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Everything posted by bassmachine2112

  1. Hiho,Dunlop super bright steels,treble up n bass down a bit and up the gain with a pick. Sansamp should get you there no problem.Set your amp flat eq or as near as and let the pedal do it,s stuff.
  2. Oh aye both cabs on 4 ohm-silly loud
  3. [attachment=211433:orange.jpg]Hiho I use an 0BC115 with my Terror 500,no problems,also a SP212.Either /or or both together. Both are great cabs.
  4. The one you never play
  5. Hiho,try not to overboost the bass n treble on your bass,try and cut instead.Took me a long time to learn that one with my Musicman ,Musicman preamps are very powerful and can overpower the EQ on your amp and the speakers with big bass and brittle treble.Old style 2 band EQ was boost only all the way only on bass n treble which scooped the mids or overpowered them into submission more like.
  6. Turn the tweeters down or off. I use cabs with no tweeters and don,t miss them. +1 on turning everything back,it might sound weird standing in front of them but let the sound swell out front and you will be surprised.
  7. Pity cause they sound fabulous
  8. Orange OBC115 is a brilliant 15" cab,check the specs and replicate or look around and get one for about £200 S/H.
  9. Think Zepellin,Who,Rush Cream that,ll hit the spot
  10. guaranteed anxiety syndrome
  11. Hiho,a wee bit off thread but it,s all Orange. I have played the AD200,OBC 410 N 115-magic. I use a Terror500 with an SP212 cab for 2 1/2 years,was after another SP212 but they were too dear s/h on the odd ocassion when they do. I got an OBC115 at an incredible price.There is not much difference between them,if anything .Put the 2 together and oh it,s massive and loud. To Algmusic -get the OBC 115 it is one of the best 15" cabs going but it will be loud oh hell yes. It,s the old story if you like the voice of the world then that,s all folks.Marmite gear with flavour.
  12. Hiho,stick a BDI21 in front of the amp.
  13. Orange all the way here
  14. Save yourself a fortune-USA Peavey bass-make sure it is USA though. I use a Foundation ,the jazz bass on steroids but cleans up nicely.
  15. Hiho,Hope this helps. I use an Orange Bass Terror 500 with a SP212 and an OBC 115. I tried other cabs with the head when I bought it and the Orange sp212 was the winner.I have gigged the Terror and the SP cab for 2 1/2 years with no complaints about sound or volume. Recently I got an OBC 115.When I a/b them they sound very similar-together ,oh boy drastic EQ change.The sound is enormous,had to pull back bass,treble n middle along with the volume. All I can say is -if you like the Orange sound get the Orange cabs that,s what everything is voiced for The Voice Of The World.
  16. One answr to this-USA Peavey that,s all folks
  17. Here is a great secret made in USA Roland DB series. Fabulous sounding combos and punch over their weight. DB700 is incredible
  18. Do not forget Hartke,great gear and loud as well as chirpy cheap,cheap
  19. I can tell you how it sounds-BIG!! You will be able to cut the volume back or just leave it and enjoy,funnily I had to cut the treble back.It is very articulate even when it,s growling. I like the OBC115 over the OBC410 but overall having been an Ampeg user yes with the fridge I,m converted!
  20. [attachment=203216:orange.jpg] Here,s my Orange luvelynous,OBT500 head,SP212 and an OBC115. I was worried about mixing drivers n isobarics. No need to worry Orange thought of that-sounds incredible. I,ve played the AD200 and cabs so I know what they sound like -the difference is slight and one will sound great to one person and the other ye know the score. Orange sounds like Orange that,s it.If you like it whooppppeeeee if ye don,t you,ll wonder what the fuss is about. By the way very tidy rig and I know how it will sound-awesome
  21. Put them on the bass you play the least.
  22. Turn bass up -Help need Tenna heavy weights
  23. They are fabulous amps and cabinets.I,ve been using a SP212 and Terror head for 21/2 years now . Never been short of horsepower or tone.The DI problem was solved early on,my one doesn,t have it or the dodgy cheap valves. SP212 cab has had a lot of stick but it,s loud ,deep you name it. I was looking for another SP212 cab but could never get one at a decent price. I done a bit of research and Lo and behold up come this OBC115 in white for a good price -pulled trigger. Right what sounds better conventional or isobaric,12,s better than 15,s etc.To my ear they sound identical believe it or not-Together on 4 ohm Excuse me I need the wet wipes again. So what,s better,either or a lot of people say mixing driver sizes with Orange works-yes it does. Do you miss a tweeter-NO,if you need more top end I,m sorry to say your hearing is damaged. Remember flat on amp is-bass-3,middle 5,treble-7. I aint told the band yet ,doing 3 gigs this weekend-help running out of wet wipers
  24. [attachment=202768:orange.jpg] Here you go OBC115,SP212 and a Terror 500. How does it sound,pass the wet wipes again.
  25. My cheap bass that,s never out my hands is a USA Peavey Foundation. Lots of Love for these basses The only thing cheap was the price.
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