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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. I changed over to super bright steels and they are just what I,ve been looking for. Great feel and grip,no overshooting or almost reaching a slide if you get what I mean. Very good especially if you get the buy one get one free. I think they are aimed at the slap brigade but you get the slappy sound with a pick easy peasey if you want it,good dynamics,might not appeal to everyone if your after the thud flatwound experience but you can roll off the tone and they thicken up nicely. Had them on for over a month now gigs at the weekend and practice through week and still sound great,maybe better now there run in,played in.Very stable holding tune very well.
  2. [attachment=175365:DSCN4071.JPG]I stuck a Vintage musoman copy neck on mine cause they didn,t do a maple neck at the time and it went straight in
  3. Hiho,Great basses,got a 4 string in 03 when they come out.still use it and gig it. I ,ve played a lot of rays including classic and it,s a real ray alright. Enjoy
  4. I use an Orange sp212 cab ,might that be the secret.600 watt 8 ohms I read a review about the terror and there was a graph of the output and the peak was about 900 watts could well be the head though-like it is. Try them out and you might get a couple cabs out them
  5. I,ve got the seperate head and sp212 cab. I,ve played a lot of amps/cabs n combos over the years and what a great sounding outfit this is. Compact,relatively lightweight and a live sound that cuts,punches and bludgeons it,s way through the mix. Alot of controversy about the cabs but plug in and play and it makes sense. I did think about the combo but I got the head and cab cheaper so that was that. The only thing I would do is get another sp212 to complete this -one day
  6. [attachment=173650:DSCN0506.JPG] Guilty-foundation with original knobs and everything else-super ferrites-check.Silent plugged in and no scratchy pots ,not bad for a 30 year old bass The other one is a Forum 95,18v active and VFL pick up.The only difference apart from electronics and my Musicman is the pick up placing,more to the bridge on a Musicman.Bigger beefy sound than a Musicman.
  7. He needs a Peavey Foundation tin hat -check
  8. [attachment=173548:DSCN0505.JPG] Here,s the begining of my herd
  9. Wilkinson pick ups are good,nothing wrong with them.
  10. They are fabulous little things aren,t they. 6 squid off fleabag-bargain and a DI box as well
  11. bdi21 user for years now,£6 on ebay,works a treat-never leave home without one and doubles up as a DI box as well. For the price-bargain
  12. Made in USA/handcrafted basses are good. Foundation basses are very good.
  13. Hiho,I wouldn,t know what to do if I wasn,t gigging every week. I,m enjoying playing now more than ever. Great band,great gigs ,it,s good-very good
  14. made in USA SUB 2 band ,save some cash and get a gigging bass.
  15. He,s no daft when it comes to money and then there,s the Elvis tribute gigs without sideboards when Kiss is off the road
  16. Grey dunlop.73 been using them for a long time as in about 20 years also with 6 string
  17. Eeeeeh. Didn,t some builder put a twist in the neck for easier playing ?
  18. hiho,here,s my pair. Forum 95,vfl pick up,18v active. Foundation,super ferrite pick ups,passive[attachment=170191:DSCN0505.JPG] very nice basses,great sound and lovely necks to play.Forum-big beefy musicman sound and foundation-jazz on steroids.
  19. Oh dear gas attack,yer not helping,black and maple neck,what a beauty. Oh dear have to keep a look out for one of those.
  20. That,s 3 gigs down this weekend so far and another today coming up and it,s thumbs up for the Foundation.Nothing but positive comments all round. Not only does it sound amazing ,it plays like a dream.They have beautiful necks to play,balance well and have aged very well which just shows that they were very well built with good quality components and materials. If you haven,t tried one your in for a very pleasant surprise. Foundations are the mutts nuts and sound fabulous through an Orange rig. I,ve had a bit of a mutiny in the bass dept,the others are telling me their going on strike-jealous lot.They better get their act together or they will get sacked. Go on stick yer piccies of your Foundations on-old rules-no pics ,no bass
  21. Hey ,hey jazz bass on steroids,those super ferrites are good. Truss rod nut is brass and the rod is steel. A small dab of light oil,then a little lighter fluid to run the oil down the thread.,apply every 2 hours about 3 or 4 times-leave overnight ,try in the morning. Should free off,although it could take a few days,usually not,run the nut up the rod a few mm,s so there is a small cavity and put a small drop of the light oil in and let it seep down the thread and adjust away. If they are resisting after a few days-heat up a 5/16 socket and put it on the nut and wait a few minutes for the heat to go into the nut and try it. Remember to use very small amounts of penetrant as it will seep into the wood of the neck. If in doubt get a good guitar tech.
  22. Hiho ,yes there is a lot of gushing love here as well. I played 2 gigs last night with my Foundation through an Orange terror bass 500 and sp212 cab and our guitarist run over at half time and said "that bass sounds f£$%&$g amazing. Nice one.
  23. [attachment=169773:DSCN0504.JPG][attachment=169774:DSCN0506.JPG] NBD is the brownburst Foundation,the other is a Forum 95,active 18v preamp. truss rod nut was siezed on the Foundation but it,s free now and working properly.
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