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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. we rehearsed our new originals band with electric drums, two acoustics and my bass all going thru the PA, no amps. I used my Tech21 Bass Fly Rig and it was a great load in, one gig bag with bass and fly rig hehe But yeah,you are at the mercy of the mixer even more than usual with this method, need good foldback.
  2. thanks for sharing that,this is from that link One night, months into 1993's Act I tour, Nelson missed a high B during his solo on a song called The Flow. "The next day, [Prince] came by and said, 'You're gonna play that solo right tonight?'" [url="http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/prince-in-the-nineties-an-oral-history-20160505"]he told Rolling Stone[/url]. "I said, 'I'll do my best.' And he says, 'Uh, you did your best last night.' And he walks away." That night, when it came to the solo, Prince walked up to him with his "golden gun" microphone and held it to his head.
  3. I'm resisting the urge to buy a turntable and drag my old LPs out of the shed. I've replaced them with CDs. Then re-mastered CDs Then re-re mastered CDs - I'm talking to you, Beatles then re re re mastered CDs- damn you Jimmy Page I am NOT buying your music again !
  4. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1492732886' post='3282826'] But would you recommend DI'ing directly without a preamp, particularly with a passive bass? [/quote] usually yes, the sound guys usually prefer a dry mix anyway. Just be aware that you need an active DI with a passive bass and vice versa, though I've used passive DIs with passive basses in a pinch.
  5. Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun never fails to pack the dancefloor. guaranteed
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1492670069' post='3282076'] Is there a business reason for no covers or is it more of an idealogy? Blue [/quote] I've always played originals, but in the past we threw in covers to pad out the show. It leads to confusion. Audience member: Is that one of your originals? Singer: It depends on whether you liked it or not hehe Now, our songwriter is so prolific that we have more than enough originals,so we don't need the covers. Playing both is like being non-commital, playing only originals is a statement. It also means playing for no money to no people, we are OK with that in our old age hehe We are not snobs about covers though,we are toying with starting a covers band as well, one off shows doing one complete album....but that is a lot of work for just one show.
  7. wash your hands before you play wipe down the strings after you play
  8. in the 90s with my crappy Peavey TNT 150 at pub gigs, I used to always cramp up as I had to really dig in just to be heard Nowadays with 250 watt amps being the minimum, I can turn up much louder and play softer,this allows me to play faster without cramping.
  9. my piece of string is 22cms Ramones song- 5 minutes , tops Rush or Dream Theatre? allow 2 or 3......YEARS lol
  10. price depends on year of manufacture. Get the serial number, look it up. Make an offer based on that. Any MIM after 2006 should be really good imho.
  11. the new guy in the flat below me started playing the guitar, very badly, at night. The volume was OK but his playing was atrocious. So I'd open my window to better allow the flow of music between us and blasted out all my Led Zep and RATM songs I knew. He got the hint hehe Turned out to be a really nice guy. I need to apologise to my neighbours, not for the noise,coz they all make enough noise themselves, but for confusing them I will regularly play diverse songs, totally confusing them as to what band I might be in I might start with ACDC, move to Frank Sinatra, some Motown numbers. Then Soundgarden, Led Zep. Then Van Morrison's Moondance. Maybe some Steeley Dan RHCP Beatles, Elvis (BOTH of them)
  12. why run bass boost on the me50b when you need to reduce it further down the line?
  13. [quote name='Elfrasho' timestamp='1492590041' post='3281361'] With these it is possible to plug it in whilst using it? As in, use it like a traditional power supply? [/quote] the Joyo allows this too
  14. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1492631649' post='3281895'] Yeah - SO "f*** you, amateurs!" in a good way. The sheer ebullience and positivity in that performance are just... Wow. [/quote] and to do it in such esteemed company too
  15. [quote name='alembic1989' timestamp='1492545049' post='3281164'] By some strange change in fortunes, the bass has made it to the ..now just waiting for parcelforce to process and post to me. The bass was posted on 27th March in France...it's taken 3 weeks so far!!!...just to get from France??...I think that's s**t...and it still isn't in my hands..I hope after all this it's not been harmed. [/quote] lol you don't even have to get your feet wet to travel to France, seriously . Why didn't you just go on a day trip via the chunnel? For a nice bass surely you'd do that rather than pay and wait, and wait....I don't get it. As an Aussie, EVERY parcel from another country is overseas,and a LOT of seas at that lol. I WISH I could hop on a train and be anywhere in Europe.
  16. I feel your pain band said they want to do Silly Love Songs. So I learn Sir Paul's bassline note for note, it has a set order of little interludes all thru it. Band start playing it, missing a few of the intricacies and changing the order.....SO.....we don't play it anymore, but then again we are an originals band hehe, this song helping set the 'no covers' rule lol
  17. Joyo do one for around a hundred bucks Mine has worked trouble-free for ages.
  18. bazzbass

    Pedal cable

    I've had EBS cables on three boards, regularly changing pedals and have had no failures at all ymmv
  19. I went to a music shop just to pick up the key for the rehearsal room for that night, somehow walked out with a B7K lol
  20. this always amazes me [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y[/youtube]
  21. don't stress, you're not the first musician to quit a band to spend time with his family, only to discover family life is boring
  22. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1491738814' post='3275078'] I do find the Ric police minions highly amusing though [/quote] "The Ric police are all inside of my head the Ric police are all inside of my head, oh NO"- to Cheap Trick's Dream Police if those geniuses only realised how MANY people start off with a cheap knock off, then BUY the original My first was a Cimar Jazz copy with 3tsb and tort....guess what I have now? It ain't a Ric that's fer sure hehe
  23. been looking at Sires for a while now. They have just appointed an Australian retailer and they are very affordable woohoo.
  24. good score ! I went for pizza with some mates, parked next to a guitar shop I never knew existed. Came home with a full stomach....and an SX short scale P !!!
  25. I have built up a stash of new strings bought off fellow bassists cheap, still in original packaging. I store each pack in a zip lock bag where I suck the air out. I have a vacuum sealer for food, might put them in those bags for even longer life, assuming air is what will corrode them
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