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Everything posted by clivem

  1. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1505112122' post='3369458'] These are great strings. They feel much less stiff than D'Addario but still have that 'zing'. I've not tried them in anger yet, but at this price it might be worth stocking up. [/quote] Yeah, they are definitely lower tension than the "usual suspect" strings of the same gauge. That's probably because of the round, rather than hex core. Another thing, not that I've tried that many sets of SS, (I normally choose nickels), they are noticeably smoother on the fingers than other sets of SS I've tried. I'm still trying to get my head around the tone.... Seems to be slightly "scooped" in the mids.... Not necessarily a bad thing.
  2. Mine arrived too! I just re-strung my Gibson 2017 EB with them. I like the snap/bite. Think I'll order a couple more sets if they're still that price. Again, thanks for the heads-up. I've tried (and liked) some strings I wouldn't have tried otherwise.
  3. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1504942457' post='3368410'] That is a thing of beauty. I'm sure it'll sound as good as it looks. [/quote] LOL. No surprise you'd like that! Though, the checker-board finish might be a little tame for your stage persona. Rex Thunderbolt needs a 4 string with a body like this..... [url=http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ibanez-Customized-Paul-Stanley-Model-PS10-Japan-Swarovski-Rhinestones/172799296137]Ibanez 2016 Paul Stanley Model PS10, with the Swarovski Rhinestone Treatment.[/url] ...... which would be in keeping with a certain drummers mirror-ball mask.
  4. I think Headstock Distribution are still responsible for Ibanez distribution in the UK...... You'd need to go through them for "official" parts. But you can't do it directly. They will only sell to dealers, so my advice is to get the parts ordered from them, via your local Ibanez dealer. [quote name='Andreas' timestamp='1504979930' post='3368700'] Apologies if this is in the wrong area. I am looking for some replacement parts for my ibanez Sr1200. Recently I have noticed the tiny nut and washer holding the pickup switch in place has come off and would obviously like to replace these. Does anyone have any idea where I could get these bits? Thanks in advance. [/quote]
  5. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1504891155' post='3368149'] Well, it is a bit different than the others... [/quote] Interesting and different. The last time I saw that body shape, it was a guitar being used by Paul Stanley of KISS.
  6. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1504793330' post='3367363'] Lol! I think Woodinblack and clivem would say the same thing about Ibbys... [/quote] Don't get me started on "bass education without boundaries"...... <cough> Not even looked to see if he has included any Ibby's in his "guide".
  7. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1504733858' post='3367017'] Yes, the ATKs are odd things. I don't find them particularly attractive but they play very well and sound great. I have a very tatty 305 that I kept meaning to customise, but it just stays around the house getting played.[/quote] The ATK doesn't really appeal to me. But that ATK-810-NTF Premium, (so it comes with the "soft/hard" case), and looks super cool with the wood pickguard, that several dealers have now discounted to £625....... [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1504733858' post='3367017'] I have one more Ibanez coming to my collection at the end of the week, but its not an SR, or an ATK. More on that later. [/quote] Looking forward to hearing about that.
  8. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1504724010' post='3366925'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Now you are being [i]very[/i] rude: it was originally about Woodinblack's purhcase of a prestige SR5005 not a measly premium SR1800 (that was me) [/quote][/font][/color] Oh dear..... Doh! Yes, it started with a Prestige. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1504724010' post='3366925'] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]On a more serious note, your comments from my perspective have been entirely welcome and helpful. I know sometimes folk can get a bit "sensitive" on BC but, by and large, it's a really good crowd who share a common passion for all things bass. I, for one, have massively appreciated the willingness of folk such as your good self, to share their experiences and tips, for free, and continue to do so. Cheers.[/color][/font] [/quote] I've got a couple of my Ibby's in storage at the moment, but when I've got them all back in one place, you're more than welcome to come over (SE London) and have at 'em. (SR370, SR375, SR500, SR600, SR650, SR1400)
  9. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1504717715' post='3366882'] I don't think that there is anything even slightly controversial there, no, you won't get a P bass sound out of a SR, it is not what they are supposed to sound like. There are a lot of P Basses and PBass alikes out there.[/quote] LOL. I'm often seen as controversial, without even trying to be...... The reason I wrote that, is that I was reminded of a conversation from 20 years ago, where the discussion went roughly like this...... Me saying, you can't make a Les Paul sound like a Strat. If you wan't to sound like a quacking duck, go buy a Strat! Then me being told, that a PROFESSIONAL can make anything sound like anything he wants it to sound like. The inference being that I was just a bedroom/hobby player that didn't know what he was talking about..... Leave it to the PRO's...... Yeah right! Anyway, I'm mindful of the fact that I am posting my thoughts somewhere, where there are professional musicians in attendance, who probably can perform miracles with a cardboard cut-out bass and a jam jar amplifier! PS. Sorry for crapping all over your thread, which started out with you posting about your purchase of a SR1800. I think we should probably go and create a generic "Ibby SR chatter" thread.
  10. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1504711776' post='3366828'] I've got a separate Q on the SR 750s / 755s. [/quote] @jezzaboy is probably the best person to answer your questions, as he owns a 750......
  11. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1504711776' post='3366828'] How far does this change move the Ibby away from the "classic" P-Bass sound? Indeed, is it any longer fair to class it as a P-Bass? [/quote] I'm probably going to get shot for saying this..... I don't think you can get close to a classic P bass sound out of any SR. (I have a 650 with the ash body and the reversed CND split 'P' pickup). I'm not trying to be controversial, but if you want a bass to sound like a classic P, then buy a P'Bass. The CND pickups are very clean sounding, coupled with the active electronics and you are going to get a modern sound, not what I'd call the P sound/tone, if that's what you are looking for. I suspect in your case, that you'll get a more authentic P sound out of that BB you just bought than you would out of either SR650/750. And actually, that 750 scares me a bit if it does have the maple body. That's going to add bite, coupled with the "cleanliness" of the CND pickups.... I think you'd be moving further away from a traditional P tone with that, than you would be with the ash body of the 650. I actually prefer the 370 over the 300, because the maple body adds bite and definition, with the Ibby PowerSpan pickups. But by the time you get to the mid-range models with the licensed Bart Mk1's, I prefer the ash body SR600 over the SR500, (I've got both of those too). The mahogany body just doesn't have the depth/breadth of tone on the low notes. On both you are going to suffer harshness, lack of definition on the highs, that's why I don't like the licensed Barts.... Anyway back to the 750..... That CND split coil is clean/hi-fi sounding...... Coupled with "bite" from a maple body, I doubt you'll get anything approaching a P tone. But take that with a pinch of salt. I don't have a 750, just hypothetical based on my knowledge of pickups and body wood choices in the Ibby range.
  12. Interesting..... Not that it means anything as far as Europe getting stock is concerned..... [url="https://www.talkbass.com/threads/new-epiphone-basses.1263849/page-8#post-20396359"]Just got a call from Sweetwater. My sales guy Jeff says the pre ordered Embassy should be out the door in about two weeks from today...[/url]
  13. I'm a little confused about those SR750's. I could have swore it was a maple body with a bubinga top.... DV247 description says it is a mahogany body with bubinga top..... GuitarGuitar has walnut/maple in the title, but says "Bubinga top/Mahogany body" in the description. PMT description says "Bubinga top / Maple Body", which is what I thought it should be. Either these shops are not accurate with their descriptions, or perhaps Ibanez made two 750 models, one with maple body and another with mahogany.
  14. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1504655627' post='3366420'] PMT online seem to still have a couple in stock (although their website may not have been updated...) [/quote] Yes, seems there is stock out there at other retailers too..... [url="https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/14123112143758--ibanez-sr750-ntf-4-walnut-and-maple-natural-flat"]Ibanez SR750-NTF 4 Walnut and Maple Natural Flat @ GuitarGuitar[/url] [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/ibanez-sr750-4-string-bass-guitar-natural-flat--216515"]Ibanez SR750 4-String Bass Guitar Natural Flat @ DV247[/url]
  15. LOL. Just trying to get a rise out of you.
  16. Yep, the Neotech Mega Bass Strap is my strap of choice. I've tried the Comfort strap, a stupidly expensive 4" padded leather Levy, but always come back to the Mega strap. BTW, any idea on the weight of your BB1025X? Is that a 10lb'er?
  17. The Ibby is sidelined for a Yammy! LOL. I've been tempted to pick up either a 424 or 1024, now that they've been replaced with the new models, but have been scared away with stories of 10lb monsters...... I'm too partial to the 7-8lb of a SR to even contemplate a 10lb instrument! What do you reckon the 425 you've bought tips the scales at? Compared to the SR1800, on your shoulder, is it really noticeably heavier?
  18. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1503234934' post='3356583'] Still GASing for the SR750 - the licensed Nordys are calling out to me... [/quote] I think the 750 is discontinued now. The 650 is still current production. Just a shame we only get the "dark" choice in Europe. It looks like in the USofA they also have the "natural" as well as the "antique brown", or at least Sweetwater do.... Not sure if that finish is exclusive to them. (ISTR the 1400 with the black, rather than gold hardware, was exclusive to them.) [url="https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SR650ABS"]Ibanez SR650 - Antique Brown Stained @ Sweetwater[/url] [url="https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SR650NTF"]Ibanez SR650NTF - Natural Flat @ Sweetwater[/url] [quote name='edstraker123' timestamp='1504462543' post='3365058'] Now gassing for an SR756 - any possibility of me finding a used one do you think ? [/quote] I think you might find they are as rare as rocking horse doo-doo!
  19. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1504395560' post='3364643'] I see some demo's of the Embassy are appearing on you tube... can't add links as im on the work PC [/quote] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Der83hUU4Lc"]The Epiphone Embassy PRO Bass Review by Chris Catero[/url] (Although "review" is probably too strong a word for that video.) No doubt that it sounds fantastic! If the Embassy makes an appearance before the T'Bird, I think I might have to get me one! LOL
  20. [quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1504366400' post='3364426'] I wonder why the change. Could it be that the rectangular case did not fit all the Thunderbird models (sure I read this somewhere) and the new one does? [/quote] Don't know. I was expecting a rectangular case. That was the product photo Amazon used. I wasn't even aware there was a tapered version of the case.
  21. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1504348893' post='3364262'] What are the catches like? I have two Epiphone cases (Thunderbird & Casady) and both have dodgy catches [/quote] Catches seemed fine, not loose.
  22. [quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1502965080' post='3354671'] Epiphone 940-ETBCS Thunderbird case. Googling for pictures shows two versions of this case, one rectangular the other tapered. Which is the current version? [/quote] I received the Epi T-Bird case I ordered from Amazon last week for my Classic IV. It was the tapered version, not the rectangular.
  23. Thanks for the heads-up. They were on my "strings to try" list, so I've ordered a set.
  24. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1503817618' post='3360980'] Estimated delivery on the site is now mid October for the sunburst, but my order for one still says Sept first. Perhaps the first consignment has sold out on pre-orders? I should find out within a week! [/quote] I'm holding-off pulling the trigger until someone who has pre-ordered actually receives one..... So please post as soon as you do!
  25. [quote name='anzoid' timestamp='1503171005' post='3356247'] And yeah, like Pinball, really enjoying a decent Ibby thread. My first one was an SR300 in pewter that I foolishly moved on (it didn't sound good through an Orange 50W combo...). Would love to try an SR300e at some point. [/quote] Yeah, definitely try the "E" with the exposed pole piece pickups. A big step up from the old pups they put on the 300 series. Those 300E series and 370Es (with the maple body) are such good bang for the buck! With the powertap setting it's so easy to get a ballsy tone with "bite" and it seems that when I switch back from a higher series bass to the SR370E or SR375E I'm not having to settle for less...... I think I paid £150 for the 370e and £170 for the 375e, both second-hand, but mint. Outrageous value for money! That's the only problem with them, you buy em new, your going to take a haircut selling them used, but great from a buying perspective.
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