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Rexel Matador

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Everything posted by Rexel Matador

  1. Just spent the entire evening making this barely visible scratchplate. Was going to give up after cracking the second attempt, but then I realised I'd already made a couple of the screw holes. I'm glad I persevered though, I think it adds something.
  2. Shaping up...
  3. Basic shaping is pretty much done. If anyone needs me, I'll probably be sanding
  4. Well, it's been a while, but the wonky wonder is still under construction. Fretboard is on and I've started shaping the body.
  5. I'm unconvinced re shielding paint. I tried it and it didn't seem to work as well as another one I did just using foil from the kitchen. Maybe I didn't use enough though.
  6. And if I have a separate control cavity, unlike the picture above, should the shielding of that be connected by a wire to the shielding in the pickup cavity? I think this is the case, but I just wanted to check if I've understood correctly!
  7. My question is whether the partial shielding actually has an effect, or is it not worth doing?
  8. True - I was just giving context
  9. On a bass with a P pickup set directly into the top (no scratchplate) does shielding the cavity actually have an effect? My understanding is that cavity shielding should create a closed faraday cage, which would not be the case here. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
  10. TSOL gradually shed all their original members, who eventually reformed and got sued by the new line-up when they tried to tour under the name! Also I saw "Guns 'n' Roses" at the Leeds Festival in 2002 when it was just Axl, Buckethead et al. Against all the odds, it was brilliant.
  11. As a relative novice myself, I have actually found that power tools are much scarier than using hand tools. As long as you learn how to get them good and sharp, carving with chisels is not as hard as you might think. Just a thought, and it all depends on what's appropriate for your needs, but my point is, based on my experience, I wouldn't rule out hand tools based on the idea that it's harder than using power tools. Also making shavings is so much more pleasant than making dust!
  12. Hartke LH1000 head A big powerful beast of a head. Not much else to say about it really! It's no looker, as you can see, having clocked up a few gigs, but it's in perfect working order. The Gator rack bag I've been carrying it in of late is included - see photos. It's a great head, but I'm not gigging a whole lot these days, so don't really need it anymore. I'm based in Liverpool - you're welcome to come and give it a try.
  13. 2010 MIM Standard Jazz Bass with maple fretboard. The black scratchplate is not stock but you'll get the original white one too. It's had relatively little use and is in great condition for it's age. There are a couple of minor dings and scratches which I've tried my best to demonstrate in the pics. It's a great no-nonsense Jazz Bass. I'm selling it because I'm not really into the Jazz sound and need to make space in the rack for my new build. I'm based in Liverpool and you're welcome to come and try it out.
  14. No pictures yet - maybe later - but just an update to say I've reached the point I reach every time where it's not turning out as perfect as it was in my head and I feel like giving up. The neck is somehow not aligned perfectly centrally, which is pretty much job #1 on a through-neck, so it'll end up looking a bit goofy. I will carry on of course - just wallowing in a bit of self pity here. I was tearing my hair out over the body shape, so I just went at it with the jigsaw and now I'm going to improvise with chisels and stuff until I have something I like.
  15. Thanks for all the recommendations everyone - I've ordered a Tonerider. Will try and upload a video in my build diary thread once it's done! πŸ‘
  16. It's great to hear all the positive reviews of the Toneriders. I think I'll take a punt on them, because even if I don't absolutely love them, it's no great loss and I'm sure I'll find a use for them anyway.
  17. Just been reading this thread and wanted to add my vote to the "just do it" camp. I have always loved the idea of luthiery and thought if only I had the space/time/money/knowledge etc. One day I decided I was going to build a bass from scratch, no matter how long it took, and my god was it worth it. The wealth of knowledge resources available on youtube alone is staggering. Crimson Guitars is a personal favourite. I amassed the tools gradually as each payday rolled around (and I'm very much still amassing, of course) and my very patient girlfriend lets me use half our our tiny spare room as a workshop, where I built myself a rough and ready workbench and put a shower curtain up to protect the other stuff in the room when I'm doing something particularly dusty. It's not ideal, but then nothing ever is, is it? It's hard, for sure, but weirdly, it's also - I think - perfectly within the capabilities of anyone with a creative spark and some common sense. As others have said already, it is certainly an all consuming rabbit hole of a hobby. Forgive the long winded post. The short version is give it a bash - live the dream πŸ˜€
  18. Interesting - if that's true then they really have no business calling them "Ultralite"! I've checked around though, and other sites list them as 1.8oz, which is 51 grams.
  19. Yep, I must have looked at every picture of a neck-through heel on the internet! I'm not too worried about that bit, I quite like carving - I enjoy the parts of the build where there's a bit of leeway and I can just proceed slowly until it looks nice. It's the bits where I have to be accurate to a millimetre while holding a vibrating juggernaut that stress me out! In any case, I'll probably play it safe this time and do an upper horn - both to prevent neck dive and it'll also make the neck transition a bit more straightforward to shape. I wasn't looking forward to doing the sharp angle where the non-cutaway upper bout meets the neck. I have a soft spot for tele shaped basses but I realise that they're probably fairly rare for a reason! Maybe it would work on a short-scale - something to think about for my next build - but I'm getting ahead of myself, as usual πŸ˜† Indeed - and, as practical as it is, I can't stand that look! I didn't know about the licenced tuners, thanks - I was indeed a little put off by the prices I had seen for the hipshots.
  20. This is roughly the body shape I'm thinking of. I suspect that not having a long upper horn will screw up the balance and create neck dive though. Would putting the strap button on the heal mitigate it, do you think?
  21. Great advice, thanks! It didn't occur to me, strangely enough - I guess because I don't know a whole lot about pickups and didn't want to mess with it, but if it worked for you, I might give it a bash.
  22. The one in the middle is a Squier, so ignore that πŸ˜†
  23. I'm sure this must be the millionth thread of this kind but here goes... I built a P Bass and used the stock pickup from a 2015 MIM Fender. I absolutely love the way it sounds. The Fender now has a Quarter Pounder in it, which is fine, but not really what I'm looking for. I play heavy rock with a pick, but I think the sound I like is more a "regular" P Bass being pushed to its limit, rather than a pickup designed for that purpose, if that makes sense. To my ears, the QP is a bit abrasive - sort an ersatz version of a heavy P Bass sound. Anyway, I'm building another one now and I want to know what pickup I can get that might be similar to the 2015 P - I can't figure out if any of the available Fender pickups are comparable. Plus, I'm not using a scratchplate and a lot of Fender P Bass pickups appear to have a base plate that's wider than the pickup cover itself, meaning I can't have a close fitting pickup cavity in the top of the body. Anyway, as I can't really road test a bunch of pickups, outside of watching youtube demos of people slapping and popping all over the place, I was wondering if anyone might have any ideas.
  24. Funny you should ask - I only thought of that once I’d done it, but luckily they won’t be in the way!
  25. How important are bridges, really? I've never bothered with high-end/branded ones before but I really want this bass to be good. Is it worth getting a more expensive one? Recommendations? (I'm thinking through body stringing, by the way)
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