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Iacopo San

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Everything posted by Iacopo San

  1. I've pulled the trigger and just ordered a pair. For this price I reckoned I can't go wrong.
  2. Would they be okay to simply listen to music (laptop, MP3 player) or is it s stupid idea? My girlfriend broke both my Sennheiser headsets 😢
  3. That looks sick! 🤯
  4. Then it's wrong, it should be a bottle of Rum. And if you mean it is Off Topic, then you're right. But it's one of the very best rum out 👌there
  5. Best Black Friday deal I've seen so far! https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0046EP7NQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1542968417&sr=8-2&keywords=zacapa+rum&dpPl=1&dpID=51iutyKYwOL&ref=plSrch
  6. Or maybe is just people who like what they do? 😳
  7. Ciao and welcome! fellow Italian here, but living in London.
  8. A question. Isn't this bass Made in Mexico? Because I have the exact same, fiesta red with gold anodised pickguard, but mine has 10 holes while yours seems to have 13 like the MIA basses. Have they changed this feature now?
  9. Great little thing, I only play at home through one of these.
  10. 2 basses, a Fender Precision and a 5-string Yamaha. But I would like to add a fretless and upgrade my 5-string.
  11. It's..... Beautiful 😍
  12. Oh no, I couldn't afford half of it. Mine was a simple appreciation. It looks beautiful. GLWTS
  13. I have the same OFD pedal, and it uses 140mA, so many power supply unit won't work well with it as they have outputs of max 100mA. I use the Caline 5 which is dirty cheap on Amazon and has one output at 500mA. I only had it for a few months but it's been working great. Go for it.
  14. Very cool stuff! Bring Michael Manring now please!
  15. I love it! I wouldn't spend that much and I don't like the stone and seashells or whatever he glued on, but I love the shape and the control pickguard. That may be my first DIY bass project!
  16. Lol, we played there two weeks ago. I can quote exactly every single word. It wasn't advertised anywhere and their website is shite. Furthermore they were showing the world cup quarter final, so there were more people in front of the tiny TV rather than in front of the tiny stage. My singer though went out in the street and managed to convince a group of 6 American girls to pay £6 and come see us. We were the band of the four with the biggest and best audience The sound guy insisted that Lemmy was a regular there back in the day, and that Deep Purple and AC-DC played there in the 70s.
  17. Now SOLD Mint conditions, never left the flat. It has velcro at the bottom but I can easily remove it if you don't need it. £40 collection from central London or I can post for an additional £3.
  18. I had one of those Peaveys for about a month. They are not great, construction was fairly poor. Good instrument for beginners, but nothing more.
  19. This is my absolute favourite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVELpokOD6s
  20. Maybe it's time I start using them too!
  21. Played the first gig with my new band tonight,my first gig in 10 years! We only played for 20 minutes opening a charity boxe event, in front of about 200 people. During our second song my bass strap fell off and somehow I managed not to let the bass fall. Apart for that and too many mistakes, I guess it went well. Looking forward to the next.
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