They are fabulous amps and cabinets.I,ve been using a SP212 and Terror head for 21/2 years now .
Never been short of horsepower or tone.The DI problem was solved early on,my one doesn,t have it or the dodgy cheap valves.
SP212 cab has had a lot of stick but it,s loud ,deep you name it.
I was looking for another SP212 cab but could never get one at a decent price.
I done a bit of research and Lo and behold up come this OBC115 in white for a good price -pulled trigger.
Right what sounds better conventional or isobaric,12,s better than 15,s etc.To my ear they sound identical believe it or not-Together on 4 ohm
Excuse me I need the wet wipes again.
So what,s better,either or a lot of people say mixing driver sizes with Orange works-yes it does.
Do you miss a tweeter-NO,if you need more top end I,m sorry to say your hearing is damaged.
Remember flat on amp is-bass-3,middle 5,treble-7.
I aint told the band yet ,doing 3 gigs this weekend-help running out of wet wipers