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Everything posted by Darkstrike

  1. [IMG]http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z279/darkstrikeofbass/BlackP.png[/IMG]
  2. Looks to me like the MM pickup is in the Stingray spot, could be a prime candidate for the 'ol East preamp, or the SD, Nord and homebrew versions.
  3. Dang tasty basses. I'm tempted to nab a 5er, but the other coloured ones are all so gorgeous.
  4. Been wanting a mirror one for my 4 stringer as long as I've had it. I wouldn't go with tort on this one, colour clash just doesn't suit. Black or vintage perl might look good.
  5. Looking mighty!
  6. Wow, that flame maple really lets you see the carve of the neck.
  7. Tell ya, wouldn't mind that purple 6er with the Delanos that's up on the Basschat FB page.
  8. Funnily enough I prefer my J's not to have classic J knobs. I can't imagine the J Retro not taking even the Japanese Fender over the top. I could see missing the passive tone, but the treble cuts at a low enough freq. to do as a pseudo tone control, IMO.
  9. Maybe it's time to get a new jazz, just for the pre. I could totally go for a new P bass for a P-Retro....
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1345225393' post='1775295'] thats a shame. Wee question, I was looking at the East and Bart pre's recently- which bart pre was it, and what didn't you like about it? [/quote] It's an NTMB, and it's not a bad pre by any shot, I still have it in two basses, it's just the East is IMO much better. The main reason I looked away from the Bart is because the bass in question has J pickups, so I wanted a passive tone and passive mode, aiming at more vintage Jazz tones, to go along with the more modern. The treble in the Bart is a bit meh compared to the East, and the Mid Sweep is much, much more handy than the Bart's mid push/pull too. Plus it was ridiculously easy to install, almost no soldering, and most of that was because I wanted to use the 18v battery harness that was already in the bass. That's only quick impressions mind, I tested to make sure it was working, but had to give up due to my thumb, hoping it eases up later so I can give it a proper crack.
  11. Arrived today, and quickly whipped it in, truly stellar, much better than the Bartolini pre I had installed, the options and tones are ridiculous. Shame I can't play with it more now, as I injured my thumb at work.
  12. I'd do it on the fretless. Bridge pickup and bass boost...... Mmmmmmm. I bet that mid sweep could focus the mwah if needed too.
  13. I put a Dimarzio Model One in mine. The rout was just deep enough, and shaped like Mr. Foxen's, though I had to fill in the sides some, to give the Model One's screws somplace to do their work. Sounds awesome though! Totally worth it.
  14. Ahhhhh! Shame, good luck with the house and baby, some things are more important than gear, eh?
  15. Medium and short scale are options with them, though they're not well advertised, worth mentioning to a Warwick dealer, maybe? Could be just 4 strings with the shorter scale options, I suppose.
  16. Just put one on order, can't wait to try it out!
  17. Gorgeous woods.
  18. I listend to Easts own two vids, which were pretty sweet too. Kinda made me want a new P just to put a P-Retro in...
  19. Yeah, I always wondered why the proper active/passive setups weren't more common. seems like a stellar idea. That video is class, lots going on there!
  20. Definitely got me hot and botherd for something I never really considered an option before.
  21. Goodness, that bass sounds incredible!
  22. I'm considering one for my Roscoe with J pickups. All the features seem great, and the blend knob finally having a detent is great, but I'm still a bit wary of it at 275 euros, lotta cash for a pre-amp. The passive path is a major attraction though, for a more vintage J sound, as it the mid sweep over the stock Bartolini's push/pull selector.
  23. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1344840531' post='1769816'] Does that mean it'll be no good for metal, then? [/quote] I very much doubt it being much good outside of that jazz or whatever....
  24. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1344819221' post='1769754'] Exactly! Why not keep it nice and diverse like this [/quote] Exactly mate. Exactly. I mean, just think of the name, Beast. Beast. You know that means it's gonna have awesome tone, all the time. Beast. There there's the classic P pickups, pre-amp for divirsity, all the frets you could want, ebony and pearl for the fancy guys, and classic black for the workmen gigging in bars. Absolutely perfect. Aerodynamic too! [size=1]*TBQH, I love the shape, one of the 'ol "if money were no object/lotto" basses is a custom BC Rich Beast.*[/size]
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