to work that one out for me.
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