"This BLAH is a must-have for any BLAH looking to enhance their BLAH. With its BLAH and BLAH, this BLAH is perfect for both BLAH and BLAH. Featuring BLAH, this BLAH is ideal for BLAH to any BLAH. The brand BLAH is well-known for producing high-quality BLAH making this BLAH a reliable choice for any BLAH. Whether you're a BLAH or just BLAH, the BLAH is a great addition to your BLAH. Used Condition like New".
It's not the greatest ad for "AI" to just do a search and cut'n'paste words or phrases into a generic sentence which tells you absolutely nothing about the actual item for sale.
You can see the same description applied to instruments, watches, audio, and even toolboxes.
I've taken to skipping over ads which include that drivel, even if it's something I want.