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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. Not having subs is not a problem, too much goes thru them anyway causing horrible boominess. It's more about EQ Not having drums through it helps you a lot. Make sure the guitars and voice have a high pass filter at around the 600 to 1000Hz mark (I think iirc) so they don't creep into your sphere and put a high pass filter on your bass at 80 to 100 Hz so the speakers are not trying to pump out the low lows that might damage them and use up more energy from them than you think. Start off conservatively thru the PA, turning your amp down as you put more through the PA to spread the load.
  2. cheers, and yeah gaffa tape fixes everything. I wrapped the hole in a muffler with gaffa tape. That part lasted longer than the rest of the exhaust system lol. Also known to hold a rip in a pair of jeans, from the inside. I just rememberred Jeremy Clarkson chauferring a wedding in jeans covered in black gaffa tape rotfl
  3. you've been playing bass since before 1878????
  4. yeah I know, I added the bit about the pen as being easier than looking at your phone to reset the knobs I'm buying some silicone washers tomorrow methinks Hmmm and if you wanted to be sure it won't move, Loctite or nail varnish between washer and pedal and between washer and knob ! OH YEAH THAT'S IT
  5. is your current bridge 3 or 5 hole? You may need to find measurements of both to be sure
  6. does the washer need to be tight on the spindle or just that it's between the knob and the pedal? I know there are pens made for marking pedals that just wipe off. can't remember it's name but google will find it
  7. hehe me too. I started before the internet. I didn't even know about intonation, let alone witness points and neck relief and truss rod adjustments. Heck, I don't even think I knew I HAD a truss rod lol.
  8. I want to try an SWR but I'm scared it's a gateway amp
  9. are you always using your PA or do you play venues with house PAs? If the latter, use it to experiment with going thru the PA via a DI AND use your amp basically for you and the drummer to hear as a monitor.. You may not need to buy anything
  10. go to the MarkBass website and read the centre frequencies of the EQ knobs of each amp to gauge which will suit your tone better. Great amps, I have the LM250 and it hasn't gone past 9 O Clock even at pub gigs and I'm only running one cab lol. Great to dial flat with your fave pre-amp in front of it too. It's the only amp where the engineer will ALWAYS take your amp's DI rather than his own, and that is saying something
  11. true that. I'm happy with a Rockboard rechargeable battery for my 5 pedals and G30
  12. as an enabler, as we all are, the obvious solution is to buy a wireless unit. Line6 G30 works great with bass imho SPECIAL BONUS answer, buy TWO wireless belt packs, one for each bass. PS when I'm happy with how my 5 pedal board sounds, I take a phone pic of it so I can cleary see the settings of every knob for future reference
  13. well you DO know a B3 only has 3 pedals in a chain? Fly Rig does Compressor, Booster, Sans Amp, Chorus, envelope filter, Fuzz and Octaver. If that ain't enough you need a big pedalboard with individual pedals, happy hunting, I've been down that rabbit-hole hehe
  14. power is transferred magnetically from the battery to the pedals, no daisy chaining. That is the game changer imho
  15. you need an interface first. A pre-amp DI is useful but not necessary as you can re-amp your dry signal. The Scarlett 2i2 Gen 2 is your best bet. It has instrument inputs and bass sounds very nice going in direct. As I found after trying all sorts of pre amps lol
  16. Tech 21 Bass Fly Rig Fits in your gig bag pocket. Does it all, really well, and it's a DI too http://www.tech21nyc.com/products/sansamp/bassflyrig.html
  17. now this is a game changer, maybe. Very interested
  18. what rubbish. I don't even LOOK at my bass when playing, how could it's looks affect my playing? codswhallop more likely the rolled edges and dressed frets on your USA helps you to play better, but not the colour of the body and pickguard lol
  19. the day we add a cover to our 3 sets is when I'll quit but it'll never happen
  20. a 1979 Cimar Jazz Bass 3tsb tort pg traded 6 years later for a Vantage. it wasn't even working at the time. I now have a Fender MIM Jazz that it copied
  21. on the link, Pre-Owned Home / Fender Standard Precision Bass in Lake Placid Blue
  22. because workers are being grossly underpaid in the newest slave labour country. Just like Japan and Korea previously, the Indonesians will eventually produce top quality instruments at higher prices as they get the hang of it.
  23. MIMs have the headstock truss rod hole, seems a bit high for a used Mex to me, assuming the pound is still 2 to 3 times stronger than the Oz peso,that means it's too much.imho
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