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Posts posted by Yank

  1. Historically, the role of bass was support. Like drums and piano, it was part of the rhythm section. Without rhythm, the whole thing falls apart. I just heard Sting's "Fields of Gold" on the radio. I had never anylised it before. It's voice, some airy-fairy keys and the BASS! The bass is the melodic/rhythmic instrument holding the song together. It's not vituosic, but it's perfect for the song. What more do we need?

    If a motorcyclist can get where he's going without an accident, does it matter if he doesn't jump the Grand Canyon like Evil Knieval?

  2. I've got a gig tonight. Hopefully lots of costumes. I've got a good stock of candy for Tues. night. I get at least 100 kids every year and enjoy seeing the little ones all dressed up. Man, as a kid that was the coolest night. You had free reign of the town with your buddies, and came home with a sack of sweets.

  3. I had a skunk take up residence under my shed. Slight odor wafting about. I went on the net to research. I tried moth balls, Critter-Ridder, cayenne pepper and a drop light poked under. Nothing worked. Finally I had the idea of turning a rock station on the radio, turning it up loud and putting it face down on the floor of the shed, covered up with an insulated cooler and blankets so the neibors wouldn't hear. Left it on all day while he was trying to sleep. After a week, I finally noticed no odor while "Come On Eileen" was blasting. Even a skunk has a limit to what he'll put up with.

  4. To me a "gig" is a job, which means you get paid. You could participate in a "jam" at a club or friend's house. You could go to a "hootenanny" around a campfire. You can "woodshed" at home, or "play" a benefit. A gig is special. You're expected to set that date aside in your calender, show up and put on a professional musical entertainment, for hours specified, and expect payment in return. If anouther musician tells me that "we've" got a gig and wants me to participate, that's what I expect. If you want to call any of these examples a "gig", feel free, just don't change your terminology to your musical mates at the end of the evening in question. "Oh, when I said a "gig" I meant......."

  5. Yes, I'd explain first. When folks think duo's, they don't expect drums. When they think drums, though, they think loud acoustic drums. I'd make a tape (generic term for some kind of recording) to show you can do low volume like they'd be expecting.

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