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Everything posted by andy67

  1. Have to say, I’m very interested in a 1024. I had a 424 of which did not work for me at all but the 1024, seems to be a different beast and more of a fit, for me.
  2. I really do regret parting with my BB1600 so, don’t do it!
  3. You did get a Spector! I really, really, really fancy one of those so, spill, what’s it like? 🤭
  4. This: Also, check out the Bugera Veyron doing its thing
  5. Some kind of EFBETS - European Flexible Bass Equipment Transferral Scheme.
  6. Aww went for the Police and possible Extreme reference, t-bass and Spector.
  7. Oh absolutely
  8. Oohh a stinger bass or maybe a Badger classic?
  9. Scexit next.
  10. elaborate please
  11. Very exciting times ahead and hopefully you guys are the catalyst and lead for full return of UK manufacturing.
  12. Good to see some manufacturing return to the UK, hopefully Ashdown will do the same and any other UK instrument/electronic/HiFi company will follow. Just think of Mission Cyrus 1 & 2 amps & Castle Speakers
  13. Definitely and whoever buys it is getting some instrument. 👍
  14. Wow! That’s a lot of bass for not much money! Parting out would definitely gather more funds for you. GLWTS, Andy
  15. Sea Foam Green
  16. Geezo! That is a pro rig for no money at all! All the best, Andy
  17. I have thought about it but just can't bring myself to do it!
  18. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-SB1200S-Super-Bass-through-neck-/294484710672?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  19. Glen's bass would absolutely do me nicely
  20. You should check out the BB714 BS, lots of learning in that one!
  21. Are you considering it?
  22. The pups look offset and re the position of the tone on PG, my instincts tell me it may possible be a Sheehan BB clone attempt underneath the PG. The space between the tone and Jack May have been getting ready for a second volume.
  23. I see, will check it out on TB as is very interesting. 😎
  24. Where did you see the white BB800?
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