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Posts posted by Yank

  1. I'm doing a gig on St. Paddy's and decided to do a couple Irish tunes a set.  Gotta do Danny Boy and When Irish Eyes are Smilin',  even though they prob aren't Irish tunes but every one knows and expects them.  I'm back them with Star of the County Down and The Auld Triangle and Whiskey in the Jar and The Minstral Boy.  I'll wear green,  but what I WON'T do,  is drink green beer and sing with a stupid faux Irish accent.  

  2. Depression  seems to suck the joy out of life.  I'm so sorry you're in this place.  Try to find something that brings back the joy.  Try walking in beautiful places and be truly thankful that you're alive to observe the day.. Find someone who cares that you can talk to/ unburden your heart.  Do something nice for someone today.

  3. He didn't pack his whole kit.  Just a few pieces,  took maybe 10 minutes,  I'm assuming.  That's not long if the guy was whizzed.  Probably something else going on.  Some people you have to handle with kid gloves.  The question is,  do you enjoy his drumming enough to deal with this facit of his personality.  Some are worth it for the greater good.....some ain't.

  4. No,  I wasn't laughing at you for not being able to deal with snow.  I've been in Virginia when 1" of snow shut everything down.  It can be horrible when you're somewhere where they don't have the infrastructure to deal with it.  Just trying to inject some humor.  Hopefully it'll warm up to where you all can get back to normal weather........rain. :drinks:

    • Haha 1
  5. I define myself as a musician as opposed to a "bass player",  "guitarist" or whatever.  I play multiple instruments.  If I'm not gigging,  I'm learning new stuff on other instruments.  Keep the learning going.  Investigate new instruments or styles.  It's not just about gigging.  Make new friends in new sandboxes.

  6. It can be frustrating when the band has practiced a song at a certain speed,  then for some reason,  the singer is feeling it slower on a given night and it takes the snap right out of a song.  Speed or feel is subjective and it's hard to convince the perp that they are dragging.  

  7. Form a new band.  Get out and network.  Make something new happen. Gig your old band while it's available but put all your energy into the new one.  Use the money from the old to fund the new.  A new piece of gear you've been wanting, perhaps.  Never throw away gigs!  Use them like a rented mule.

  8. Watch out for the "girl's vacation" groups some of who's members are on the prowl. Folks at resorts are there for a good time.  Play songs everyone knows.  Put out a tip jar.  Try and get a ski pass comped.  Get the crowd drinking and dancing and you're golden.

  9. I can appreciate the talent but I am not a fan.  I started as a drummer and he wouldn't make my list of top 10 favorites.  Irrespective of style,  I'd rather listen to John Bonham or Roger Hawkins any day.

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