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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. Ditto,list of songs that the band know but running order on how the crowd reacts on the night
  2. [i]What! that paint chipped.[/i] [i]Nail varnish is good for touching in chips.[/i]
  3. [i]You might find a good set up including pick up heights will do the trick.[/i] [i]Or you could swap it for a beater I,ve got hanging around.[/i] [i]Pick ups ,you can go seymour duncan,Kent Armstrong ,Wizard only available second hand now or any of the others.[/i] [i]I would give it a good service like a car.[/i]
  4. Roland db700 will do the trick,great combo
  5. Too Still a sideboard
  6. Behringer bdi21 is the mutts nuts and should be banned and I am the only person allowed to have one. I ,ve had mine for 6 years bought s/h on fleabag ,the postage was more than the item.£3.99 for postage. I use this about 3 times a week all the time and still going strong. How to make a crap bass and amp sound good, in fact who needs a n amp ,just plug into PA ,even a sound engineer couldn,t arse up.mind you !
  7. [sub]Sideboard with to many strings[/sub]
  8. [attachment=151523:DSCN4071.JPG] this my vintage signature v4 that they never made
  9. Who the hell would pay $2500 for that when you can get the real thing for less ? Going to the car bootie this weekend and stock up vintage desireables.
  10. go out and play the backside off it-direct to the public,anywhere there is a crowd
  11. [u]I,ve got a forum 95[/u] appear to be rare,poplar body,maple neck with rosewood fingerboard,18 v active wide apature pick up,great build quality. Fabulous balance and playing action,very rich sound.. Anybody got one and what d,ye think about them ? We should keep quiet about these cause they are cheap at the moment
  12. I,ve used both and I liked the HA more and they do a 5500 as well. Good amps,still got my old one-the you know a spare back up just in case scenario.
  13. Hiho,once more unto the SP breach. Mixed bag of opinion with these. Just like marmite Does old school sound mean classic ?
  14. [u]W[/u]ell done ,a lot of bass for a pitance,they are good as you,ll find out and it,s a proper musicman.I,ve had mine from new since they come out,that,ll be 10 years now. Hard to make out the colour of yours,maybe the green one or teal,doesn,t matter they are all good. Enjoy
  15. [u]hiho[/u],welcome to the world of bass. My advice is to try out loads of basses and one will feel right to you. Other makes I would try would be Vintage,I have an old v4 which is modded but was good before I modded it and it gets gigged.Original musicman SUB made in USA ,fabulous for the money.Made in USA Peavey basses or crafted in USA,great bang for buck and good players with excellent build quality.Loads of basses will fit the bill.Learn how to do a good set up on your bass,plenty of info out there-joey,s bass notes is a good start and on here as well. It depends on your budget.A good amp and cab or combo helps as well.Small practice amps are practice amps and not really up to playing with a full band.I practice at home with a line 6 floor pod and headphones and practice with band with my gigging set up. Plenty of advice on here,wish this was around when I started Oh and get in a band that,s the best learning curve of all and get out gigging. All the best
  16. [i]Ricky,terror and a bdi21 -instant Geddy[/i]
  17. [u]Try a bdi21 or a hartke bass attack in front of the amp-it rocks[/u]
  18. Pre amp boxes with DI capability are the mutts nuts. Try the behringer one bdi21,sansamp clone,cheap as and you have a DI box as well and an overdrive as well unless you like the tone and keep it on all the time like most of us.
  19. I love both Ricks and T-Birds so I,m biased. I don,t notice the neck dive,there is a bit but it wouldn,t stop me playing one.
  20. The epi pro 4 active has a good bridge,pity they never fitted it to the classic. Both are good basses,I,ve played both and I,ve got the active one in black.
  21. I must echo the comment about how they sound in the mix ,that,s where they shine. No mucking about just steamrollers through,don,t know how or why but that,s the result.
  22. It,s the sp212 cab by the way
  23. [i]Sounds like the Orange experience aint yer bag[/i] [i]I tried various top end cabs with the terror head and various top end heads with the Orange cab and the Orange duo was what I was after.[/i] [i]The longer I,ve had them the more pleased I am.[/i] [i]Great head and great cab.No gain or DI issues either.[/i] [i]Must be marmite gear.[/i]
  24. Top Result They are good Glad you stuck with it
  25. Have you tried your head with a sp212 Orange cab? I A/B mine in the shop with various speakers and the Orange one had something the others didn,t have. As you heard testimony from other users about volume they are big and loud.The most I,ve had mine at a gig without PA support is 10 oclock on the gain and 11 oclock on the volume and it was serious loud.I still have original valves and it,s the newer one with the issues solved.Bass ,middle,treble all 12 oclock or near enough.
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