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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. There was a period of time when the dreaded dj almost killed off live music the era of the mobile disco,pity they hadn,t kept being mobile and went west. As for being failed musicians-well-have you heard what they play-making collages of sound masquerading as music-not musicians. Question-could you have a conversation with one of them about the merits of ecc83/12ax7 valves NOS V new cryogenic treated tubes -NO
  2. Let us know how the fishing goes. Get the priorities right. Good guys ,good band,take it from there. Are they worth the effort of an email ? Don,t lose sleep,just get another band-lucky escape
  3. An older Peavey made in USA,crafted etc. Lotsa bass for the money. Lots of love for these
  4. It,ll be fine,nobody notices bass players. Lovely bass and if it,s as good as the original guitars then it will be a belter. Black one looks good with the maple.Anybody thinking Darkstars in there or a couple of Ricky pick ups Here,s a quote-"good band that,have you seen them before" I think it will be good through your Orange terror.
  5. Slightly longer than 10 minutes but strings direct will get you the new string sound quickly. I ordered a couple of sets of their strings on friday afternoon and got knocked up by the postman on saturday morning New string sound
  6. Drattt, I,ve got an epiphonne t-bird pro with a brass nut and a gb7 works fine.
  7. A video with sound with the pick ups at different heights would be good Surprised nobodies done this before
  8. do your covers in the style of what you mentioned ,that,ll do the trick
  9. Try playing up at the end of the fingerboard and/or dial back the tone a bit. Another way is to catch a bit of thumb when you hit the note,kinda does a damping bit and takes the ding off a bit.
  10. [i]Just done 4 nights in a row and a big +1 for the sp212 and OTB 500,took everything in it,s stride and not in PA either.[/i] [i]There doesn,t appear to be a lot of love for these cabs but forget the isobaric thing ,they are good sounding cabs and loud in the real world.[/i] [i]I was thinking of getting another one of these cabs but one cab is doing the job very easily,mind 2 would look good.[/i] [i]Vanity rools.[/i]
  11. I use a sp212 with my terror 500 and it,s the mutts nuts. If your using the 100 version you might need to use 2 sp212 cabs-oh my that would be loud and big sounding cause the 500 with one cab is huge. It is the mids that as said slice through,more like kick their way through. I tried tc and wasn,t for me,mind you I don,t like trace or ashdown either-horses for courses.
  12. hiho,I use the Orange sp212 with my terror 500 and I,m well pleased with it. I am getting used to getting everything in in one lift and out. I tried other cabs with mine in the shop and they didn,t have the beefy sound. Guitar interactive did a video revue of the terror 500 and sp212 cab I think in issue 7.
  13. I,ve got a SUB USA had it for 10 years now-bullet proof. I haven,t been able to put a scratch on it. Great basses and for the price even better. It,s a teal one with a carbon fibre scratchplate and a hipshot d-tuner. SUB was for sports utility bass so I was told at the time but more like super unembelished bass. I tried one back to back with a stringray classic through my rig-all settings the same and couldn,t tell the difference sound wise but the classic was £2700.
  14. [sub]I,ve had my USA SUB for 10 years now and it,s holding up very well,in fact it,s holding up incredably well.[/sub] [sub]Yes I would go for the USA SUB every time.[/sub] [sub]Perfect for punk/metal before anybody asks and everything else as well.[/sub] [sub]By the way I love the finish as well that,s why I got it,still not a scratch on it and it,s gigged every week.[/sub]
  15. Seems to me it,s a straight DI but using bass cabs instead of PA cabs. Stick a bdi21 in front of the input or use the DI out with a xlr cable and good to go.Bdi21 cheap as chips s/h.Any preamp pedal or multi effects would do.
  16. Get 2 8 ohm cabs and go for it. I use an Orange sp212 the contraversial one but it,s huge sounding. Good review on guitar interactive issue 7 if I remember,video review. Try out some cabs and see what you like,everyone is different.
  17. [sub]Orange terror bass 500 and matching sp212 cab.[/sub] [sub]I,ve been through a lot of gear through the years but this one does it,might get rid of my Roland stuff and that,s saying something..[/sub] [sub]The easy lift,small size bit is a welcome bonus but it,s the sound/tone, the way it reacts and the amount of volume ,spread,punch whatever you want to call it.[/sub] [sub]It seems the day of the big Ampig and matching fridge freezer is over unless you want to look loud .[/sub] [sub]It makes me laugh when I look round and a thing the size of a practice amp is blitzing the place[/sub] [sub]One easy lift for everything , one happy back and one grinning bass player.[/sub] [sub]Small is the new big.[/sub]
  18. hiho,I,ve got an Orange terror bass head and cab and it,s always cold,never gets warm even when we had the heatwave unlike my old ampig where you could do a sunday roast with it including roast potatoes, pan of soup ,a few rounds of toast at the back and heat the venue in the winter.
  19. Mine all stay in pretty much tune although they will go a bit flat when it,s hot and a bit sharp when cold but nothing much. Keeping them in cases helps a lot. Usually when they wander it,s the strings that are coming to their end.Ironically it,s my Ricky that,s the most stable of all of them.
  20. [sub]ACE[/sub]
  21. Because it was named by a bass player not a geetard
  22. [attachment=141707:DSCN4834.JPG] here,s an action shot of my Peavey Forum bass. cheers Hugh it,s a belter
  23. Good luck on yer retirement Andy,all the best. Pity you didn,t have an aprentice Wizard to carry on yer good work. Eeh whit do we do now,go for a quarter pounder instead of steak
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