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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. Hiho,I find a Rick cuts through like no other bass,the 4003 has plenty output from the pick ups. Marshalls that are to big I,m afraid.A Vox ac30 is blistering loud but a Marshall 100watt with a 4x12 is jet plane loud. Going to be hard to get them to turn down. Guitarists in the know use 50 watt or less versions so they can get the sound without destroying buildings even so they are loud as well. Ever played with a guitarist who has a Vox ac15 ?,great sound but very loud and it,s only 15 watt.I know wattage is subjective but you get the drift. If it was possible -turn up with 3 8x10 cabs and 3 Orange terror bass 1000 watt heads that,ll sort that out-oh don,t forget the ear plugs and tenna lights,you don,t want an oops moment. Volume wars are the bane of many a band.
  2. No Whey
  3. Rickenbacker used to recommend turtle wax for a car
  4. Great basses-enjoy Had mine for 10 years now
  5. [i]Rickenbacker 4002 has xlr though quiet rare and pricey.[/i]
  6. [i]I got one off e=bay polished stainless steel but I had a look and can,t find who I bought it off-sorry.[/i] [i]I,ve had a quick look and can,t find one in uk.keep yer eyes peeled one might come up.[/i] [i]Anybody else ?[/i] [i]A local engineering firm should be able to knock one up from copying the original one and cutting it out with a laser cutter.[/i]
  7. [i]Orange terror bass ( it,s doin the italics thing again )[/i] that,s better 500 or 1000 whatever yer cabs can take.I,ve got the 500 with a sp212 cab and haven,t been above 10 0clock on gain or volume and never feel outgunned at all.Easy amp to set up,almost plug and play as you can get in my case and I use different basses passive and active with the same settings.
  8. Thing is, with dice for knobs, the volume will only go up to six. No good for metal then
  9. <ul> <li> <div>[sharedmedia=core:attachments:146919] <ul> <li>&nbsp;</li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> <p>Here,s a Vintage V4 with a 3 over 1 headstock with maple neck</p>
  10. Just a couple Machine heads are schallers I believe,well they are identical to my schallers on my P-Kenstein and feel the same. Bridge ,no problems at all with mine-hipshot replacement Retro fitted the vintage circuit which is in the newer ones Neck similar to a thunderbird but a wee bit bigger and less taper 14 years on and it is still spot on Ray albeit a USA SUB heavy jack socket pins mounted on PCB and can crack at the solder joints if your lead pulls sideways when tucked through strap if it goes tight. Getting a good sound can be hit or miss,razor sharp EQ,small adjustments are huge. Anybody can find faults with any bass it,s what floats yer boat. Off thread but I,ve got a made in USA Peavey which is a musoman clone-Peavey Forum made in 1995-active 18v and destroys a Ray everywhere including build quality, is lighter and the G string is loud. I,m recording this week and guess what bass is going-the jetglo one
  11. I,ve got a line 6 bass floor pod,does the trick. Cheap s/h and keeps the peace in the house.
  12. Hot gain and DI has been sorted ,just up the gain and it will/does break up wonderfully in a more controlled fashion and a big +1 on pick up height,it does make a difference. Valves might have been changed so a quick check might be in order. What cab/s are you using ?
  13. Something nobody has mentioned-pick up heights. They sound crap if they are to high or low and not balanced. Here,s my method-neck pup on and adjust height so it sounds good-then adjust bridge one to balance the volume with the neck pup,you will know when you get it right when you toggle between pups as the tone changes but not the volume,then stick it in the middle with both on and it will be big sounding.To change the sound just pull back the volume of one of the pups a little and you will hear the difference and hit a sweet spot. More thud pull back the bridge one ,more attack pull back the neck one-works for me,roughly about 7 or 8 on the volume. Hope this helps,remember to get the relief right first though. PS- Geddy uses a sansamp in front of his rig,so get a behringer bdi21 clone,does the job instant Squier,Foxton,Lemmy et all with a couple of twiddles on the knobs,oh and a loud good amp and speakers-enjoy-off to annoy the neighbours with ace of 2112 in the city.
  14. Don,t let your feelings for somebody get in the way. Once you,ve bought it it,s got nowt to do with anybody Necks and bodies have changed over the years but play one for a while and you don,t notice it. PR skills leave a bit to be desired but hey ho. Glad I,ve got mine.
  15. Rickenbackers are lovely basses, I had a late 70,s 4001 in a dark blue almost black colour and it was a fabulous bass in every way-sold cause I needed a guitar at the time. Next one is a 1999 4003 in black/jetglo ,another quality piece of kit. Maybe I was lucky to hit 2 basses that were spot on. If I was getting another one would I get a 4001 or a 4003 ? 4003 would be my advice. As for the how the company is run I,ll keep that to myself,maybe the Larry Hartke method would be a better way to do things and for people to spend their spare time looking at ads -well !
  16. Unsung heroe of a pedal and doubles as a DI box as well. I,ve used mine for years ,got it s/h as well for a song. Very user friendly and just does a good job. Get,s my vote Never leave home without one.
  17. Maybe they will sell them off cheap and I,ll get another one-joke-but it would be nice. Would be a shame cause they are good cabs.
  18. [i]Soldering iron and a piece of chamois leather-wet is the method used by gunmakers and furniture guys,no need for filler.[/i] [i]If you have paint,varnish ,laquer it really needs to be removed and the area refinished afterwards or strip the lot off and finish in oil.[/i] [i]A ding is the wood compressed so all the steam does is loosens the wood allowing it to spring back by expanding-be careful as it can expand more than it,s original size by quite a bit.[/i] [i]Goudges are wood removed,torn out but the steam method allows the remaining wood to expand and fill the void within reason.[/i] [i]If the hole is too big then piece in a plug of matching wood-doesn,t need to match the grain if painting afterwards.[/i] [i]If it doesn,t affect the playing then it,s mojo[/i]
  19. In a word or two Hell yeh
  20. Sounds like tennis elbow-Tendonitis in arm Have it-ruddy agony comes and goes usually caused with a twisting motion like using a screwdriver ,even though it is sore I can lift heavy things straight up and down but just moving it is big sore. not nice,get medical advice. Hope it clears up soon.
  21. If it rings yer bell-that,s the one. Love is blind
  22. [attachment=146919:DSCN4071.JPG] here,s my vintage v4 before they did a maple neck.neck is off a vintage musoman copy and fits straight in.
  23. Sounds like a lot of cul de canard to me
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