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Everything posted by foxyFuze

  1. Ibanez Promethean P3110 (or its larger cousin the 5110). Small and powerful.
  2. My penny's worth from what I've seen: Having low and hi mid EQ is rather useful, especially when you've got used to it with GK stuff. That distortion sound in the video is really nothing to write home about but I'd be very surprised if there weren't other more usable Toneprints. As per the comment about the SA Aftershock, digital OD can be very good - I only sold mine prior to getting a Kemper. I think the usable compression, headphone option and "sheen" on a sound (much like the BDDI provides) when engaged makes this a good deal; kind of tempted to use it as a travelling practice box and also for volume and EQ boost. I look forward to more videos!
  3. I rather like mine. I use the Fender Super Bassman profile and a few effects. That said, I've yet to use it live so I can offer my tuppence worth in two weeks' time. I still flirt with the dark side (guitar) so the Kemper offers a great deal of flexibility. Do I miss a normal amp and the associated tweaking with effects pedals? Yes, but the convenience for a hobbyist and occasional gigger is important. I'm still regularly tempted by the amps and effects on BC though!!
  4. Resurrecting this thread rather than starting a new one; I'm looking to swap those 3-screw machine heads for black ones (purely for cosmetic reasons as they work fine). Any ideas who would sell them? It's clearly not essential, so I'm not prepared to drill to fit standard 4-screw models. Thanks
  5. Not anymore it seems, but there's one on FB. Shame no-one near me stocks them for a try-out.
  6. Highly tempted by the GK plex, although I see it has had mixed reviews here. The headphone option and being able to simulate an 800RB is appealing though (as well as the compressor).
  7. Has anyone experience of the Shift Line Olympic preamp? I'm impressed with their videos but have seen almost nothing in terms of reviews.
  8. Iain bought my bass off me and there were no problems at all. Good comms, prompt payment and a pleasure to deal with!
  9. Hi all, I've got a Limelight bridge Jazz pickup bought for a mod I was going to do, but is now not happening. It's unused. Lots of praise for Limelight stuff here including their stock PUPs - this is their standard vintage model. Postage is included. Thanks
  10. Don't suppose you know the a significance of the model numbers e.g going from JB 45 to 60 to 85 etc? One would assume they have better hardware as numbers increase but assumptions can be dangerous....
  11. Thanks but I'm looking to sell unless it's perhaps a Jazz bass.
  12. http://www.originalscratchplates.com/
  13. I purely by chance tried a Tokai JB85 the other day; I was very impressed! I also see there's JB45 for sale near me, might have to have a look once I make some space....
  14. And it's a P for a J bass, not like for like. Think I'll keep hold after all :-)
  15. Yeah this Limelight feels great, really does. Just when someone popped up offering a JV it made me think....
  16. Thanks so far folks, most useful. The reason I ask is that I was offered a trade for my Limelight P (which I'm not overly keen to move on, truth be told). It could well be a BC member but I don't know!
  17. I thought I saw one on sale here but perhaps I was imagining it. They seem to have a very good rep (the early to mid 80s ones at least). Thoughts on value and how they compare with something of similar price like a used US Standard? Thanks
  18. Out of interest, are both pickups Limelight's own or did you request something different?
  19. Very aware there is plenty of choice regarding replacement straps online, but I was wondering if anyone could recommend some for gig bags that are comfy, don't twist or loosen easily and don't cost the earth?
  20. You can get decent 3-ply ones on Amazon for around £11. Avoid 1 ply as apparently they can warp over time.
  21. That's what the spare mirrored pickguard is for!
  22. If I didn't already have a Kemper (nearly always using the Super Bassman profile) this would be firmly in my sights. Best of luck, a great opportunity for a savvy player!
  23. Thanks! The more I play it, the less inclined I am to move it on...
  24. It feels great to play; in my mind a more 'classic' P sound than my old Fender P/J. May yet keep hold of it!
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