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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. +1 on the Peavey Foundation
  2. Not in my experience the 410 was muddier than the 15.I now have an OBC115 and a SP212 .
  3. Hiho,if you can try an OBC115 they are good.Sound better to me than the 10.s
  4. Hiho ,once you sus what flat is -the only way is up and they love pedals.I,ve used my one for 3 1/2 years now and it always delivers.
  5. Hiho a wee bit off thread but an OBC 115 is a good match up with Orange heads.
  6. [attachment=222172:DSCN4071.JPG] Here,s one I built a few years ago
  7. [attachment=221347:DSCN0505.JPG]Hiho,I have a Forum and I think I bought off Hugh971. .I also have a Foundation 84,maple body and neck,super ferrites you know the drill-The Jazz Killer,again as good as anything that come out the F factory.In fact I use Peaveys all the time now. They are as well built as any other mainstream maker,fabulous basses to play.
  8. Hiho, Also good for jam nights and things like that,just go straight through PA and forget plugging into that pile of sh*te they have backline that sounds like a wet fart in a tin box. Rant over. Always have one in your gig bag.
  9. SUB cause it,s a hell of a lot cheaper . I have A/B my SUB with a Classic through my rig ,so close it,s frightening,SUB got the nod only because the neck felt comfy with a decade of playing and the set up was how I like it,.Apart from that they are pretty identical and a good advert for quality control Save your money -get a SUB the USA one that is
  10. Hiho ,got one S/H for 6 squid,still going strong after 10 years. For the price they a bargain as well as being a DI box. I,ve done hundreds of gigs on this one as well as practices,works a treat.
  11. Hiho,Hold on -Slab body,6 Bolt neck-It,s a SUB
  12. Hiho ,just stick an OBC115 under it with the SP212 and hold on. I use the[attachment=219827:orange.jpg] same rig but my head is the 500 version and it is bloody loud and big at 4 ohm with 2 cabs
  13. Hiho,Buy it and stick an OBC115 under it and a BDI21 in front of it and good to go
  14. Hiho,try a BDI21 ,You might just get a pleasant surprise.I,ve had mine 10 years and it was S/H when I got it.I do close on 100 gigs a year plus practice and it,s still going strong. It might be that the PA speakers don,t do low frequency very well without support from a sub.
  15. Hiho,good shout on Hartke,does the job also Peavey. Get a trolley for moving gear-Aldi was doing one for 14.99,fold up aluminium one.
  16. Hiho I use an Orange Terror Bass 500 into an OBC115 which is 400 watt and it gets so loud before halfway that your body gives up before the cab.Just use common sense and listen to the cab-if you need more volume then through the PA it is
  17. OBT 500 and a BDI21-job done,Terror loves pedals
  18. [attachment=218557:DSCN4071.JPG] Here is my muso style P-Bass I built 8 years ago-Wizard thumper,schallers,high mass bridge etc.
  19. Terror bass 500 and OBC115 + £14.99 trolley from Aldi-job done. I also use a SP212 cab as well,on their own or both but it,s big and very louderer with both cabs and they fit on the trolley together. Wheel me to that gig. So stick with your OBC 115 and ad a 12" or 2x12" and hold on.Modular rig for any ocassion. Great amp and full power with one or both cabs why has nobody thought of this before
  20. I will not fanny about. Playing with drummer and guitar-500 watt minimum and a good efficient cab. It,s all about headroom and you might need it later on,buy once and enjoy,oh and you can turn the volume down if needed. I,ll get shot down in flames for this but just saying
  21. Hiho,Orange OBC 115 for me,great 15" cab
  22. Hiho the other side of the coin is to go lower gain-ecc81 if your amp is a bit fruity. Your Sansamp should be able to dial in what your after.
  23. Update time again-I,ve retired my super brights from my gigging bass and popped them on my P bass and they are still going strong. These strings are brilliant,low tension,smooth for steels and last and last.
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