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Posts posted by bazzbass

  1. do you mean the cloth vibrating is making noise?

    it would most likely be the frame or bracing that is making a noise.

    If someone can play while you press down on the frame in different spots til you find where the vibration is coming from might help.

    can you post a pic so we have a better idea?


    amazed no one mentioned it, it is the MOST important thing to check. Electronics can be replaced/fixed easily. A broken truss rod is a broken neck, period.

    If you have a set of allen keys, take em as the seller may not have the right tool or may pretend not to to prevent you discovering the broken trussrod :)

  3. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1481527479' post='3192852']
    Take your little theory to all the great Professional Orchestras of the World.
    I am sure you are onto something.

    you mean those Professional Cover Bands . They play 200 year old songs for years and years, and STILL need to read sheet music....lol ever heard of MEMORISING a song?

    and I can read notation, I just find TAB faster for me, especially if I know the song coz the timing and rhythm I already know

  4. I have a PBDDI too, when I first got it, I loved the tones I was getting. Coming back to it after a year and it doesn't seem to do it for me.I need to experiment with it some more.

    Be very careful afjusting the knobs when going through an amp, they are VERY sensitive and could blow your speakers. Always adjust with low volume.

  5. I have the ME 50B, it sits in the cupboard while my analogue pedals get played.

    those digital COSM tones are just aweful.

    Buy a comp, a chorus, a fuzz and anything else you like. You don't need the majority of stuff on multi fx units.

  6. MXR M87 Bass Compressor

    it's ten LEDs let you see at a glance what is going on, great for noobs to comp, like I was.

    The included manual has some suggested settings which was all I needed to get started.


  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1481540639' post='3192994']
    I know loads of fifty year old guys that have bought a Fender or had one bought for them as a birthday present, some haven't been played since.

    they must be idiots then, why buy a Fender, not be happy with it, and leave it unused?

    Either send it back or sell it and buy something you like

  8. the risk is that you return it and get something worse.

    It's wood grain, that's how woodgrain looks.

    send it back for a black painted bass if you don't want to see woodgrain.

    I think it looks fantastic, grain is the character in wood.

  9. I laugh when people claim reading notation is quicker than reading TABs

    baloney, and here's why

    reading notation: your brain sees the lil black dot, converts it to a note name, say B. THEN has to convert the note name B to a spot on your fretboard

    TAB: you brain sees immediately that it's the 2nd fret on the 2nd string, you play it.

    now tell me again how notation is faster

  10. the older I get, the more I realise life's too short to waste on things that aren't FUN for you.

    If you enjoy hanging with these guys,and the music is fun, then stick it out for a while.

    If something better comes along, then you have a decision to make.

    My current band has two of the other three from my first band from 1982 ! The third member died in 2002, but his kid brother has filled his shoes. The music is too 'gentle' for my tastes, I'm into Rush, Yes and Led Zep, BUT I love these guys, it's fun to hang with them, AND I convinced them to go electric and it might just get more interesting, rockier.

  11. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1481161086' post='3190198']
    I prefer running both cabs directly from the head. (So that if any cable or cab sits out, the other one will be fine).

    That is a very good idea :)

  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1456873414' post='2993205']
    The Wal website says McCartney paid for his bass ... [url="http://www.walbasses.co.uk/Our%20History"]http://www.walbasses...k/Our%20History[/url]

    so in reality, WE paid for his bass :)

    I hope my ten dollar ticket to the Wings Venus and Mars tour gig paid for one of his string trees hehe

  13. I'm hoping to be able to pick up a brand new 2 year old American Standard Jazz Bass for a steal in a year or two :)

    re MIM vs MIA, I have a P bass of each,same year 2014.

    The string thru on the MIA is a great additional option. The high mass bridge is awesome. The rolled fretboard is more noticeable than you might think. The CS pups are nicer too. So is the fretwork. The MIA is double the price. I think both basses are great. I intend to gig with the MIM and record with the MIA.

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