hiho,9 months on with OTB500 and a sp212 cab.
The little bulb went,replaced with a 12v car one,not as bright as the original thank goodness.
That,s the bad bit over.
I have the newer one with the DI fixed .
I,ve played a lot of different gear over the years and for me it,s ideal.
Sounds incredible,compact,loud,big sound.
When I,ve had it turned up,that,ll be 11 oclock I turn round expecting an ampig and the freezer to be there but it,s just this little ickle orange box and a white toaster there.Power is never a problem,has it in bags with loads of headroom
By all accounts the sp212 cab is quiet contraversial but at a gig it more than delivers.
Head is the easiest amp I,ve ever had to dial in.
The only improvement I can think of is another sp212 cab.
Not bad for a one trick pony with an inefficient obselete cab .
I,m out tonight to demolish at a gig-oh the sacrifices we make.
Highly recommended apart from the shock of paying for it but that dissapears quickly