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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. [attachment=169773:DSCN0504.JPG][attachment=169774:DSCN0506.JPG] NBD is the brownburst Foundation,the other is a Forum 95,active 18v preamp. truss rod nut was siezed on the Foundation but it,s free now and working properly.
  2. Stop it I want another sp212 and this doesn,t help. I,ve had nothing but compliments since I got mine. I must thank my missess cause she took me to the shop (promenade,morecombe) and bought it for me,terror 500 and sp212. I wonder if she fancies going to morecombe for a day trip ?
  3. If you fancy a t-bird try the epiphone pro IV or classic,one active ,one passive. If the budget allows what about a Guild starfire reissue
  4. I put a 12v car bulb in mine It wasn,t as blinding as the original which I thought was to bright,now it,s just right Got bulb from motor factor.
  5. Brasil nut for rosewood necks,old cabinet maker trick
  6. A good grippy suede leather on the inside of the strap helps as well. It,s worth it cause a t-bird sounds great and a lovely neck to play-yes it,s long but it looks cool,sounds like a grand piano with serious bottom end and ringing highs and mids galore-like a fat Rick. Guess I like marmite basses
  7. mmmmm pay day,wonder if kids will survive on beans on toast for a month
  8. Remember to drill pilot hole first
  9. Orange Terror Bass 500,perfect add cab/cabs of choice. Loud and then goes Louder still,if not enough Terror 1000 heaven forbid,just make sure cabs can take it
  10. Hipshot d-tuner-sorted
  11. I drilled a pilot hole and screwed the strap button in,also moved the rear button up a bit as well
  12. Get in the Good habit of plugging in cab/s before plugging in power cable just in case the power,on/off standby switch is on.
  13. I,ve played sansamp(without)amp n cabs at festivals gigs and jam nights using a preamp with a DI .With good monitors it,s no problem but it feels weird to start with not having an amp and cabs at your back.
  14. I use my tb 500 and a sp212 cab in the house turned down mind. It will never sound the same as a cranked amp but great for practicing. .Stick some foam carpet underlay underneath the cab or a block of polystyrene and it will cut down the vibration/low end in the building,wooden floors act like great big acoustic guitar bodies The answer to OP is get the head and yes it is no problem to use this turned down to sensible volumes ,at least walls will still be standing and nothing will have fallen off a shelf upstairs or in another room or worse-the next door neighbours. Happened to me-oops
  15. Is that the dude that couldn,t do -up,down,up,down but only way on down
  16. Great service and a great shop They get my vote Gary is brilliant,only thing is there is a lot of toys in that shop and it,s hard to resist cause the prices are good as well.
  17. Looks like a bad Elvis impersonator without sideboards
  18. hiho,any chance of the area 51 p-bass pick ups getting made again ? Love my thumper by the way and the lovely phone call with Andy about using the volume and tone to get different sounds. Can you rewind aria pro 2 pick ups ?
  19. Great choice,Thunderbirds and Ricks are made for each other.
  20. Mmmmm OBC 2X12 I,d try that out in pub world for Orange
  21. There is something going on with these cabs. I don,t know the physics side but all I know is they sound great with great width and depth ,punch and stay in control,mind you ,you don,t need to go past 12 oclock even if your a bit mutton jeff cause you will feel it. I,ve tried loads of quality different cabs including a phil jones thing with 8 speakers in it and a hernia round the corner,they all had their own thing but for command of the situation,fantabadosie. Any chance of a sp412 or better still-sp8x12, I will be a guinee pig for Orange testing one of these
  22. Hiho,I use an OBT500 and a sp212 cab Over a year now and it,s fabulous I,m not in the PA everything else is Plenty loud,great sound,I use active and passive basses n they all sound great. If I had cash I,d get another sp212 cab but do I need 2 cabs ?
  23. Good job they don,t do tour support then. 10 mins set up,10 mins sound check,overun set up and that is deducted from sound check if you get one that is. I know a Very well known venue if your not set up in 10 mins they pick your gear up and throw it out the back door and you don,t return. I played with a drummer that took so long to set up that he was simply replaced.
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