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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. Hiho just a few notes. Neck is from a vintage Musicman copy.Straight fit but you have drill new bolt holes.High mass bridge-I like the flat plate for palm muting. Switchcraft electrical bits. Schaller NOS early 70s tuners . Wizard thumper custom wind pup. Sounds and plays amazing and all for under £100-life is good. The reason for the build got bass mega cheap unused.Played it and it was really good.Wanted a maple neck,they didn't make them them or I would've had a Tony Butler.Took a chance the vintage maple neck would have same neck pocket,Bing Bing correct then it was a case of why not but they are great basses for the price and really punch above their weight.
  2. Black for me as well.Thanks for major GAS Thought I was over this
  3. Hiho built my own years ago
  4. Mmm sounds like Orange TB 500 .
  5. Here's the obligatory photo
  6. Hiho just got an Alvarez ab60ce electro acoustic.I gigged it 4 hours after I got it.I had a blast .So far it's a lovely bit of kit ,Well finished with good set up from the factory.I was well impressed with the sound going direct through PA.A few tweeks to the action and it will be spot on.Next thing is to find strings that are a bit lower tension than the stock Ddarrio exp coated things.Overall happy bunny.Anybody got one and what do you think.Away to do some unplugged.
  7. Hiho just had carbon fibre cages fitted to my neck and all's well now. No not my bass but me and hopefully I'll stay in tune better now.
  8. Hiho,Have you tried sticking a BDI21 in front of your terror .
  9. Help major GAS attack on the black one. Anybody got one and how is it
  10. Hiho I forgot to add that my 83 bodied bass was a fully loaded body- super ferrites, trapeze bridge tin foil pie tray shielding the same as my 84.The 92 neck is not as slim as my 84 but who cares.
  11. Hiho I'm interested in of these. I'm getting surgery on my neck so one of these might be lighter than my herd and any owners that want to tell if they are up to scratch
  12. Hiho Foundations are excellent. I have 2 ,an 84 sunburnt and ab 83 bodied one with a 92 neck in black.Absolutely fantastic to play very well built and the sound .Well us in the know know
  13. Hiho best deal on the planet.Had mine over 10 years bought S-Hfor 6 quid.100 gigs a year, recording,jam nights etc.Still going strong.I wouldn't leave home without it
  14. Hiho.Dunlop super bright steels,BDI21 RECORD straight from preamp or into amp and use DI from amp or Mic Cab. I find getting pups up nice high helps but not to high.
  15. Hiho I use an Orange terror bass 500 head with an OBC115 and it is fabulous.I also have an aluminium fold up trolley and wheel Cab everywhere, saves the back
  16. Hiho I've had this with my 99 4003 but only in the E string. So I use a 40-100 set.If I remember rightly Rick original strings have a 102 E string. Solution -file your nut or drop down a gauge. I use Dunlop super bright steels in 40-100 .These strings last if you like new string sound.I have them on all my basses now.
  17. Hiho check out Carole Kay on YouTube.
  18. Hiho what about a SP212 Orange Cab.One hand lift or an OBC115 . I have both and the 15 is the best sounding Orange Cab as I ve used the 410 as well.They sound better with an Orange head though.
  19. Hiho just a recap There is a lot of bass on tap on these amps as well as gain .Get your head round that and bingo. In my experience with Orange cabs the 410 is the muddier one,SP cabs have a lot of bottom and the 115 is very open growly and sounds fabulous.I have the SP 212 and OBC115 and I use either or both depending on venue or practice. Overall I have never been happier with my bass sound and always get compliments on my sound.
  20. Hiho the early OTB had cheap valves and hot DI. Later ones had JJ ECC83s valves and sorted DO which is the one I have. The trick is the EQ Bass-9oclock.middle-12oclock.treble-12oclock.There is a lot of bass on these heads so keep it in from Valves-early models had cheap valves and a hot DO,later ones like mine had JJECC83s valves and sorted DI.I have tried Mullard valves but returned to the standard valves.
  21. Hiho Dunlop super bright steels are the way to go. I have them on all my basses now.
  22. Hiho,I have used an OTB500 for 5 years now with a SP212 and anOBC115.As youve found out your never short of volume. Here is almost flat setting which works Treble-12 o'clock.Middle'12oclock.Bass-9 o'clock. Another little tip is to put a BDI21 in front of amp.I got mine S/H a decade ago,still works perfect. Even after 5 years I still get excited playing through this. To recap get your head round the EQ and your there. My one has JJ Ecc83s valves as standard and DI works perfect.
  23. That's the answer-unity gain in one. I always use a preamp pedal with the output level the same as without it switched in
  24. Hiho that was a SP212 that night but I use an OBC115 most of the time, I love how it growls.
  25. Hiho get a USA SUB it,s the real deal with a gig proof finish not a coffee table finish.
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