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Everything posted by prowla

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1486905569' post='3235374'] Also are the the Statii actually louder? trick question, if the signal was set to flat on the active Status would it still have a hotter output than the passive Ricky, who knows, even the if the "flat" points have a centre detent on the preamp they might not be truly flat as such and could still be boosting a bit of something. [/quote] Based on setting passive controls to full and actives on central detent where available or full otherwise. But yes, if the pre-amp is boosting something, even when set to flat, then yes they are louder!
  2. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1486908600' post='3235396'] This monstrosity is on ebay at the moment for £250 :-) made of "laminated" wood :-) [/quote] Calling it a monstrosity is too kind; this was never a good bass and never will be. (I have to say though, that the idea sometimes appeals to me to get a really good bass made to look like one of these cheapos!)
  3. Hmmm, I've always fancied a Toka, but how to tell if it's a good 'un?
  4. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1486857140' post='3235147'] Hmmm... I think you might be confusing boosting signal with boosting eq! [/quote] (This is a bit like the "Why are the adverts on telly louder than the programme?" question.) If you turn up all of the eq, does that count as boosting the signal? :-) Actually, I really did mean the overall volume; my Rickys aren't as loud as my Statii... :-)
  5. And it has a Greco pickup in it. I plugged it in last night and it sounds rather good; I use it in mono, but split the signal and route half straight through and half via effects - just a bit of crunch from a Boss OD pedal and I was there playing "Fragile". I think I will get the bust treble one fixed anyway, though. I've also taken the "R" word off the TRC, leaving clear plastic, and have to put something in its place. I've had a bit of a bout of buying things, so I might have to offload this one before I start my next project.
  6. I think that's put me off MIDI basses!
  7. I'm off to pick up a 5-string Status today.
  8. I guess someone might know...
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1486743145' post='3234310'] It must be bloody cold in that workshop! Omg a more serious not I see it uses fret sensing technology, which IMO is the only practical way to do pitch to MIDI. However a video which only shows a couple of seconds of each mode does make me rather suspicious of how good the tracking and false note rejection actually is. On a more positive note looking at the price of the guitar version and comparing it with that of the Industrial Radio MIDI guitar, the bass version should be a lot more affordable than the IR MIDI bass. [/quote] I think it was triggering on fret contact, but not doing fixed pitch from there, as the bloke was doing vibrato.
  10. A couple of months back someone said to me that they could never see a justification for a double-neck bass, to which I replied maybe a fretted and fretless, which he accepted. Now these folks have stuck that together onto a single neck! I kind of get it, and putting the fretless below (or is it above?) the E-string kindof reinforces thumb position for fretless expression. The only grumble is the fretted isn't a 5-string. And I don't like the red fingerboard. At £1k it's cheaper than a Stick. (I can't envisage a situation where I'd buy on though, unless they bombed and they had a fire-sale so they were available real cheap.)
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1486318004' post='3230851'] I think people confuse boosting signal with boosting eq? [/quote] My rule is: if it sounds louder, then it is louder!
  12. My 'faker is almost done, my fretless P is done (apart from logo), my Partscaster is there or thereabouts. Next, I want to restore another 'faker. Then I want to restore a real Ricky, or maybe get a custom build soundalike. I'd also like to build a Tele. Apart from that, no plans... ...except, (sigh).
  13. [quote name='JoeEvans' timestamp='1481067883' post='3189533'] I'm obsessed with the idea of a fairly bashed-about Capri Orange P-Bass, almost to the point of creating one from bits or from an older Japanese copy. Does anyone else get that kind of random but really specific obsession going on? [/quote] Just a reminder...
  14. You need arms like an orangutan to play a Thunderbird!
  15. There's something to be said for not having animated avatars on the site!
  16. You could get a tray, so it will pull forward.
  17. I thought Brandoni was one of the folks on Storage Hunters!
  18. With a passive, the tone pot simply taps off the live signal (of the volume pot, usually); you could easily disconnect it with a dab from a soldering iron and see if it stops the issue (in which case you've isolated it. Looking for grey solder joints is a good one too. The other one which has occurred to me is if the pots are (or have been) loose, so that they've turned and twisted or frayed their wires.
  19. Several options: i. a loose wire, ii. a cap or pot has failed, iii. a ropey jack socket, iv. the earthing of the bridge/tailpiece isn't connected, v. (if active) a problem on the board. I recently bought a bass and we swapped the amp lead over because it was crackling in the shop when I tested it; it turned out that the jack socket's connections weren't snug against the plug when inserted, so the contact was intermittent. Easy fix - just pushed it in a bit; it didn't need replacing.
  20. It is easy to wire up a Fender bass control assembly - they are very (ahem) basic... If you were looking to go active, the John East units are designed to slot straight in; I've got one in a J- and it has a quite staggering range of tones. (Not exactly "vintage" though!)
  21. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1486321013' post='3230888'] Have you seen Colin Furze and his bass and other projects? Wouldn't surprise me if has plans to make one. [/quote] Gotta get me one of them! [url="https://youtu.be/xwWw9g0EgHA"]https://youtu.be/xwWw9g0EgHA[/url]
  22. I've got a Squier based bass, a partscaster with a Squier neck and a Squier Strat. I would gladly swap and of the respective Squier branded items for their corresponding Fender ones - anybody care to take me up on it?
  23. [quote name='MisterT' timestamp='1486318247' post='3230854'] Dunno about the OP's reason but mine is [i]partially[/i] to tick a box of having a Fender. Partially, mind. I don't have badge-blindness, it's just that every time I've played one in a shop I've liked it *shrugs shoulders*. This thread tipped the scales today - went into local PMT, tried a Squier Vintage Modified and a MiM Fender. Looks like it'll be New Bass Day during this week [/quote] I have to say that given a Squier and a Fender, I'd go for the Fender.
  24. FYI, there's a Fender Mex Jazz body on ebay right now, which I might've bought if I didn't have a few balls in the air already...
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