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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. hiho,I,ve got rubber feet as standard,the cab that is-sp212.
  2. Top 100,I,d be struggling to name 10
  3. Hiho,You need a band,not only are you doing it for yourself ,your doing it for your bandmates,your part of the team making the music coming out the front for people to enjoy. The buzz of playing live makes all the hours practicing worthwhile. That .s it for me seeing happy faces digging what your doing. Don,t jump into any old band ,get the right people around you and it,s magic.Luckily I,ve been in good bands,meaning good people as well as fabulous musicians,I have been in a couple of bands where I felt like giving up but I got out with sanity intact in time just.
  4. had one fitted for a few years now-great If grub screws are a bit loose ,wrap them in ptfe plumbers tape-job done,works on any loose screw/thread and stops them rusting together as well.
  5. OOH vicar ! My mutts droolin like a labrador
  6. hiho,I,ve got a black pro 1V and it,s a great bass and the bridge is great. I,d get a classic if they done them in black with the pro bridge as well but I,ll stick with the pro 1V for now unless one comes up at a bargain price . I,ll be keeping the pro though.
  7. Promenade in Morecombe as well. The shop that put me on the Orange route
  8. hiho,flat apparently is bass-9 oclock mid-12 oclock treble-3 oclock Try a bdi21 in front of the amp and turn up the presence. I,m using a sp212 cab with mine-bees baws
  9. I,ve had mine from new in 2003 and it,s a great bass. Totally underated. I replaced the scratchplate with a black carbon fibre one,hipshot d tuner ,what more do you need.
  10. A lot of well known blues guitarists with tone to die for used fender bassman amps and cabs and still do. I ,ve used guitars through bass amps and cabs for a long time and they are good to my ears
  11. OTB 500 and sp212 cab just gets better 9 months gigged every week inc practices
  13. T-BIRD PRO IV classic or active have small jazz type necks unlike the bolt on ones and are very good basses. I,ve got the active one and it sounds great and plays a dream now that I set it up. Vintage v4 is a good bass and can be picked up at good prices s/h and are good enough to gig with,I gig mine. s/h american made Peavey you can,t go wrong with as well as the USA built musicman SUB basses. Bottom line is get something that,s nice in the hand and sounds good and make sure it looks cool.
  14. hiho,9 months on with OTB500 and a sp212 cab. The little bulb went,replaced with a 12v car one,not as bright as the original thank goodness. That,s the bad bit over. I have the newer one with the DI fixed . I,ve played a lot of different gear over the years and for me it,s ideal. Sounds incredible,compact,loud,big sound. When I,ve had it turned up,that,ll be 11 oclock I turn round expecting an ampig and the freezer to be there but it,s just this little ickle orange box and a white toaster there.Power is never a problem,has it in bags with loads of headroom By all accounts the sp212 cab is quiet contraversial but at a gig it more than delivers. Head is the easiest amp I,ve ever had to dial in. The only improvement I can think of is another sp212 cab. Not bad for a one trick pony with an inefficient obselete cab . I,m out tonight to demolish at a gig-oh the sacrifices we make. Highly recommended apart from the shock of paying for it but that dissapears quickly
  15. [i]I,m a 500 owner and a sp212 cab more than loud enough,never been past 11 oclock on the volume-big loud,it shouldn,t do that but it does.[/i] [i]Tonewise perfect for me.[/i] [i]1000 head and 2 sp212 cabs would be incredible,will get another cab first and one day maybe get the 1000 head when my hearing is destroyed with the 500 head.[/i]
  16. I use an OTB 500 n a SP212 cab -brilliant is the only word. Ex ampig and other stuff user. 2 cabs would be good,trying not to use awesome word. Suits me down to the ground-one day funds will allow me to get the other cab but I get by no problem with one.
  17. 500 version is goin to be called CP3O Coats on
  18. What,s the little box ?,could this be the secret ?
  19. [u]Yes[/u] grey dunlop .73 been using them a very long time.
  20. I,m in-Rickenbacker tone is the best. Maybe a production thing with modern technology,anolog vs digital or modern mixing for i-phones/pads
  21. [sharedmedia=core:attachments:141707] Here,s my Peavey Forum 95,not many around by the look of it. absolute belter of a bass.
  22. It,s good presence is,I ike it a lot. so it,s a high pass filter It,s independant from treble then ?
  23. Hiho,here,s something that,s been buggin me for a while. Presence-what is it ? I have an old valve amp which is a Selmer treble n bass and a few pre amp pedals which have treble .bass and presence. What is presence,is it a high mid filter of some sort or a pre set frequency to boost/cut.What frequencies do they usually work on ? Just nosey but I like Presence.I like the album as well.
  24. [i]Why don,t the band compromise and play half step down for everything like they used to do.[/i] [i]You can,t invent a rounder wheel[/i]
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