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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. are the NYXLs coated? how do they differ from XLs? XL user since 1979 but am experimenting lately, Chromes, Rotos, D'Addario Half Rounds etc
  2. I never thought Penthouse forum letters were real. Until last night when my............
  3. Profit from CD sales hehe for a minute there I thought you were serious lol
  4. and the DI method never worked for my drummer either.. He needs to hear a bass amp, and / or FEEL it
  5. not now that I'm older. In my youth I was pining to have a Fender, but only had cheap basses. A Cimar Jazz, a Vantage thru neck,a Hohner B2A. Now I have three Fenders.......I often use my SX Jazz. I WISH I still had the Cimar, Vantage and Hohner ::)
  6. They never heard of YouTube and FaceBook, and Soundcloud,Bandcamp.....? Open mics are usually for soloists, singer songwriters, people that aren't in bands or those not good enough to be in a band, imho ymmv
  7. he's not really a drummer, he is pretending to be one. Fire him. I BET you anything he started as a guitarist
  8. all the best, it's never too late I've reformed my 80s punk-psych band, punk is coming back, honest, it IS
  9. I reckon WHEN you try a Laney would make a big difference as to how you rated it. Early on in your career and it would sound great, loud, louder than your Coronet 30w bass amp , (my first). My second amp was an old PA head so I was not averse to crap gear early on lol. If you were to try one now, not so good, but then again they may have upped their game. First impressions do stick though
  10. quite the opposite, my 80s originals punk band is reforming and our old songs sound so TAME now hehe but yeah, imagine releasing Maurice Chevalier's "Thank god for little girls" and all those Only Sixteen type songs, urrrgh
  11. I've got the bare minimum Fender P MIA w flats Fender P MIM rounds Fender Jazz MIM flats SX Jazz rounds Takamine Acoustic Bass I had an SX shorty P that I donated to my guitarists kids 40 basses, thats $2,000 worth of strings, minimum (at Oz prices anyway)
  12. the truth can be harsh That is my opinion and I will buy Bergantino,Fender, Markbass , GK,Ampeg, Hartke, Trace Elliot, TC, Marshall, Aguilar, Darkglass before I even look at a Laney. If it makes you feel better I'll add it to the bottom of my list, after EA, Orange,Vox, Roland,MusicMan,. and BEFORE Behringer
  13. Chauvet make some good LED sets too
  14. like others have said, those of us old enough to have tried them in the late 80s and 90s hated them, they sounded like elephants farting at all volumes, and have enough better options out there to never have to try them again
  15. It totally depends on the type of band you're in. Acoustic trio or typical covers band? For pub gigs with two guitars bass drums vox, go a 500 watt head. Get two 210 cabs, small gigs you only need one, larger gigs stack both of them vertically.
  16. WOW ! Can she even play an instrument yet? So glad it's going well, all the best mate
  17. and more time than I have, watched 7 of them hehe
  18. In the 80s we put our crappy err heavy and reliable Peavey TNTs on milk crates coz they sounded less muddy. There was no internet to tell us we were decoupling the cab from the floor. I played a few stages that were just plywood sheets over milk crates too lol.
  19. I hear no difference, but my front loading bridge makes string changes a breeze and eliminates any possibility of twisting a string at installation
  20. sounds awefully like the " incompetent Reaper via PC user " virus that I caught coincindentally, Si helped me greatly with that
  21. you also need an interface to go between the keyboard and the PC. Not all interfaces have MIDI in / outs , and I don't know if you need to use MIDI, I assume you do. Or if you just need stereo input to the PC, any 2 channel device like the Scarlett 2i2 will do. An interface with MIDI will cost a bit more than a 2 channel only interface.
  22. I thought you'd be going 64bit but u never know. +1 to what Si said. ie i7 CPU 16G RAM PLUS make sure it has more USB3 sockets than you need right now
  23. we used it then coz there was not a noiseless, unlimited track recording facility in our laptop and on our ipads or even smartphones . Yes, I get you, the OP isn't looking for hifi, but the audience these days most likely is. You are talking about a generation used to no crosstalk, wow, flutter, tape degradation etc etc. Pristine individual tracks in perfect pitch and timing via plugins, is what they are used to.....and now they are using plugins to bring that tape imperfection back....oh, ok I get it OP I tell you what is great about those old multitracks, the two guitarists in my 2 bands both started with 4 track Tascams, I spent hundreds of hours with them in the 80s. Their skills at combining tracks and making crap sound like gold is still evident now with our pc recording.
  24. general consensus amongst the recording community is that Intel chips work much better with audio than AMD chips, probably why AMD are cheaper..... PS in case you weren't aware, if you have Windoze 32bit you can only utilise 4Gb RAM.
  25. TAPE = NOISE CASSETTE TAPE = EVEN MORE NOISE if you like muddy hissy lo fi recordings go at it. the only possible use for you is to submix drums into 1 or 2 channels on your interface.
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