My name is Ernest and I am a 70 yrs young Dutch bassplayer.
I started playing guitar when I was 16/17 yrs old (Shadows era) on a Höffner strat-like model. When I was 20 I was asked to play bassguitar in an Amsterdam based band. We were quite succesfull in- and around Amsterdam and played every weekend. Years later I started a symphonic band together with my brother and a friend. We were drifting on clouds and convinced "we would make it". I made the unwise move from bass to keyboards and played them untill we came back to earth and realized we couldn't earn a decent living with making music. For hobby I played bass in a dixyland band but due to another career quit again and finally sold everything. Some 6 or 7 years ago I got the vibe again and treated myself with a new Am. Std. Jazzbass . Playing along with spotify (shadows, eagles, poco etc) I got myself in some degree of shape and quite recently I was asked to join a small combo which plays background music on receptions etc. Guitar, singer and bass. You will never see me on TV or read my name on billboards but I like it a lot!
My gear is very modest and very portable;
Fender Jazzbass, Little Mark 3 , Van der Kleij 112ext.