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Iacopo San

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Everything posted by Iacopo San

  1. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1484525744' post='3216160'] Something must be binding. When you move the saddle to the left, the string pitch will obviously go down as the string is shorter. When you retune to get it to get the open string back in tune before measuring the fretted pitch again, does the pitch change cleanly? -- edit - although that should only make a difference if the tension wasn't even in the string. [/quote] What do you mean by cleanly? When I move the saddle to the left the open string does change pitch yes, I tune it again and then check the 12th fret, and in my case the pitch at the 12th fret has lowered if I move the saddle to the left (closer to the pick ups). I wonder now if I do anything wrong? When I move the saddle towards the pick ups the saddle initially does not move due to the pressure of the string, so I have to lift the string from the saddle, and this is pushed towards the pick ups by the spring. Is that normal?
  2. I am using a fairly cheap electronic tuner connected via Jack cable. It picks up variations so i don't think that's the problem. When i move the saddles they have an effect on the tuning, but as i said opposite to what people are saying here? If i move the saddle to the left (closer to the pickups) i bring the tune of the 12th fret down, not up
  3. Once I move the saddle i do check the intonation for both open string and 12th fret. I left the intonation set up for last yes, i did all the rest before, but i didn't touch the truss rod as i would have to take the neck off on my model and I'd like to avoid it at the moment. From a visual check it seems ok though.
  4. Everything seems in order to be honest. What i don't understand also is why i need to shorten the length of the string to make the 12th fret less sharp, instead of lengthening as everyone is suggesting. :/
  5. Correct. Open strings are in tune and 12th fret is sharp (higher pitch) and to get it closer to tune i need to move the bridge saddles closer to the pick ups, but i reach the limit and at the 12th fret they remain sharp. This is only for the E and A strings.
  6. Slright, I don't understand... I tried lengthening the string instead of shortening by bringing the saddle closer to the bridge but this cause the 12th fret to be even more sharp (higher pitch). Maybe I am not explaining myself properly? And by moving closer to the pickup the 12th fret note gets closer to be in tune but the saddle gets to the limit and it is still a bit sharp.........
  7. Damn. I have been misled by a tutorial video on youtube, when I believe they said the opposite. And I did a small adjusment in that direction for the other strings and it seemed to work.Embarassing Thanks!
  8. Hi guys, I have some problems setting up the intonation on my Fender Precision Classic '50 Made in Mexico. I changed strings last week and I wanted to do a general set up today, I set the action and I wanted to change the intonation but the two lower strings seem to be sharp and moving the saddles doesn't change much. I moved the saddles all the way closer to the pick ups but the intonation at the 12th fret is still sharp. Any suggestions why this could be and what I coudl do to rectify this? I read somewhere that if setting up the bridge isn't enough to sort out the intonation there could be some issue with the strings? I am currently using nickel Rotosound and the bass has been unused in a wardrobe in a basement for 8 years. i also shipped it from Italy to the UK last month via courier.
  9. Hey oh, I thought I would drop a line to introduce myself. I'm 31, Italian but living in London now. I studied music since I was 6, clarinet first, electric bass from the age of 14, but I stopped playing altogether 7 years ago when I moved to London, UK. I had sold all my old gear except for my Fender Precision Classic '50 MIM Fiesta Red which is currently closed in a wardrobe in Italy, but I decided it's time to get back to music, at least to have some fun at home on my own, so I will bring it back to London with me at the end of the month. I didn't even spent a couple of days on Gumtree and other second hand market websites, that I again acquired an old familiar syndrome..... GAS!! A friend of mine suggested me to take a look at the Sire Marcus Miller V7 basses, and I immediately fell in love listening to some samples on youtube. I almost ordered one from a website but I decided to take back home my lovely P bass first and get familiar with it, and see in a couple of months. I absolutely love my Precision, but I also always wanted a Tobacco Sunburst Jazz, so I may sell my Precision to get one of those little fellas. Any idea what's the current value of a Fender Precision Classic '50 MIM, probably from the 90s or early 00s, in perfect conditions? I had a look around and I found people selling them for prices ranging from £500 to £850. Hope to learn and re-learn lots of interesting things from here Iacopo
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